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Małgorzata b. 21 February 1296 d. 8 April 1322

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Lineage Przemyślidzi
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Małgorzata

Wenceslaus II of Bohemia [Premyslid] b. 27 September 1271 d. 21 June 1305

Юдита Габсбург [Габсбург] b. 13 March 1271 d. 21 May 1297

Wiki-page wikipedia:pl:Małgorzata Przemyślidka


21 February 1296 birth: Prague

child birth: Венцель I Пястович из Силезии-Легницы [Пясты] d. 2 June 1364

before 13 January 1303 marriage: w Boleslaw III von Brieg und Liegnitz [Piasten] b. 23 September 1291 d. 21 April 1352

between 1313 and 1321 child birth: Ludwig I von Liegnitz [Piasten] b. between 1313 and 1321 d. 1398

8 April 1322 death:


Małgorzata Przemyślidka (ur. 21 lutego 1296 zapewne w Pradze; zm. 8 kwietnia 1322 w Hradcu Královym) – królewna czeska, księżna brzesko-legnicka.

Małgorzata była córka króla Czech Wacława II i jego pierwszej żony Guty. Zapewne w styczniu 1303 poślubiła księcia brzesko-legnickiego Bolesława III Rozrzutnego. Małżeństwo miało początkowo charakter formalny z powodu zbyt młodego wieku nowożeńców (Bolesław miał 11 lat, Małgorzata niecałe 7). Dopełnienie nastąpiło zapewne w latach 1308-1310.

Małgorzata nie otrzymała stosownego wiana. W 1308 jej mąż opanował księstwo opawskie. W maju 1311 Bolesław Rozrzutny zawarł w Ołomuńcu układ z swoim szwagrem królem czeskim Janem Luksemburskim. Na jego mocy w zamian za 8000 grzywien zwrócił księstwo opawskie Czechom i zrezygnował z posagu żony. Odpowiedni dokument wystawił Bolesław w Ołomuńcu 11 czerwca 1311.

