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Guglielmo de Montferrat d. before 991

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Lineage Alérame
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Guglielmo de Montferrat

Waleram (Alérame) de Montferrat [Aleramici] b. 904 d. 991

Gerberga d'Ivrée [Ivrée] b. 945 d. 986


before 991 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Berengar II of Ivrea
birth: estimated 900, Turin, Italy
title: from 930 - 966, Margrave of Ivrea
title: from 930 - 952, Margrave of Friuli
marriage: Willa III of Tuscany
title: from 950 - 961, King of Italy
death: 6 August 966, Bamberg, Germany
burial: Regensburg, Bayern, Germany
Bertha of Tuscany
birth: Тосканское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
Waleram (Alérame) de Montferrat
birth: 904, Sezzadio, royaume d'Italie du Saint-Empire
title: marquis de Montferrat
title: marquis de Savone
marriage: Gerberga d'Ivrée
death: 991, Grazzano Badoglio, royaume d'Italie du Saint-Empire
Adalbert of Ivrea
birth: 936
title: comte d'Aoste
title: comte de Lombardie
title: marquis margrave d'Ivrée
marriage: w Gerberga van Mâcon
death: 30 April 971
Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
birth: estimated 950, Italy
marriage: Arnulf II Flanders
marriage: Robert II Capet
other: Robert II Capet , Répudiation
death: 7 February 1003, Compiègne, France
burial: Ghent (Belgium)
== 3 ==
Otton Ier de Montferrat
title: marquis de Montferrat
death: 991
Antelme I del Vasto (de Montferrat)
marriage: Gisela de Vicence (di Vincenza)
title: 991, Marquis de Ligurie Orientale
death: between 999 and 1014
Guglielmo de Montferrat
death: before 991
== 3 ==

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