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Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen b. 5 January 1909 d. 21 January 1991

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Lineage Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen

Marie Alexandra Victoria [Saxe-Coburg-Gotha] b. 29 October 1875 d. 18 July 1938

Ferdinand Viktor Albert Meinrad Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen [Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen] b. 24 August 1865 d. 20 July 1927


5 January 1909 birth: Bucharest, Romania

26 September 1931 title: Salzburg, Princesse de Toscane et Archiduchesse d'Autriche

26 September 1931 marriage: Salzburg, Anthony Maria Francis Leopold Blanka Habsburg [Habsburg-Tuscany] b. 20 March 1901 d. 22 October 1987

15 August 1932 child birth: Mödling, Autriche, Stefan de Toscane [Habsbourg-Toscane] b. 15 August 1932 d. 12 November 1998

18 December 1933 child birth: Maria Ileana von Österreich-Toskana [Habsburg-Lothringen] b. 18 December 1933 d. 11 January 1959

21 May 1935 child birth: Sonnberg im Mühlkreis, Alexandra de Toscane [Habsbourg-Toscane] b. 21 May 1935

4 July 1937 child birth: Sonnberg im Mühlkreis, Dominic de Toscane [Habsbourg-Toscane] b. 4 July 1937

2 October 1939 child birth: Sonnberg (Gemeinde Hollabrunn), Niederösterreich, Maria Magdalena von Österreich [Habsburg-Lothringen] b. 2 October 1939

15 January 1942 child birth: Sonnberg (Gemeinde Hollabrunn), Elisabeth von Habsburg-Lothringen [Habsburg-Lothringen] b. 15 January 1942

1954 divorce: Anthony Maria Francis Leopold Blanka Habsburg [Habsburg-Tuscany] b. 20 March 1901 d. 22 October 1987

19 June 1954 marriage: Newton (Massachusetts), USA, Stefan Nikolas Issarescu [Issarescu] b. 5 October 1906 d. 21 December 2002

1965 divorce: Stefan Nikolas Issarescu [Issarescu] b. 5 October 1906 d. 21 December 2002

