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Alexandra Louise Olga Victoria Saxe-Coburg b. 1 September 1878 d. 16 April 1942

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Lineage Saxe-Coburg
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Alexandra Louise Olga Victoria Saxe-Coburg

Alfred Ernest Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha [Saxe-Coburg-Gotha] b. 6 August 1844 d. 31 July 1900

Maria Alexandrovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov [Romanov] b. 17 October 1853 d. 24 October 1920

Reference numbers GEDCOM::robinilac9.ged::INDI @I12985@::Hailey C. Shannon


1 September 1878 birth: Coburg, Bavaria, Germany

20 April 1896 marriage: Coburg, Bavaria, Germany, Ernest William Frederick von Hohenlohe-Langburg [Hohenlohe] b. 13 September 1863 d. 11 December 1950

24 March 1897 child birth: Langenburg, Germany, Godfrey Hermann Alfred von Hohenlohe-Langenburg [Hohenlohe-Langenburg] b. 24 March 1897 d. 11 May 1960

18 January 1899 child birth: Langenburg, Germany, Marie Melita Leopoldine Viktoria Feodora Alexandra Sophie [Hohenlohe-Langenburg] b. 18 January 1899 d. 8 November 1967

2 April 1901 child birth: Langenburg, Germany, Alexandra Beatrice von Hohenlohe-Langenburg (Hohenlohe-Langenburg) [Hohenlohe-Langenburg] b. 2 April 1901 d. 26 October 1963

4 July 1902 child birth: Langenburg, Germany, Irma Helen von Hohenlohe-Langenburg (Hohenlohe-Langenburg) [Hohenlohe-Langenburg] b. 4 July 1902 d. 8 March 1986

