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Christopher de Toscane b. 26 January 1957

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Lineage Habsbourg-Toscane
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Christopher de Toscane

Stefan de Toscane [Habsbourg-Toscane] b. 15 August 1932 d. 12 November 1998

Mary Soper [Soper] b. 19 June 1931


26 January 1957 birth: Boston

1 May 1987 marriage: Tamalpais, Elizabeth Popejoy [Popejoy] b. 22 January 1967

31 October 1987 child birth: USA, Saygan Habsburg [Habsburg-Lothringen] b. 31 October 1987

19 January 1990 child birth: Southfield (Massachussets), Stefan de Toscane [Habsbourg-Toscane] b. 19 January 1990

11 July 1994 divorce: Boston, Elizabeth Popejoy [Popejoy] b. 22 January 1967

15 October 1994 marriage: Clarkston (Montana), Catherine Ripley [Ripley] b. 5 September 1958

1 October 1997 child birth: Détroit (Michigan), Commerce Township, Maria Antonia de Toscane [Habsbourg-Toscane] b. 1 October 1997

From grandparents to grandchildren

Maria Antonia von Österreich
birth: 13 July 1899, Zagreb, Kroatien
marriage: Ramon Orlandis y Villalonga , Barcelona
marriage: Luis Perez Sucre , Montevideo
death: 22 October 1977, Porto Alegre, Brasilien
Leopold Maria Alphons von Österreich
birth: 30 January 1897, Zagreb, Kroatien
marriage: Alice Coburn
marriage: Dagmar Nicolic-Podrinski , Stephansdom
divorce: Dagmar Nicolic-Podrinski
naturalization: 1953, Devient américain sous le nom de Leopold Lorraine
death: 14 March 1958, Willimantic, CT, USA
Rainier von Österreich
birth: 21 November 1895, Zagreb, Kroatien
death: 25 May 1930, Wien, Österreich
Margaretha von Österreich
birth: 8 May 1894, Lwiw
title: 1937, Marquise Taliani di Marchio
marriage: Francesco Taliani di Marchio , Sonnberg
death: 21 January 1986, Rom, Italien
Maria Immaculata von Österreich
birth: 9 September 1892, Lwiw
marriage: Nobile Neri Serneri , Rom
death: 3 September 1971, Viareggio, Toskana, Italien
Maria de los Dolores Beatrix von Österreich
birth: 5 May 1891
death: 10 April 1974, Viareggio, Toskana, Italien
Assumpta Alice von Österreich
birth: 10 August 1902, Argentinierstrasse 29, Wieden (Wien), Österreich
baptism: 15 August 1902, Wiener Karlskirche
marriage: Josef Hopfinger , Lausanne
divorce: Josef Hopfinger , San Antonio, TX
death: 24 January 1993, San Antonio, TX, USA
Franz Josef von Österreich-Toskana
birth: 4 February 1905, Wien, Österreich
marriage: Marta Baumer , London, England
divorce: Marta Baumer
marriage: Maria Elena Seunig , Zürich
death: 9 May 1975, Hernstein, Niederösterreich
Karl Pius von Österreich-Toskana (Karl Pius Habsburg)
birth: 4 December 1909, Wien, Österreich
marriage: Christa Satzger de Balvanyos , Wien
divorce: Christa Satzger de Balvanyos , Wien
death: 24 December 1953, Barcelona, Spanien
Anthony Maria Francis Leopold Blanka Habsburg
birth: 20 March 1901, Vienna (Austria)
title: 4 September 1931, Vienna (Austria), Prince de Toscane et Archiduc d'Autriche
marriage: Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen , Salzburg
divorce: Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
death: 22 October 1987, Archduke of Austria
Mary Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 6 January 1900, Gotha, Thuringia, Germany
title: from 6 January 1900 - 8 June 1922, принцесса Румынии
marriage: Alexander I Karađorđević (King of Yugoslavia)
title: from 8 June 1922 - 6 January 1929, королева Сербии, Хорватии и Словении
title: from 6 January 1929 - 1945, королева Югославии
death: 22 June 1961, London, England
Carol II Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 15 October 1893
marriage: w Joanna Marie Valentina Lambrino , Odessa
annulment: w Joanna Marie Valentina Lambrino
marriage: w Elena , Athens (Greece)
divorce: w Elena
title: from 8 June 1930 - 6 September 1940, King of Romania
death: 4 April 1953, Portugal
Elizabeth Charlotte Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 12 October 1894, Sinaia, Romania
title: 27 February 1921, Cannes, France
marriage: George II of the Hellenes , Bucharest, Romania
title: 11 January 1923, Palermo, Reine de Grèce
divorce: George II of the Hellenes , Athen, Griechenland