21 January 1991 death: Youngstown (Ohio)


A nun in the Orthodox faith, Helen is now known as Mother Alexandra.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa
birth: 21 November 1840, Westminster (England), London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
marriage: Friedrich Wilhelm Nikolaus Karl , London, England, United Kingdom, Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace
death: 5 August 1901, Kronberg im Taunus, Grand Duchy of Hesse, German Confederation, Schloss Friedrichshof
Alice Maud Mary of the United Kingdom
birth: 25 April 1843, London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
marriage: Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Karl , Isle of Wight, England, Osborne House.
title: 1 July 1862, Princess of Hesse and by Rhine
title: 13 June 1877, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine
death: 14 December 1878, Darmstadt, Grand Duchy of Hesse, German Empire
Helena Augusta Victoria
birth: 25 May 1846, London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
title: from 25 May 1846 - 5 July 1866, Princess
marriage: Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
title: from 5 July 1866 - 17 July 1917, Princess of Schleswig-Holstein
title: from 17 July 1917 - 9 June 1923, Princesse Hélène
death: 9 June 1923, London, England, Schomberg House, Pall Mall
Arthur William Patrick Albert
birth: 1 May 1850, Westminster (England), London, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
title: 24 May 1874, Prince of the United Kingdom
marriage: Louise Margaret Alexandra Victoria Agnes
death: 16 January 1942, Bagshot, Surrey (England), United Kingdom, Bagshot Park
Leopold George Duncan Albert
birth: comte de Clarence
birth: 7 April 1853, Buckingham Palace, London, England
title: 7 April 1853, Duke of Albany
marriage: Helene Friederike Auguste Waldeck and Pyrmont , Windsor (Berkshire), England, St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
death: 28 March 1884, Cannes, France
Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore
birth: 14 April 1857, Westminster (England), London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
marriage: Henry Maurice , Whippingham, Isle of Wight, England, St. Mildred's Church
title: 23 July 1885, Princess Henry of Battenberg
death: 26 October 1944, Balcombe, Sussex (England), United Kingdom, Bantridge Park
Albert Edward of the United Kingdom
birth: 6 November 1841, Westminster (England), London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
title: 6 November 1841, Duke of Saxony
title: 6 November 1841, duc de Cornouailles
title: from 8 December 1841 - 22 January 1901, Prince of Wales
title: 8 December 1841, Duke of Rothesay
title: 8 December 1841, comte de Chester
baptism: 25 January 1842, Earl of Chester
marriage: Alexandra Carolina Marie Charlotte Louise Julia , Windsor (Berkshire), England, United Kingdom, St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
title: 22 January 1901, Windsor (Berkshire), England, United Kingdom, St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
other: 9 August 1902, Earl of Dublin
death: 6 May 1910, Westminster (England), London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
Louise Caroline Alberta ? (Campbell)
birth: 18 March 1848, London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
baptism: 13 May 1848, London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
marriage: John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland Campbell , Windsor (Berkshire), England, United Kingdom, St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
death: 3 December 1939, London, England, United Kingdom
Alfred Ernest Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
birth: 6 August 1844, Windsor (Berkshire), England, United Kingdom, Windsor Castle
title: 14 December 1861, Prince of the United Kingdom
marriage: Maria Alexandrovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov , Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire, Winter Palace
title: 22 August 1893, Earl of Ulster
death: 31 July 1900, Coburg (Germany), Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, German Empire, Rosenau Castle