16 April 1911 child birth: Alfred de Hohenlohe-Langenbourg [Hohenlohe] b. 16 April 1911 d. 18 April 1911

16 April 1942 death: Schwabisch Hall, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ernst II August Karl Johannes Leopold Alexander Eduard
birth: 21 June 1818, Coburg, Ehrenburg Palace, Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, German Confederation
title: from 21 June 1818 - 12 November 1826, Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
title: from 12 November 1826 - 29 January 1844, Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
marriage: Alexandrine Luise Amalie Friederike Elisabeth Sophie , Karlsruhe, Grand Duchy of Baden, German Confederation
title: from 29 January 1844 - 22 August 1893, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
death: 22 August 1893, Friedrichroda, Reinhardsbrunn Castle, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, German Empire
Francis Augustus Charles Albert Emmanuel
birth: 26 August 1819, Coburg, Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Rosenau Palace
baptism: 19 September 1819, Coburg, Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Rosenau Palace
marriage: Alexandrina Victoria , London, England, United Kingdom, Royal Chapel, St. James's Palace
title: 10 February 1840, Prince of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Duke of Saxony
death: 14 December 1861, Windsor (Berkshire), England, Windsor Castle
Anne Theodora Auguste Charlotte Wilhelmine zu Leiningen
birth: 7 December 1807, Amorbach, Electorate of Bavaria, Holy Roman Empire
title: from 7 December 1807 - 18 February 1828, Princess of Leiningen
marriage: Ernst I Christian Carl zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg , Kingdom of Württemberg, German Confederation
title: from 18 February 1828 - 12 April 1860, Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg
death: 23 September 1872, Baden-Baden, Kingdom of Württemberg, German Empire
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Emich
birth: 12 September 1804, Amorbach, Electorate of Bavaria
title: from 4 July 1814 - 13 November 1856, Prince of Leiningen, 3rd
marriage: Maria von Klebelsberg , Amorbach
death: 13 November 1856, Amorbach, Kingdom of Bavaria
Alexandrina Victoria
birth: 24 May 1819, London, England, United Kingdom, Kensington Palace
title: Grootlint in de Leopoldsorde
baptism: 24 June 1819, Princess of Kent
title: from 20 June 1837 - 22 January 1901, Queen of the United Kingdom
marriage: Francis Augustus Charles Albert Emmanuel , London, England, United Kingdom, Royal Chapel, St. James's Palace
title: from 1877 - 22 January 1901, Empress of India
death: 22 January 1901, Isle of Wight, England, United Kingdom, Osborne House
Constantine Nikolaievitch Romanov
birth: 21 September 1827
title: 21 September 1827, Grand Duke
marriage: Alexandra von Sachsen-Altenburg
military service: 1853, вице-адмирал флота
title: from 27 May 1862 - 19 October 1863, Namestnik of the Kingdom of Poland
occupation: from 1 January 1865 - 13 July 1881, Председатель Государственного совета
other: Анна Васильевна Кузнецова , начало романа
death: 25 January 1892
Michael Nicolaievich Romanov
birth: 25 October 1832
title: 25 October 1832, Російська імперія, великий князь
military service: 2 July 1846, Російська імперія, підпоручик
military service: 13 October 1847, Російська імперія, поручик
military service: 30 August 1849, Російська імперія, капітан
military service: 23 April 1850, Російська імперія, флігель-ад'ютант
military service: 13 October 1850, Російська імперія, полковник
military service: 26 November 1852, Російська імперія, Генерал-майор Свиты
military service: 25 January 1856, Російська імперія, Генерал-адъютант
military service: 27 August 1856, Російська імперія, Генерал-лейтенант
marriage: Cecilie Auguste , Sankt Petersburg, Russland
military service: 30 August 1860, Російська імперія, Генерал от артиллерии
other: from 1862 - 1881, Російська імперія, Наместник на Кавказе
other: from 1877 - 1878, Російська імперія, Главнокомандующий Кавказской армией
military service: 16 April 1878, Російська імперія, Генерал-фельдмаршал армии
other: from 14 July 1881 - 1905, Російська імперія, Председатель Государственного совета
other: 24 August 1905, Російська імперія, почётный председатель Государственного совета
death: 18 December 1909
Nicholas Romanov
birth: 27 July 1831
title: Російська імперія, великий князь
military service: Російська імперія, Feldmarschall
marriage: Alexandra Friederike Wilhelmine von Oldenburg , Санкт-Петербург, Російська імперія
death: 13 April 1891
Maria Nikolajewna Oldenburg-Romanow von Rußland
birth: 18 July 1819, Pawlowsk (Sankt Petersburg), Russland
title: Großfürstin von Rußland
title: 2 July 1839, Herzogin von Leuchtenberg (-1.11.1852)
marriage: Maximilian Josèphe Eugène Auguste Napoléon Beauharnais , Saint Petersburg, Winter Palace chapel
marriage: Grigori Alexandrovitch Stroganoff , Saint-Pétersbourg, mariage morganatique, église du palais Maryinsky
title: 4 November 1853, Gräfin aus zweiter Ehe
death: 13 February 1876, Sankt Petersburg, Russland
burial: 21 February 1876, St.-Peter-und-Paul-Kathedrale, Peter-und-Pauls-Festung, Sankt Petersburg, Russland
Olga Nikolajewna Romanowa
birth: 11 September 1822, Sankt Petersburg, Russland, Anitschkow-Palais. Am Newskij-Prospekt an der Anitschkow-Brücke über die Fontanka
title: 11 September 1822, Großfürstin (-13.7.1846)
engagement: Каrl I. von Württemberg , Palermo, Sizilien
title: from 13 July 1846 - 25 June 1864, Kronprinzessin von Württemberg (-25.6.1864)
marriage: Каrl I. von Württemberg , Peterhof (Stadt), Sankt Petersburg, Russland
title: from 25 June 1864 - 6 October 1891, Königin von Württemberg (-6.10.1891)
title: 6 October 1891, Königinwitwe von Württemberg (-30.10.1892)
death: 30 October 1892, Friedrichshafen, Baden-Württemberg
burial: after 30 October 1892, Altes Schloss (Stuttgart), Baden-Württemberg, Krypta, Schloßkapelle
Alexandra Nikolajewna Romanova
birth: 24 June 1825, Pushkin (Saint Petersburg), Russia, Tsarskoye Selo
title: 28 January 1844, Großfürstin von Rußland