Małgorzata zmarła przy porodzie syna Mikołaja. Została pochowana w klasztorze w Zbrasławiu. Po śmierci żony Bolesław Rozrzutny ożenił się ponownie w 1326 z Karzyną Šubić, córka bana Chorwacji Mladena II.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Bożena Przemyślidka
birth: about 1231
marriage: Otton III Pobożny Askańczyk
title: 1243, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 25 May 1296, Breslau
Anezka de Bohême
birth: 1244, Prague
death: 1268
Margrethe d'Autriche
birth: about 1204
marriage: Heinrich VII , Nuremberg
marriage: Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia
title: 1252, Duchesse de Moravie
title: 22 September 1253, Reine de Bohême
divorce: Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia
death: 29 October 1266, Krumau am Kamp
Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia
birth: 1230, Městec Králové
marriage: Agnes von Kuenring
title: 1247, Duc de Moravie
marriage: Margrethe d'Autriche
title: 22 September 1253, King of Bohemia
divorce: Margrethe d'Autriche
marriage: Kunigunda of Galich
death: 26 August 1278, Dürnkrut (Austria)
Elizabeth Rostislavna
other: в 1-м браке за болгарским царём Михаилом I Асенем
other: в 2-м браке за болгарским царём Коломаном II Асенем
other: в 3-м браке за палатином Венгрии Моиша II Дарои
marriage: Коломан II Асень
marriage: Моиш II / Moys / Дарои/Dárói/
marriage: Michael I Asen
Bela ? (Gorislavich)
title: from - November 1272, бан Мачвы
death: November 1272
Michael ? (Gorislavich)
title: from - 1270, бан Боснии
marriage: Мария Ивановна Асень
death: 1270
Kunigunda of Galich
birth: 1245, Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
title: 1261, Reine de Bohême
marriage: Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia
death: 9 September 1285, Krumlov
Альбрехт II фон Хохенберг-Ротенбург
birth: about 1235, Князівство Німецьке, Священне Римське Царство
marriage: w Ursula von Oettingen
title: from 14 July 1253 - 17 April 1298, Князівство Німецьке, Священне Римське Царство, Graf von Hohenberg
marriage: Margarethe von Fürstenberg , Singen, Germany, Burg Hohenfriedingen
death: 17 April 1298, Burg Leinstetten, Dornhan, Baden-Württemberg, Князівство Німецьке, Священне Римське Царство
burial: after 17 April 1298, Kloster Kirchberg, Sulz am Neckar, Князівство Німецьке, Священне Римське Царство
Gertrud de Hohenberg
birth: about 1225, Deilingen
marriage: Rudolph I Habsburg
title: 1245, Comtesse de Habsbourg
title: 1 September 1273, Rome, Reine des Romains
title: 26 August 1278, Dürnkrut (Autriche), Duchesse d'Autriche, de Styrie, de Carinthie et de Carniole
death: 16 February 1281, Vienne (Autriche)
Albrecht V. von Habsburg
caste: Domherr à Bâle et Strasbourg
death: 1 January 1256, Milan
Kunigunde von Habsburg
birth: before 1207, Fribourg-en-Brisgau, Château Limburg
occupation: None au monastère Adelhausen
marriage: Alwig V von Sulz
death: 31 January 1254
Isabelle de Bourgogne
birth: 1270
title: 1284, Reine des Romains et Duchesse d'Autriche, de Styrie, de Carinthie et de Carniole
marriage: Rudolph I Habsburg
death: 1323
Rudolph I Habsburg
birth: 1 May 1218
title: 1239, Count of Habsburg
marriage: Gertrud de Hohenberg
title: 1 October 1273, King of Germany
title: 24 October 1273, Aachen, Souverain du Saint-Empire romain germanique, couronnement
title: from 1276 - 1286, Duke of Carinthia
title: from 1276 - 1286, Duke of Carniola
title: from 26 August 1278 - 27 December 1282, Duke of Austria
title: from 26 August 1278 - 27 December 1282, Duke of Styria
marriage: Isabelle de Bourgogne
death: 15 July 1291, Speyer
Nikolaus I of Troppau
birth: about 1255
marriage: Adelheid von Habsburg
title: after 1269, Князь Троппау
death: 26 July 1318
Agneska de Bohême
birth: 1268
title: 1289, Prague, Duchesse de Souabe
marriage: Rudolf de Habsbourg (Rudolf II d'Autriche) , Prague
death: 1296
Hendrik de Bohême
birth: 1262
death: 1263
Kunigunde de Bohême
birth: 1265
death: 1321
Elzbieta de Grande-Pologne
birth: 1 September 1288, Poznań
title: 26 May 1303, Prague, Reine de Bohême, Duchesse de Sandomierz, de Cracovie, de Pologne et de Haute-Pologne
marriage: Wenceslaus II of Bohemia , Poznań
title: 16 October 1306, Poznań, Duchesse d'Autriche et de Styrie
marriage: Rudolf I of Bohemia , Poznań
death: 19 October 1335, Brno
Wenceslaus II of Bohemia
birth: 27 September 1271, Prague
title: 26 August 1278, King of Bohemia
marriage: Юдита Габсбург , Cheb (Czech Republic), (Egra)
title: 1292, King of Poland
title: 1295, Prague
title: 1300, Roi de Pologne et Duc de Grande-Pologne
marriage: Elzbieta de Grande-Pologne , Poznań
death: 21 June 1305, Prague
Mathilde Habsburg von Österreich
birth: 1251, Rheinfelden AG