Alexander III Romanov
birth: 26 February 1845, Saint Petersburg, Russia
marriage bann: Marie Sophie Frederikke Dagmar ? (Romanov) , Copenhague
marriage: Marie Sophie Frederikke Dagmar ? (Romanov) , Saint Petersburg
title: from 13 March 1881 - 1 November 1894, Emperor of Russia
other: 27 May 1883, Couronnement
death: 20 October 1894, Livadiya (Crimea), Livadia Palace
burial: 7 November 1894, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Cathédrale Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul
Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov
birth: 29 April 1857
title: Grand Duke of Russia
marriage: Elisabeth Alexandra Luise Alice
other: 1891, Moskau, Russland, Generalgouverneur
death: 4 February 1905
Vladimir Alexandrovich Romanov
birth: 22 April 1847, Saint Petersburg, Russia
title: Grand Duke
military service: General of Infantry
military service: Adjutant General
marriage: Мария Александрина Элизабета Элеонора (Мария Павловна) фон Мекленбург-Шверинская , Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
death: 17 February 1909, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Николай Александрович Романов
birth: 20 September 1843, Царское Село, Санкт-Петербургская губерния, Российская империя
title: Великий князь
title: from 20 September 1843 - 24 April 1865, Цесаревич
death: 24 April 1865, Ницца, Вторая французская империя, умер от туберкулезного менингита
Олексій Олександрович Романов
birth: 2 January 1850, Санкт-Петербург, Російська імперія
title: Російська імперія, великий князь
annulment: Олександра Василівна Жуковська (Верман)
marriage: Олександра Василівна Жуковська (Верман) , Италия, морганатический
military service: 1883, Російська імперія, адмірал флоту
death: 27 November 1908, Париж, Франція
Pawel Alexandrowitsch von Russland
birth: 21 September 1860, Sankt Petersburg, Russland
title: Großherzog von Russland
military service: Generaladjutant der Armee
military service: General der Kavallerie
marriage: Олександра Княжна Грецька і Данська , Sankt Petersburg, Russland
marriage: Olga Valerianovna Karnovitch , Livorno, Toskana, Italien, organisatorisch
death: 30 January 1919, Sankt Petersburg, Russland, Von den Bolschewiki erschossen
Olga Alexandrowna Jurjewskaja
birth: 7 November 1873, Sankt Petersburg, Russisches Zarenreich
title: Sérénissime la Princesse St. George
marriage: Georg Nikolaus von Merenberg , Nice
title: from 12 May 1895 -, Gräfin Merenberg
death: 10 August 1925, Wiesbaden, Hessen, Weimarer Republik
Борис Александрович Юрьевский
birth: 23 February 1876
title: Светлейший князь Юрьевский
death: 11 April 1876
Катерина Олександрівна Романова (Юрієвська, Барятинська)
birth: 9 September 1878, Санкт-Петербург, Російська імперія
title: Російська імперія, Светлейшая княжна Юрьевская
marriage: Олександр Володимирович Барятинський , Біарріц
marriage: Сергій Платонович Оболенський , Yalta
divorce: Сергій Платонович Оболенський
death: 22 December 1959, Північний Хейлінг, Англія, Сполучене Королівство
Maria Alexandrovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov
birth: 17 October 1853, Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Empire
title: from 17 October 1853 - 23 January 1874, Grand Duchess of Russia
marriage: Alfred Ernest Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha , Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire, Winter Palace
title: from 23 January 1874 - 24 October 1920, Duchess of Edinburgh
title: from 22 August 1893 - 24 October 1920, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
death: 24 October 1920, Zürich (Switzerland)
burial: after 24 October 1920, Coburg, Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, German Empire
Marie Luise Alexandrine Karoline Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 17 November 1845, Sigmaringen, Holy Roman Empire
marriage: Philippe Eugène Ferdinand Maire Clément Baudouin Léopold Georges Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
title: 24 April 1867, Berlin, Comtesse de Flandre et Princesse de Belgique
death: 26 November 1912, Brussels, Belgium
