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Catarina de Castille b. 1403 d. 1439
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Trastamare |
Sex | Female |
Full name (at birth) | Catarina de Castille |
♀ w Catherine Lancaster (Plantagenet) [Lancaster] b. 31 March 1373 d. 2 June 1418 ♂ w Henry III of Castile [Trastámara] b. 4 October 1379 d. 25 December 1406 |
1403 birth:
marriage: ♂ Henry of Aragon [Trastámara-Aragon] b. 1400 d. 1445
1439 death:
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From grandparents to grandchildren
birth: 15 June 1330, Woodstock (Oxfordshire), England, Woodstock Palace
title: 15 June 1330, Earl of Chester
marriage: ♀ Joan Plantagenet
title: 19 June 1362, Duke of Cornwall, the first creation of an English duke
death: 8 June 1376
title: 15 June 1330, Earl of Chester
marriage: ♀ Joan Plantagenet
title: 19 June 1362, Duke of Cornwall, the first creation of an English duke
death: 8 June 1376

birth: 5 June 1341, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, England
title: 1362, Earl of Cambridge
marriage: ♀ Isabella of Castile
title: 1385, Duke of York, 1st
marriage: ♀ Joan de Holland
death: 1 August 1402, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire
title: 1362, Earl of Cambridge
marriage: ♀ Isabella of Castile
title: 1385, Duke of York, 1st
marriage: ♀ Joan de Holland
death: 1 August 1402, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire
♀ Isabella Plantagenet
birth: 16 June 1332, Woodstock (Oxfordshire), England
marriage: ♂ Enguerrand VII de Coucy
death: before 4 May 1379, London, England
marriage: ♂ Enguerrand VII de Coucy
death: before 4 May 1379, London, England
♀ Joan Plantagenet
birth: about February 1334, Woodstock (Oxfordshire), England
death: 2 September 1348, Bayonne, France
death: 2 September 1348, Bayonne, France
♂ William Plantagenet (of Hatfield)
birth: before 16 February 1336, Hatfield (Hertfordshire), England
death: before 8 July 1337, England, Hatfield
death: before 8 July 1337, England, Hatfield
♂ William Plantagenet (of Windsor)
birth: 24 June 1348, Windsor (Berkshire), England
death: September 1348
death: September 1348
♂ Thomas Plantagenet (Woodstock)
birth: 7 January 1355, Woodstock (Oxfordshire), England
marriage: ♀ w Eleanor de Bohun
death: 8 September 1397, Calais, France
marriage: ♀ w Eleanor de Bohun
death: 8 September 1397, Calais, France
♀ Mary d'Angleterre
birth: 1344
birth: July 1355, Londres, Duchesse de Bretagne et Comtesse de Montfort
marriage: ♂ John V de Bretagne , London
death: 1362
birth: July 1355, Londres, Duchesse de Bretagne et Comtesse de Montfort
marriage: ♂ John V de Bretagne , London
death: 1362
♀ Catherine Roet (Swynford)
birth: about 1350
marriage: ♂ Hugh Swynford , London, England
marriage: ♂ John of Gaunt Plantagenet , Lincoln (England), Lincoln Cathedral
title: 13 January 1396, Lincoln (England), Duchesse de Lancastre
death: 10 May 1403, Lincoln (England)
marriage: ♂ Hugh Swynford , London, England
marriage: ♂ John of Gaunt Plantagenet , Lincoln (England), Lincoln Cathedral
title: 13 January 1396, Lincoln (England), Duchesse de Lancastre
death: 10 May 1403, Lincoln (England)

