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Cunegonde de Luxembourg b. about 980 d. 3 March 1033

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Lineage Ardennes-Luxembourg
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Cunegonde de Luxembourg

Sigfried (Sigefroid) of Luxembourg [Ardennes-Luxembourg] b. between 918 and 929 d. 28 August 998

Hedwig van de Nordgau [Luitpolding] b. 937 d. 13 December 992

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Cunégonde_de_Luxembourg
Reference numbers GEDCOM::IdavanBoulogne.ged::INDI @I78302@::Kjansen


about 980 birth:

996 marriage: Henri II ? (Holy Roman Emperor) [Liudolf] b. between 6 May 973 and 978 d. 13 July 1024

3 March 1033 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Кунегунда Королевич
birth: between 888 and 895, Франківське королівство, Святе Римське царство
marriage: Wigerich (Voiry) van Lotharingen
marriage: Wigerich van Lotharingen
death: after 923, Франківське королівство, Святе Римське царство
Wigerich (Voiry) van Lotharingen
birth: about 870
title: comte de Bidgau
marriage: Кунегунда Королевич
title: 899, comte de Trèves
title: from 915 - 919, Пфальцграф Лотарингии
death: before 922, datum is 19 januari
burial: Hastière, St. Hadelinus abbey
Juditha von Babenburg
birth: 925
marriage: Henry I Liudolf
death: after 29 June 985
Arnulf II van Beieren
birth: about 913
marriage: Юдита ? (Баварська)
death: 22 July 954, Regensburg
Eberhard van Beieren
birth: about 912
marriage: Liutgard
title: 14 July 937, duc de Bavière
death: 940
Сваніла Луїтпольдович
birth: 925, Франківське королівство, Святе Римське царство
marriage: w Бурхард зі Східного Кордону
Luitpold de Babenberg
birth: 940
marriage: Richwarda d'Eppenstein
title: 976, Margrave de la Marche de l'Est
death: 994, Wurtzbourg
Бертольд Баварський Луїтпольдович
birth: estimated 915, Франківське королівство
title: Північне маркграфство, Франківське королівство
marriage: Heliksuinda van Waldbeck
death: 16 January 980, Швайнфурт, Франківське королівство
Heliksuinda van Waldbeck
birth: estimated 920
marriage: Бертольд Баварський Луїтпольдович
death: 19 August 1015
burial: dom van Schweinfurt
Friedrich I von Oberlothringen
birth: between 910 and 915
title: from 950 - 978, 1-й Граф де Бар-лё-Дюк
marriage license: Beatrix Capet
marriage: Beatrix Capet
title: from 959 - 978, Герцог Верхней Лотарингии
death: June 978
Gozelo Verdun (d'Ardenne)
birth: 911
marriage: Uda (Voda) van Metz
death: between 19 October 942 and 16 February 943
Luitgard van Lotharingen
birth: estimated 910
marriage: Eberhard IV van de Nordgau
death: after 8 April 960
Adalbero I von Bar
title: 929, Bischof von Metz
death: 962, Sint-Truiden
Sigfried (Sigefroid) of Luxembourg
birth: between 918 and 929
title: Comte de Luxembourg
marriage: Hedwig van de Nordgau
death: 28 August 998
Hendrik van Schweinfurt
birth: estimated 950
title: margrave de Nordgau
marriage: Gerberge van Gleiberg
death: 8 September 1017
burial: bij de kloosterkerk van Schweinfurt
== 3 ==
Liutgard van Luxemburg
birth: estimated 960, Brussels
marriage: Arnulf of Gent (of Westfriesland, of Holland)
death: after 14 May 1003
burial: Egmond aan den Hoef, Egmond Abbey
Henri II ? (Holy Roman Emperor)
birth: between 6 May 973 and 978
marriage: Cunegonde de Luxembourg
title: 1002, Святое Римское царство, романский царь (император)
burial: 1024, Bamberg, Allemagne
death: 13 July 1024, Göttingen, Allemagne
== 3 ==

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