Stephanie von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 15 June 1837, Krauchenwies, Preußen
marriage: Peter V von Portugal
death: 17 July 1859, Lissabon, Portugal
Karl Eitel Friedrich Zephyrinus Ludwig von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 20 April 1839, Sigmaringen, Schloß Sigmaringen
marriage: Pauline Elisabeth Ottilie Luise zu Wied
title: from 10 May 1881 - 10 October 1914, Король Румынии
death: 10 October 1914, Sinaia, Romania, Pelesch Castle
Friedrich Eugen Johann von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 25 June 1843, Inzigkofen, Deutschland
marriage: Луиза Матильда Вильгельмина Турн-и-Таксис , Regensburg, Bayern, Deutschland
death: 4 December 1904, München, Deutschland
Антон Гогенцоллерн-Зигмариен
birth: 7 October 1841,
death: 5 August 1866
Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 22 September 1835
title: from 22 September 1835 - 8 June 1905, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
marriage: Antónia of Portugal (Braganza-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)
death: 8 June 1905
Luís I Filipe Maria Fernando Pedro de Alcântara António Miguel Rafael Gabriel Gonzaga Xavier Francisco de Assis João Augusto Júlio Valfando Braganza-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (of Portugal)
birth: 31 October 1838, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
title: from 11 November 1861 - 19 October 1889, King of Portugal and the Algarves
marriage: Maria Pia von Savoyen
death: 19 October 1889, Cascais, Portugal
Peter V von Portugal
birth: 16 September 1837, Lissabon, Portugal
title: from 15 November 1853 - 11 November 1861, König von Portugal
marriage: Stephanie von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
death: 11 November 1861, Lissabon, Portugal
Maria Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 4 October 1840
death: 4 October 1840
Johann Maria von Portugal
birth: 16 March 1842, Lissabon, Portugal
title: Герцог Бежа
death: 27 December 1861, Lissabon, Portugal
Maria Anna von Portugal
birth: 21 July 1843, Lissabon, Portugal
title: Infantin von Portugal
title: from 11 May 1859 -, Königin von Sachsen
marriage: Friedrich August Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Maximilian Karl Maria Nepomuk Baptist Xaver Cyriacus Romanus , Lisbon, Palais national de Belém
death: 5 February 1884, Dresden, Sachsen
Fernando Maria Luís Braganza-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 23 July 1846, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
death: 6 November 1861, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
Leopoldo de Bragança Bourbon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 1849, Lisbonne, Portugal
death: 1849, Lisbonne, Portugal
Maria da Glória de Bragança Bourbon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 1851, Lisbonne, Portugal
death: 1851, Lisbonne, Portugal
Eugénio de Bragança Bourbon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 1853, Lisbonne, Portugal
death: 1853, Lisbonne, Portugal
Augusto Maria Miguel Gabriel Rafael Agrícola Francisco de Assis Gonzaga Pedro de Alcântara Loiola de Saxe-Coburgo-Gota e Bragança
birth: 14 November 1847, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
title: Duke of Coimbra, Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece; Grand Cross of the Order da Torre e Espada; Grand Cross of the Order of the Immaculate Conception of Vila Viçosa
death: 29 September 1889, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
Antónia of Portugal (Braganza-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)
birth: 17 February 1845, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
title: princess of Portugal
marriage: Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
title: from 12 September 1861 - 27 December 1913, princess of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
death: 27 December 1913, Sigmaringen
Victoria Melita Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 25 November 1876, Malta, San Antonio Palace
title: 9 April 1894, Cobourg, Grande-Duchesse de Hesse
