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Ada van Ramerupt b. estimated 1090

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Lineage Montdidier-Roucy
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Ada van Ramerupt

Hildouin IV van Montdidier [Montdidier-Roucy] b. estimated 1015 d. about 1063

Alix de Roucy [Roucy] b. 1019 d. about 1063


estimated 1090 birth:

marriage: Godfried de Guise [Guise] b. estimated 1070 d. 1121

estimated 1105 child birth: Gui van Guise [Guise] b. estimated 1105 d. 1141


Zij hertrouwt met Wouter van Ath en daarna met Diederik van Avesnes, met wie ze het klooster van Lessies sticht.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ebles 1er de Roucy
birth: 988
title: 1000, comte de Roucy
divorce: Beatrix van Henegouwen
marriage: Beatrix van Henegouwen
religion: from 1021 - 1033, Reims (51), Archevêque de Reims
death: 11 March 1033, Reims (51)
Regnier V de Hainault
birth: about 995
death: after 1039
Manasses van Dammartin
title: graaf van Dammartin
Hildouin III van Montdidier
birth: before 970
title: Comte de Montdidier
property: Seigneur de Ramerupt
marriage: Lesceline Harcourt
death: 1033
William FitzRichard
birth: 978
marriage: Lesceline Harcourt
title: from 1040 - 1058, граф Э
death: 1058, 4 januari of 26 janauri
William FitzWilliam
birth: estimated 1010
marriage: w Aelis van Soissons
death: 1080
Robert d'Eu
birth: 8 September 1089
Hildouin IV van Montdidier
birth: estimated 1015
property: seigneur de Ramerupt
title: comte de Montdidier
marriage: Alix de Roucy
title: 1033, comte de Roucy
death: about 1063
Aelis van Roucy
birth: about 1012
marriage: Renaud van Soissons
death: 1063, Soissons
Isabelle de Roucy
birth: 1014
death: 1063
== 3 ==
Adele van Montdidier
birth: estimated 1045
birth: about 1068
burial: Saint-Hubert (Belgium), Abbey of St. Hubert in the Ardennes
Felicie of Roucy
marriage: Санчо I Рамирес Арагонский
title: 1076, Reine d'Aragon et de Pampelune
death: 3 May 1123
Ada van Ramerupt
birth: estimated 1060
death: after 1106
burial: Abbaye de Liessies
Ebles II de Roucy
title: 1063, comte de Roucy
marriage: Сибилла
death: May 1103
Godfried de Guise
birth: estimated 1070
property: seigneur de Guise
marriage: Ada van Ramerupt
death: 1121
== 3 ==
Gouye de Guise
birth: about 1088
Gui van Guise
birth: estimated 1105
property: seigneur de Guise et de Lesquielles
marriage: Adeline van Montmorency
death: 1141
Roricon de Roye
property: seigneur de Roye et de Germiny
marriage: Adeline de Guise

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