marriage: Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II) , Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
title: 1273, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
death: 23 December 1304
Albert I of Austria
birth: July 1255
marriage: Єлизавета Тирольська Мейнхард , Vienne (Autriche)
title: 1282, Duke of Styria
title: 1298, Margrave of Meißen
title: from 1298 - 1308, Römisch-deutscher König
death: 1 May 1308
Klementia of Habsburg
birth: 1262
marriage: Charles Martel of Anjou , Vienna (Austria)
title: 11 January 1281, Vienne (Autriche), Princesse héritière de Hongrie
title: 10 July 1290, Kőröshegy, Reine de Hongrie
death: 8 February 1293
Agnes de Habsbourg
birth: about 1257, Rheinfelden (Baden), ville libre du Saint-Empire romain germanique
marriage: Albrecht II von Sachsen-Wittenberg
title: 1273, duchesse de Saxe
death: 11 October 1322, Wittemberg, duché de Saxe-Wittemberg
Hedwig de Habsbourg
birth: 1259
marriage: Otto de Brandebourg (Otto IV)
title: 1279, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1286
Katharina von Habsburg
birth: about 1256, Rheinfelden
marriage: w Otto III von Bayern
death: 4 April 1282, Landshut
Hartmann de Habsbourg
birth: 1263
death: 1281
Rudolf de Habsbourg (Rudolf II d'Autriche)
birth: 1270
title: 1282, Duc d'Autriche et de Styrie
other: 1 June 1283, Vienne (Autriche), Renonciation aux Duchés
title: 1289, Duc de Souabe
marriage: Agneska de Bohême , Prague
death: 10 May 1290
Юдита Габсбург
birth: 13 March 1271, Райнфельден, Швабия
title: 24 January 1285, Egra, Королева Чехии
marriage: Wenceslaus II of Bohemia , Cheb (Czech Republic), (Egra)
title: 1292, Duchesse de Sandomierz
title: 1295, Великая княгиня Польши (Кракова)
death: 21 May 1297, Прага, Королевство Богемия
== 3 ==
Eliska La Boheme (Premyslovna)
birth: 20 January 1292, Prague, Czechoslovakia
marriage: John of Bohemia
title: 1 September 1310, Prague, Queen consort of Bohemia
title: 24 August 1313, Buonconvento, Countess of Luxembourg
death: 28 September 1330, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Vysehard
Wenceslaus III of Bohemia
birth: 6 October 1289, Prague
title: 14 January 1301, King of Hungary
title: 21 January 1305, King of Croatia
marriage: w Viola de Cieszyn , Prague
death: 4 August 1306, Olomouc
Anne of Bohemia
birth: 15 October 1290, Prague
marriage: Henry of Bohemia
title: 1306, Duchesse de Carinthie
title: 4 August 1306, Olomouc, Reine consort de Bohême
death: 3 September 1313, Carinthia
Guta de Bohême
death: 21 May 1297, Prague
Otakar de Bohême
birth: 6 May 1288, Prague
death: 19 November 1288, Prague
Agneszka de Bohême
birth: 6 October 1289, Prague
death: 1296
Guta de Bohême
birth: 3 March 1293, Prague
death: 3 August 1294, Prague
Hans de Bohême
birth: 26 February 1294, Prague
death: 1 March 1295, Prague
Hans de Bohême
birth: 21 February 1295, Prague
death: 6 December 1296, Prague
Agneszka de Bohême
birth: 15 June 1305, Prague
death: 1336
Boleslaw III von Brieg und Liegnitz
birth: 23 September 1291
marriage: Małgorzata
death: 21 April 1352
birth: 21 February 1296, Prague
marriage: Boleslaw III von Brieg und Liegnitz
death: 8 April 1322
== 3 ==
Ludwig I von Liegnitz
birth: between 1313 and 1321
marriage: Agnes von Schlesien-Glogau
death: 1398
Анна Цешинская Пястович
birth: 1325, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: Венцель I Пястович из Силезии-Легницы
death: 1367, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
Венцель I Пястович из Силезии-Легницы
marriage: Анна Цешинская Пястович
death: 2 June 1364, Силезия, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
Albert I of Bavaria
birth: 25 July 1336, Munich, Bavaria
title: 11 October 1347, Count of Hainaut
title: 1349, Count of Holland
title: 1353, Count of Zeeland
marriage: Margareta von Schlesien-Liegnitz
death: 13 December 1404, The Hague
Margareta von Schlesien-Liegnitz
birth: about 13 February 1346
marriage: Albert I of Bavaria
title: 19 July 1383, Passau, Duchesse de Bavière-Straubing
death: about 20 February 1386
Hedwig (Jadwiga) of Sagan
birth: 1350, Zielona Góra, Poland
title: 1350, Duchess of Sagan
marriage: Casimir III the Great , Wschowa, Poland
title: from 1368 - 5 November 1370, Queen of Poland
marriage: w Рупрехт I Легницкий
death: 27 March 1390, Głogów, Poland
Рупрехт I Легницкий
birth: 27 March 1347, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
title: from 1364 - 12 January 1409, Легницкое герцогство, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: Hedwig (Jadwiga) of Sagan
title: from 1397 - 1401, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство, регент-герцог Глогау-Жагань
death: 12 January 1409, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство

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