marriage: Ernest Hesse-Darmtadt (Hesse-Darmstadt, William) , Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
divorce: Ernest Hesse-Darmtadt (Hesse-Darmstadt, William) , Darmstadt
marriage: Cyril Vladimirovich Romanov
title: 15 July 1907, Grand Duchess of Hesse
other: 15 July 1907, Saint Petersburg, Conversion à l'Orthodoxie
death: 2 March 1936
Alfred Alexander William Ernest Albert
birth: 15 October 1874, London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
title: from 15 October 1874 - 23 August 1893, Принц Эдинбургский
title: from 23 August 1893 - 6 February 1899, Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
death: 6 February 1899, Meran, Austria–Hungary, Sanitorium Martinnsbrunn
burial: Coburg, Germany, Glockenburg Cemetary
Alexandra Louise Olga Victoria Saxe-Coburg
birth: 1 September 1878, Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
marriage: Ernest William Frederick von Hohenlohe-Langburg , Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
death: 16 April 1942, Schwabisch Hall, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Beatrice Leopoldine Victoria Saxe-Coburg
birth: 20 April 1884, Eastwell (Kent), England, Eastwell Park
marriage: Alphonse d'Orléans , Coburg
death: 13 July 1966, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Andalusia, Spain
Marie Alexandra Victoria
birth: 29 October 1875, Eastwell (Kent), England, United Kingdom, Eastwell Park
title: from 29 October 1875 - 23 August 1893, Princess of the United Kingdom
title: from 1893 - 1893, Принцесса Саксен-Кобург-Готская
marriage: Ferdinand Viktor Albert Meinrad Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
title: from 10 January 1893 - 10 October 1914, Crown Princess of Romania
title: from 10 October 1914 - 20 July 1927, Queen of Romania
title: from 20 July 1927 - 18 July 1938, вдовствующая королева Румынии
death: 18 July 1938, Sinaia, Romania
Wilhelm von Hohenzollern
birth: 7 March 1864, Benrath, Düsseldorf, Schloss Benrath
marriage: Maria Theresia von Bourbon-Sizilien
title: from 1905 - 22 October 1927, Князь Гогенцоллерн-Зигмариен
marriage: Adelgunde of Bavaria
death: 22 October 1927, Sigmaringen
Carl Anton von Hohenzollern
birth: 1 September 1868, Sigmaringen, Deutschland
marriage: Joséphine von Belgien , Stadt Brüssel, Belgien
death: 21 February 1919, Namedy
Ferdinand Viktor Albert Meinrad Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 24 August 1865, Sigmaringen, Kingdom of Württemburg, German Confederation
title: from 24 August 1865 - 3 September 1869, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
title: from 3 September 1869 - 10 October 1914, Prince of Hohenzollern
marriage: Marie Alexandra Victoria
title: from 10 October 1914 - 20 July 1927, King of Romania
death: 20 July 1927, Sinaia, Romania
== 3 ==
Mary Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 6 January 1900, Gotha, Thuringia, Germany
title: from 6 January 1900 - 8 June 1922, принцесса Румынии
marriage: Alexander I Karađorđević (King of Yugoslavia)
title: from 8 June 1922 - 6 January 1929, королева Сербии, Хорватии и Словении
title: from 6 January 1929 - 1945, королева Югославии
death: 22 June 1961, London, England
Carol II Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 15 October 1893
marriage: w Joanna Marie Valentina Lambrino , Odessa
annulment: w Joanna Marie Valentina Lambrino
marriage: w Elena , Athens (Greece)
divorce: w Elena
title: from 8 June 1930 - 6 September 1940, King of Romania
death: 4 April 1953, Portugal
Elizabeth Charlotte Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 12 October 1894, Sinaia, Romania
title: 27 February 1921, Cannes, France
marriage: George II of the Hellenes , Bucharest, Romania
title: 11 January 1923, Palermo, Reine de Grèce
divorce: George II of the Hellenes , Athen, Griechenland
death: 14 November 1956, Cannes
Nicholas Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 18 August 1903, Sinaia, Romania
title: Grootlint in de Leopoldsorde
title: from 18 August 1903 -, Prince de Roumanie
marriage: Jeanne Dumitrescu-Dolete , Rumänien
marriage: Thereza Lisboa y Figueira de Mello
death: 9 June 1978, Madrid, Spain
