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Heinrich II von Schwarzburg

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Lineage Schwarzburg
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Heinrich II von Schwarzburg

Günther II de Schwarzbourg-Kevernburg [Schwarzbourg] d. 1 January 1197

Gertrud von Wettin [Wettin] d. before 1180



child birth: Gunther VII von Schwarzburg-Blankenburg [Schwarzburg]

child birth: Elisabeth von Schwarzburg-Blankenburg [Schwarzburg]

title: comte de Schwarzbourg

title: comte de Kevernburg

title: comte d'Ilmenau

title: comte d'Arnstadt

marriage: Irmgard von Orlamunde [Orlamunde] d. about 1222

20 February 1236 death:

[edit] Sources

  1. - wikipedia bg Хайнрих II (Шварцбург-Бланкенбург)
  2. - wikipedia ru Генрих II (Шварцбург-Бланкенбург)
  3. - wikidata Heinrich II
  4. - wikipedia de Heinrich I. (Schwarzburg)
  5. - wikipedia bg Хайнрих I фон Шварцбург / Heinrich I
  6. - wikipedia bg Гюнтер III (Шварцбург-Кефернбург) / Günther III
  7. - wikipedia Siegfried III d'Orlamunde
  8. - wikidata Siegfried III de Weimar-Orlamunde
  9. - wikidata Irmgard von Weimar-Orlamünde
  10. - wikipedia Maison d'Ascanie
  11. - wikidata Sophie of Denmark
  12. - wikipedia Maison de Schwarzbourg
  13. - les Schwarzbourg

From grandparents to grandchildren

Sizzo III de Schwarzbourg-Kevernburg
birth: about 1093
title: 1114, comte de Schwarzbourg
marriage: Гизела фон дер Марк
title: 1137, comte de Kevernburg
death: 19 June 1160
Everhard I van Altena
birth: about 1130, Altena, Markischer Kreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
marriage: Adelheid van Cuyk-Arnsberg
death: 23 January 1180, Altena, Markischer Kreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Engelbert I de Berg
title: 12 October 1170, Comte de Clèves
death: July 1189
Бруно III фон Берг
birth: about 1140, Святое Римское царство
title: 1191, Кёльн, Святое Римское царство, архиепископ
death: about 1200, Святое Римское царство
Conrad I "the Great" Wettin of Meissen and Lausitz
birth: about 1098
marriage: Luitgard van Elchingen
title: from 1130 - 1156, Margrave of Meissen
title: from 1136 - 1156, Markgraf der Ober- u. Niederlausitz
title: from 1136 - 1156, margrave de Lusace
title: to 1157, Graf von Wettin
death: 5 February 1157, Halle (Saale)
burial: after 5 February 1157, Halle (Saale), Augustiner-Chorherrenstift St.-Peter auf dem Lauterberg
Luitgard van Elchingen
birth: estimated 1105
marriage: Conrad I "the Great" Wettin of Meissen and Lausitz
death: 19 June 1145, Klooster, Gerbstedt
burial: Klooster, Gerbstedt
Günther II de Schwarzbourg-Kevernburg
title: comte de Schwarzbourg
title: comte de Kevernburg
marriage: Gertrud von Wettin
marriage: Adelheid von Loccum-Hallermund
title: 1191, comte de Loccum-Hallermund
death: 1 January 1197
Dietrich II
birth: about 1118
marriage: Leuitgarda ? (Drovomira)
divorce: Leuitgarda ? (Drovomira)
title: from 1156 - 9 February 1185, Margrave Sorb
death: 9 February 1185
Otto II von Meißen
birth: 1125
marriage: Hedwig Askanier von Brandenburg
title: from 5 February 1157 - 18 February 1190, Markgraf von Meißen
death: 18 February 1190
Heinrich I von Wettin
birth: about 1142
death: 1181
Дедо III фон Веттин
marriage: w Mechthilde van Heinsberg
birth: about 1130
death: 16 August 1190, Базилика Санта-Кроче
burial: Kloster Wechselburg
Adélaide de Wettin
marriage: w Sven de Danemark (Sven III)
title: from 1152 - 1157, reine consort de Danemark
marriage: Albrecht de Ballenstedt (Albrecht III)
death: 23 October 1181
== 3 ==
Heinrich II von Schwarzburg
title: comte de Schwarzbourg
title: comte de Kevernburg
title: comte d'Ilmenau
title: comte d'Arnstadt
marriage: Irmgard von Orlamunde
death: 20 February 1236
== 3 ==
Gunther VII von Schwarzburg-Blankenburg
title: comte de Schwarzbourg
children count: 9 dont 5 garçons et 4 filles
marriage: София
burial: Stadtilm, monastère d'Ilm du Langraviat de Thuringue
Henri V de Schwarzbourg-Blankenburg
marriage: Sophia Danilovna
title: 1275, comte de Schwarzbourg-Blankenburg
death: 2 May 1285

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