birth: 25 March 1345, Lindsey (Lincolnshire), England, Bolingbroke Castle
marriage: ♂ John of Gaunt Plantagenet , Reading (Berkshire), England, Reading Abbey
title: 19 May 1359, Londres, Comtesse de Richmond
title: 1361, Comtesse de Lancastre, de Derby, de Lincoln et de Leicester
title: 13 November 1362, Londres, Duchesse de Lancastre
death: 12 September 1369, England
marriage: ♂ John of Gaunt Plantagenet , Reading (Berkshire), England, Reading Abbey
title: 19 May 1359, Londres, Comtesse de Richmond
title: 1361, Comtesse de Lancastre, de Derby, de Lincoln et de Leicester
title: 13 November 1362, Londres, Duchesse de Lancastre
death: 12 September 1369, England
♀ Isabella of Castile
birth: 1355
marriage: ♂ Edmund of Langley Plantagenet
title: 1 March 1372, Hertford (Hertfordshire), Comtesse de Cambridge
title: 1385, Duchess of York
death: 23 November 1393
marriage: ♂ Edmund of Langley Plantagenet
title: 1 March 1372, Hertford (Hertfordshire), Comtesse de Cambridge
title: 1385, Duchess of York
death: 23 November 1393
♂ Juan de Castilla
birth: 1355, Sevilla
death: 1405, Castillo de Soria, Soria, Muere encarcelado por Enrique II, aunque según el tratado de Bayona de 1388 debería haber sido puesto en libertad.
burial: Convento de Santo Domingo el Real de Madrid, Trasladado aquí por su hija Constanza que era la priora que también había trasladado al mismo lugar los restos de su abuelo Pedro I.
burial: 1405, Colegiata de San Pedro de Soria
burial: 1869, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Trasladado por demolición del convento de Santo Domingo
burial: 1877, Capilla Real de la catedral de Sevilla, Trasladado desde el Museo Arqueológico Nacional
death: 1405, Castillo de Soria, Soria, Muere encarcelado por Enrique II, aunque según el tratado de Bayona de 1388 debería haber sido puesto en libertad.
burial: Convento de Santo Domingo el Real de Madrid, Trasladado aquí por su hija Constanza que era la priora que también había trasladado al mismo lugar los restos de su abuelo Pedro I.
burial: 1405, Colegiata de San Pedro de Soria
burial: 1869, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Trasladado por demolición del convento de Santo Domingo
burial: 1877, Capilla Real de la catedral de Sevilla, Trasladado desde el Museo Arqueológico Nacional
♂ Alfonso Enríquez de Castilla (Count of Gijón y Noreña)
birth: 1355
title: November 1368, Conde de Noroña y de Gijon
title: 1372, Santiago de Compostela, Conde de Noreña e de Gijón
marriage: ♀ Isabel Viseu (of Portugal) , Santarém (Portugal)
death: 27 August 1395
title: November 1368, Conde de Noroña y de Gijon
title: 1372, Santiago de Compostela, Conde de Noreña e de Gijón
marriage: ♀ Isabel Viseu (of Portugal) , Santarém (Portugal)
death: 27 August 1395
♀ Eleanor de Castille
birth: 1364
title: Infante de Castille
marriage: ♂ Carlos III de Navarra , Soria
title: 27 May 1375, Soria, Princesse héritière de Navarre
title: 1 January 1387, Pampelune, Reine de Navarre
death: 1416
title: Infante de Castille
marriage: ♂ Carlos III de Navarra , Soria
title: 27 May 1375, Soria, Princesse héritière de Navarre
title: 1 January 1387, Pampelune, Reine de Navarre
death: 1416
♀ Beatriz de Castilla y Ponce de León
title: Señora de Niebla, Condesa de Niebla
marriage: ♂ Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán y Osorio
death: 1409
marriage: ♂ Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán y Osorio
death: 1409
♂ Henri de Cabra
birth: 1377
title: duc de Cabra et de Medina Sidonia
property: seigneur de Morón, Alcalá de los Gazules, Portillo et Aranda de Duero
death: 1404
burial: Cordoue, enterré dans la cathédrale de Cordoue
title: duc de Cabra et de Medina Sidonia
property: seigneur de Morón, Alcalá de los Gazules, Portillo et Aranda de Duero
death: 1404
burial: Cordoue, enterré dans la cathédrale de Cordoue
♀ Beatrice de Portugal
birth: 1373, Coimbra
title: 14 May 1383, Elvas, Reine de Castille et de Leon
marriage: ♂ Juan I of Castile , Elvas
death: 1420, Madrigalejo
title: 14 May 1383, Elvas, Reine de Castille et de Leon
marriage: ♂ Juan I of Castile , Elvas
death: 1420, Madrigalejo
♂ John I of Aragon
birth: 27 December 1350
marriage: ♀ Marthe d'Armagnac , Barcelone, selon, 24 juin de la même année selon Wikipedia.en
marriage: ♀ Violante von Bar , Perpignan
title: 5 January 1387, King of Aragon
death: 19 May 1396, fall from horse
marriage: ♀ Marthe d'Armagnac , Barcelone, selon, 24 juin de la même année selon Wikipedia.en
marriage: ♀ Violante von Bar , Perpignan
title: 5 January 1387, King of Aragon
death: 19 May 1396, fall from horse

birth: 29 July 1356, Perpignan, oder Girona
title: 1368, король Сицилии, 20-й под именем Мартин II Старший)
marriage: ♀ María Lopez de Luna
title: May 1372, король Арагона, 16-й
title: 19 May 1396, Barcelona
other: 13 April 1399, Saragosse, Couronnement
marriage: ♀ Marguerite de Prades
death: 31 May 1410, Barcelone
title: 1368, король Сицилии, 20-й под именем Мартин II Старший)
marriage: ♀ María Lopez de Luna
title: May 1372, король Арагона, 16-й
title: 19 May 1396, Barcelona
other: 13 April 1399, Saragosse, Couronnement
marriage: ♀ Marguerite de Prades
death: 31 May 1410, Barcelone
♀ Constanza d'Aragon
birth: 1343
marriage: ♂ w Fadric de Sicile (Fadric III) , Catania
title: 11 April 1361, Catane, Reine de Sicile
death: 1363
marriage: ♂ w Fadric de Sicile (Fadric III) , Catania
title: 11 April 1361, Catane, Reine de Sicile
death: 1363