Mircea Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 3 January 1913, Bucharest, Romania
death: 2 November 1916, Buftea, Romania
Anthony Maria Francis Leopold Blanka Habsburg
birth: 20 March 1901, Vienna (Austria)
title: 4 September 1931, Vienna (Austria), Prince de Toscane et Archiduc d'Autriche
marriage: Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen , Salzburg
divorce: Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
death: 22 October 1987, Archduke of Austria
Stefan Nikolas Issarescu
birth: 5 October 1906, Drobeta Turnu Severin
marriage: Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen , Newton (Massachusetts), USA
divorce: Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
death: 21 December 2002, Providence, RI
Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 5 January 1909, Bucharest, Romania
title: 26 September 1931, Salzburg, Princesse de Toscane et Archiduchesse d'Autriche
marriage: Anthony Maria Francis Leopold Blanka Habsburg , Salzburg
divorce: Anthony Maria Francis Leopold Blanka Habsburg
marriage: Stefan Nikolas Issarescu , Newton (Massachusetts), USA
divorce: Stefan Nikolas Issarescu
death: 21 January 1991, Youngstown (Ohio)
== 3 ==
Mary Soper
birth: 19 June 1931, Boston
marriage: Stefan de Toscane , Milton (Massachusetts)
title: 28 August 1954, Milton (Massachusetts), Grande-Duchesse de Toscane
Stefan de Toscane
birth: 15 August 1932, Mödling, Autriche
marriage: Mary Soper , Milton (Massachusetts)
title: 22 October 1987, Salzburg, Grand-Duc de Toscane
death: 12 November 1998, Brighton (Michigan)
Jaroslav Kottulinsky
birth: 3 January 1917
marriage: Maria Ileana von Österreich-Toskana , Vienne (Autriche)
death: 11 January 1959, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil
Maria Ileana von Österreich-Toskana
birth: 18 December 1933
marriage: Jaroslav Kottulinsky , Vienne (Autriche)
title: 7 December 1957, Wien, Comtesse Kottulinsky
death: 11 January 1959, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, Flugzeugabsturz [[Lufthansa-Flug 502]]
Eugène de Wurtemberg
birth: 2 November 1930, Karlsruhe, Allemagne
marriage: Alexandra de Toscane , Mondsee (Bavière)
divorce: Alexandra de Toscane , Mondsee (Bavière)
death: 26 July 2022, Francfort-sur-le-Main
Viktor de Baillou
birth: 27 June 1931, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: Alexandra de Toscane , Mondsee (Bavière)
Alexandra de Toscane
birth: 21 May 1935, Sonnberg im Mühlkreis
marriage: Eugène de Wurtemberg , Mondsee (Bavière)
title: 31 August 1962, Princesse de Wurtemberg, Mondsee (Bavière)
divorce: Eugène de Wurtemberg , Mondsee (Bavière)
marriage: Viktor de Baillou , Mondsee (Bavière)
title: 22 August 1973, Baronne de Baillou, Mondsee (Bavière)
Engel Virginia von Voss
birth: 31 March 1937, Sonnberg, Niederösterreich
marriage: Dominic de Toscane , Houston, États-Unis
title: 11 June 1960, Houston, Erzherzogin von Österreich
divorce: Dominic de Toscane
Emmanuela Mlynarski
birth: 14 January 1948, Afula, Israel
marriage: Dominic de Toscane , North Salem
title: 14 August 1999, North Salem, Erzherzogin von Österreich
Dominic de Toscane
birth: 4 July 1937, Sonnberg im Mühlkreis
marriage: Engel Virginia von Voss , Houston, États-Unis
divorce: Engel Virginia von Voss
marriage: Emmanuela Mlynarski , North Salem
Hans Ulrich von Holzhausen
birth: 1 September 1929, Windischgarsten, Oberösterreich
marriage: Maria Magdalena von Österreich , Mondsee, Civil
marriage: Maria Magdalena von Österreich , Religieux
Maria Magdalena von Österreich
birth: 2 October 1939, Sonnberg (Gemeinde Hollabrunn), Niederösterreich
marriage: Hans Ulrich von Holzhausen , Mondsee, Civil
title: 27 August 1959, Baronne de Holzhausen, Mondsee (Bavière)
marriage: Hans Ulrich von Holzhausen , Religieux
Friederich Sandhofer
birth: 1 August 1934, Salzburg
marriage: Elisabeth von Habsburg-Lothringen , Mondsee
Elisabeth von Habsburg-Lothringen
birth: 15 January 1942, Sonnberg (Gemeinde Hollabrunn)
marriage: Friederich Sandhofer , Mondsee
Elizabeth Popejoy
birth: 22 January 1967
marriage: Christopher de Toscane , Tamalpais
title: 1 May 1987, Princesse héritière de Toscane, Tamalpais
divorce: Christopher de Toscane , Boston