death: 14 November 1956, Cannes
Nicholas Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 18 August 1903, Sinaia, Romania
title: Grootlint in de Leopoldsorde
title: from 18 August 1903 -, Prince de Roumanie
marriage: Jeanne Dumitrescu-Dolete , Rumänien
marriage: Thereza Lisboa y Figueira de Mello
death: 9 June 1978, Madrid, Spain
Mircea Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 3 January 1913, Bucharest, Romania
death: 2 November 1916, Buftea, Romania
Stefan Nikolas Issarescu
birth: 5 October 1906, Drobeta Turnu Severin
marriage: Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen , Newton (Massachusetts), USA
divorce: Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
death: 21 December 2002, Providence, RI
Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 5 January 1909, Bucharest, Romania
title: 26 September 1931, Salzburg, Princesse de Toscane et Archiduchesse d'Autriche
marriage: Anthony Maria Francis Leopold Blanka Habsburg , Salzburg
divorce: Anthony Maria Francis Leopold Blanka Habsburg
marriage: Stefan Nikolas Issarescu , Newton (Massachusetts), USA
divorce: Stefan Nikolas Issarescu
death: 21 January 1991, Youngstown (Ohio)
Maria Ileana von Österreich-Toskana
birth: 18 December 1933
marriage: Jaroslav Kottulinsky , Vienne (Autriche)
title: 7 December 1957, Wien, Comtesse Kottulinsky
death: 11 January 1959, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, Flugzeugabsturz [[Lufthansa-Flug 502]]
Alexandra de Toscane
birth: 21 May 1935, Sonnberg im Mühlkreis
marriage: Eugène de Wurtemberg , Mondsee (Bavière)
title: 31 August 1962, Princesse de Wurtemberg, Mondsee (Bavière)
divorce: Eugène de Wurtemberg , Mondsee (Bavière)
marriage: Viktor de Baillou , Mondsee (Bavière)
title: 22 August 1973, Baronne de Baillou, Mondsee (Bavière)
Dominic de Toscane
birth: 4 July 1937, Sonnberg im Mühlkreis
marriage: Engel Virginia von Voss , Houston, États-Unis
divorce: Engel Virginia von Voss
marriage: Emmanuela Mlynarski , North Salem
Maria Magdalena von Österreich
birth: 2 October 1939, Sonnberg (Gemeinde Hollabrunn), Niederösterreich
marriage: Hans Ulrich von Holzhausen , Mondsee, Civil
title: 27 August 1959, Baronne de Holzhausen, Mondsee (Bavière)
marriage: Hans Ulrich von Holzhausen , Religieux
Elisabeth von Habsburg-Lothringen
birth: 15 January 1942, Sonnberg (Gemeinde Hollabrunn)
marriage: Friederich Sandhofer , Mondsee
Stefan de Toscane
birth: 15 August 1932, Mödling, Autriche
marriage: Mary Soper , Milton (Massachusetts)
title: 22 October 1987, Salzburg, Grand-Duc de Toscane
death: 12 November 1998, Brighton (Michigan)
Mary Soper
birth: 19 June 1931, Boston
marriage: Stefan de Toscane , Milton (Massachusetts)
title: 28 August 1954, Milton (Massachusetts), Grande-Duchesse de Toscane
== 3 ==
Ileana Habsburg-Lothringen
birth: 4 January 1958, Détroit (Michigan)
marriage: David Snyder , Farmington Hills (Michigan)
Peter de Toscane
birth: 19 February 1959, Détroit (Michigan)
marriage: Shari Reid , Farmington Hills (Michigan)
divorce: Shari Reid
marriage: Lauren Klaus , Union Lake (Michigan)
Constantza de Toscane
birth: 2 October 1960, Détroit (Michigan)
marriage: Mark Matheson , Franklin (Alabama)
divorce: Mark Matheson , Franklin (Alabama)
marriage: Michael Bain , Marietta (Géorgie)
Anton de Toscane
birth: 7 November 1964, Détroit (Michigan)
marriage: Ashley Carrell , Aurora (Michigan)
Elizabeth Popejoy
birth: 22 January 1967
marriage: Christopher de Toscane , Tamalpais
title: 1 May 1987, Princesse héritière de Toscane, Tamalpais
divorce: Christopher de Toscane , Boston
Catherine Ripley
birth: 5 September 1958
marriage: Christopher de Toscane , Clarkston (Montana)
title: 15 October 1994, Princesse héritière de Toscane, Clarkston (Montana)
Christopher de Toscane
birth: 26 January 1957, Boston
marriage: Elizabeth Popejoy , Tamalpais
divorce: Elizabeth Popejoy , Boston
marriage: Catherine Ripley , Clarkston (Montana)
== 3 ==
Saygan Habsburg
birth: 31 October 1987, USA
Stefan de Toscane
birth: 19 January 1990, Southfield (Massachussets)
Maria Antonia de Toscane
birth: 1 October 1997, Détroit (Michigan), Commerce Township

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