birth: about 1379, Anjou, France, Beaufort Castle
marriage: ♂ Robert Ferrers , Goudet, Anjou, France, Beaufort Castle
marriage: ♂ Ralph Neville , Goudet, France, Chateau De Beaufort
death: 13 November 1440, Howden, Yorkshire (England)
marriage: ♂ Robert Ferrers , Goudet, Anjou, France, Beaufort Castle
marriage: ♂ Ralph Neville , Goudet, France, Chateau De Beaufort
death: 13 November 1440, Howden, Yorkshire (England)
♂ John Beaufort
birth: 1371, Lincolnshire (England), Pottersgate
marriage: ♀ Margaret Holland
death: 16 March 1410, London, England
marriage: ♀ Margaret Holland
death: 16 March 1410, London, England

birth: 3 April 1367, Bolingbroke (Lincolnshire), England, Bolingbroke Castle
marriage: ♀ Mary Bohun , Sussex (England)
title: from 1397 - 1399, Comte de Northampton
title: 29 September 1397, Londres, Comte de Lancastre, de Derby, de Leicester et Duc d'Hereford et de Lancastre
title: from 4 February 1399 - 20 March 1413, King of England
other: 13 October 1399, Londres, Couronnement
marriage: ♀ Juana de Navarra , London
death: 21 March 1413, London, England
marriage: ♀ Mary Bohun , Sussex (England)
title: from 1397 - 1399, Comte de Northampton
title: 29 September 1397, Londres, Comte de Lancastre, de Derby, de Leicester et Duc d'Hereford et de Lancastre
title: from 4 February 1399 - 20 March 1413, King of England
other: 13 October 1399, Londres, Couronnement
marriage: ♀ Juana de Navarra , London
death: 21 March 1413, London, England
♀ Philippa Lancaster
birth: 31 March 1360
marriage: ♂ John I of Portugal , Porto, Portugal
title: 11 February 1387, Porto, Reine du Portugal et des Algarves
death: 17 July 1415
marriage: ♂ John I of Portugal , Porto, Portugal
title: 11 February 1387, Porto, Reine du Portugal et des Algarves
death: 17 July 1415
♀ Elizabeth Plantagenet
birth: 21 February 1363, Burford (Shropshire), England
death: 24 November 1425
death: 24 November 1425

birth: 27 November 1380, Medina del Campo
marriage: ♀ Eleanor of Alburquerque
title: 28 June 1412, King of Aragon
death: 2 April 1416, Igualada
marriage: ♀ Eleanor of Alburquerque
title: 28 June 1412, King of Aragon
death: 2 April 1416, Igualada
== 3 ==

birth: 4 March 1405
title: 4 March 1405, Toro (España), Prince des Asturies
title: 25 December 1406, King of Castile
marriage: ♀ w Maria of Aragon
marriage: ♀ w Isabella Aviz , Burgos
death: 20 July 1454
title: 4 March 1405, Toro (España), Prince des Asturies
title: 25 December 1406, King of Castile
marriage: ♀ w Maria of Aragon
marriage: ♀ w Isabella Aviz , Burgos
death: 20 July 1454
♀ María of Castile
birth: 14 November 1401, Segovia, Kingdom of Castile
title: 14 November 1401, Princess of Asturias
marriage: ♂ Alfonso V of Aragon , Valencia (Spain), Kingdom of Aragon, Cathedral of Valencia
title: 12 June 1415, Infanta of Aragon
title: 2 April 1416, Queen of Aragon
other: 2 April 1416, Reine d'Aragon, de Valence, de Sardaigne, de Majorque, de Sicile et Comtesse de Barcelone, de Roussillon et de Cerdagne
death: 7 September 1458, Valencia (Spain), Kingdom of Aragon
title: 14 November 1401, Princess of Asturias
marriage: ♂ Alfonso V of Aragon , Valencia (Spain), Kingdom of Aragon, Cathedral of Valencia
title: 12 June 1415, Infanta of Aragon
title: 2 April 1416, Queen of Aragon
other: 2 April 1416, Reine d'Aragon, de Valence, de Sardaigne, de Majorque, de Sicile et Comtesse de Barcelone, de Roussillon et de Cerdagne
death: 7 September 1458, Valencia (Spain), Kingdom of Aragon
== 3 ==