Catherine Ripley
birth: 5 September 1958
marriage: Christopher de Toscane , Clarkston (Montana)
title: 15 October 1994, Princesse héritière de Toscane, Clarkston (Montana)
Christopher de Toscane
birth: 26 January 1957, Boston
marriage: Elizabeth Popejoy , Tamalpais
divorce: Elizabeth Popejoy , Boston
marriage: Catherine Ripley , Clarkston (Montana)
David Snyder
birth: 17 November 1956
marriage: Ileana Habsburg-Lothringen , Farmington Hills (Michigan)
Ileana Habsburg-Lothringen
birth: 4 January 1958, Détroit (Michigan)
marriage: David Snyder , Farmington Hills (Michigan)
Shari Reid
birth: 1 September 1960
title: 27 June 1981, Farmington Hills (Michigan), Erzherzogin von Österreich
marriage: Peter de Toscane , Farmington Hills (Michigan)
divorce: Peter de Toscane
Lauren Klaus
birth: 9 May 1956
title: 17 June 1989, Union Lake (Michigan), Erzherzogin von Österreich
marriage: Peter de Toscane , Union Lake (Michigan)
Peter de Toscane
birth: 19 February 1959, Détroit (Michigan)
marriage: Shari Reid , Farmington Hills (Michigan)
divorce: Shari Reid
marriage: Lauren Klaus , Union Lake (Michigan)
Mark Matheson
birth: 15 February 1958
marriage: Constantza de Toscane , Franklin (Alabama)
divorce: Constantza de Toscane , Franklin (Alabama)
Michael Bain
birth: 4 January 1962
marriage: Constantza de Toscane , Marietta (Géorgie)
Constantza de Toscane
birth: 2 October 1960, Détroit (Michigan)
marriage: Mark Matheson , Franklin (Alabama)
divorce: Mark Matheson , Franklin (Alabama)
marriage: Michael Bain , Marietta (Géorgie)
Ashley Carrell
birth: 23 August 1965
marriage: Anton de Toscane , Aurora (Michigan)
title: 5 October 1991, Aurora (Michigan), Erzherzogin von Österreich
Anton de Toscane
birth: 7 November 1964, Détroit (Michigan)
marriage: Ashley Carrell , Aurora (Michigan)
Marie-Hélène Kottulinsky
birth: 25 August 1958, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
marriage: Noël d'Innis
death: 13 October 2007, Stadt Brüssel
de Baillou
birth: 24 March 1976
death: 24 March 1976
Priska Maria Vilcsek
birth: 18 March 1959, Hofheim am Taunus, Hessen
marriage: Sandor von Habsburg-Lothringen , Berndorf (Basse-Autriche)
title: 15 May 2000, Berndorf (Haute-Bavière), Erzherzogin von Österreich
divorce: Sandor von Habsburg-Lothringen
Herta Margarete Oefferl
marriage: Sandor von Habsburg-Lothringen
title: 24 December 2010, Erzherzogin von Österreich
Gregor de Toscane
birth: 20 November 1968, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: Jacquelyn Frisco
Brunilda Castejon-Schneider
birth: 14 July 1962, Madrid, Espagne
marriage: Johannes von Holzhausen , Wartberg, Deutschland
Johannes von Holzhausen
birth: 29 July 1960, Salzburg, Österreich
marriage: Brunilda Castejon-Schneider , Wartberg, Deutschland
Elena von und zu Hoensbroech
birth: 1 May 1965, Schloss Kellenberg, Barmen (Jülich), Nordrhein-Westfalen
marriage: Georg Ferdinand von Holzhausen , Wien, Österreich, standesamtlich
marriage: Georg Ferdinand von Holzhausen , kirchlich
Georg Ferdinand von Holzhausen
birth: 16 February 1962, Salzburg, Österreich
marriage: Elena von und zu Hoensbroech , Wien, Österreich, standesamtlich
marriage: Elena von und zu Hoensbroech , kirchlich
Christian Ferch
birth: 4 August 1959, Autriche
marriage: Alexandra de Holzhausen , Civil
marriage: Alexandra de Holzhausen , Religieux
Alexandra de Holzhausen
birth: 22 January 1963, Österreich
marriage: Christian Ferch , Civil
marriage: Christian Ferch , Religieux
Katarzyna Wojkowska
birth: 23 November 1962
marriage: Anton Sandhofer , Innsbruck
Anton Sandhofer
birth: 26 October 1966, Salzburg
marriage: Katarzyna Wojkowska , Innsbruck
Ernst Lux
birth: 18 September 1954, Graz
marriage: Margareta Sandhofer
Margareta Sandhofer
birth: 10 September 1968, Innsbruck
marriage: Ernst Lux
Jorg Zarbl
birth: 25 September 1970, Wels (Stadt)
marriage: Andrea Sandhofer , Civil
marriage: Andrea Sandhofer , Religieux
Andrea Sandhofer
birth: 13 September 1969, Innsbruck
marriage: Jorg Zarbl , Civil
marriage: Jorg Zarbl , Religieux
Elisabeth Sandhofer
birth: 16 November 1971, Innsbruck

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