marriage: Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Adolf von Hessen-Kassel-Rumpenheim , Saint Petersburg, Russia
death: 10 August 1844, Pushkin (Saint Petersburg), Russia, Tsarskoye Selo
Екатерина Михайловна Долгорукова (Юрьевская)
birth: 3 November 1847, Москва, Московская губерния, Российская империя, рождение по григорианскому календарю: 15 ноября 1847.
title: Княжна
marriage: Alexander Nikolaevich Romanov , Saint Petersburg, Russia, Chapelle Tsarskoselskoho, Zarskoje Selo. Divorced
title: from 5 December 1880 - 15 February 1922, Светлейшая Княгиня Юрьевская
death: 15 February 1922, Ницца, Франция
Alexander Nikolaevich Romanov
birth: 29 April 1818, Moscow, Russia
title: from -, Grand Duke of Finland
title: 25 December 1825, Цесаревич
marriage: Maximilienne Wilhelmine Marie Hesse-Darmstadt (Alexandrovna)
title: 2 March 1855, Emperor of Russia
other: 7 September 1856, Коронация
marriage: Екатерина Михайловна Долгорукова (Юрьевская) , Saint Petersburg, Russia, Chapelle Tsarskoselskoho, Zarskoje Selo. Divorced
death: 13 March 1881, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 62 years old
burial: after 13 March 1881, Saint Petersburg, Russia, St.-Peter-und-Paul-Kathedrale, Peter-und-Paul-Festung
Charles of Hesse
birth: 23 April 1809
marriage: Marie Elisabeth de Prusse , Darmstadt
death: 20 March 1877
Alexander of Hesse and by Rhine
birth: 15 July 1823
marriage: Julia Hauke , Breslau, Polen
death: 15 December 1888
Ludwig de Hesse-Darmstadt (Ludwig III de Hesse)
birth: 9 June 1806, Darmstadt
marriage: Mathilde Karoline Friederike Wilhelmine Charlotte of Bavaria , Munich
title: 16 June 1848, Darmstadt, Grand-Duc de Hesse
marriage: Anna Magdalena Appel , Darmstadt
death: 13 June 1877, Seeheim-Jugenheim
Maximilienne Wilhelmine Marie Hesse-Darmstadt (Alexandrovna)
birth: 8 August 1824, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany
other: 1 April 1841, Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt
marriage: Alexander Nikolaevich Romanov
title: 28 April 1841, Orthodoxy
title: 3 March 1855, Grand Duchess
death: 8 June 1880, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 55 years old
Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa
birth: 21 November 1840, Westminster (England), London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
marriage: Friedrich Wilhelm Nikolaus Karl , London, England, United Kingdom, Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace
death: 5 August 1901, Kronberg im Taunus, Grand Duchy of Hesse, German Confederation, Schloss Friedrichshof
Alice Maud Mary of the United Kingdom
birth: 25 April 1843, London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
marriage: Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Karl , Isle of Wight, England, Osborne House.
title: 1 July 1862, Princess of Hesse and by Rhine
title: 13 June 1877, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine
death: 14 December 1878, Darmstadt, Grand Duchy of Hesse, German Empire
Helena Augusta Victoria
birth: 25 May 1846, London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
title: from 25 May 1846 - 5 July 1866, Princess
marriage: Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
title: from 5 July 1866 - 17 July 1917, Princess of Schleswig-Holstein
title: from 17 July 1917 - 9 June 1923, Princesse Hélène
death: 9 June 1923, London, England, Schomberg House, Pall Mall
Arthur William Patrick Albert
birth: 1 May 1850, Westminster (England), London, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
title: 24 May 1874, Prince of the United Kingdom
marriage: Louise Margaret Alexandra Victoria Agnes
death: 16 January 1942, Bagshot, Surrey (England), United Kingdom, Bagshot Park
Leopold George Duncan Albert
birth: comte de Clarence
birth: 7 April 1853, Buckingham Palace, London, England
title: 7 April 1853, Duke of Albany
marriage: Helene Friederike Auguste Waldeck and Pyrmont , Windsor (Berkshire), England, St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
death: 28 March 1884, Cannes, France
Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore
birth: 14 April 1857, Westminster (England), London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
marriage: Henry Maurice , Whippingham, Isle of Wight, England, St. Mildred's Church
title: 23 July 1885, Princess Henry of Battenberg
death: 26 October 1944, Balcombe, Sussex (England), United Kingdom, Bantridge Park
Albert Edward of the United Kingdom
birth: 6 November 1841, Westminster (England), London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
title: 6 November 1841, Duke of Saxony
title: 6 November 1841, duc de Cornouailles
title: from 8 December 1841 - 22 January 1901, Prince of Wales
title: 8 December 1841, Duke of Rothesay
title: 8 December 1841, comte de Chester
baptism: 25 January 1842, Earl of Chester
marriage: Alexandra Carolina Marie Charlotte Louise Julia , Windsor (Berkshire), England, United Kingdom, St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
title: 22 January 1901, Windsor (Berkshire), England, United Kingdom, St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
other: 9 August 1902, Earl of Dublin
death: 6 May 1910, Westminster (England), London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
Louise Caroline Alberta ? (Campbell)
birth: 18 March 1848, London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
baptism: 13 May 1848, London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
marriage: John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland Campbell , Windsor (Berkshire), England, United Kingdom, St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
death: 3 December 1939, London, England, United Kingdom
Alfred Ernest Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
birth: 6 August 1844, Windsor (Berkshire), England, United Kingdom, Windsor Castle
title: 14 December 1861, Prince of the United Kingdom
marriage: Maria Alexandrovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov , Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire, Winter Palace
title: 22 August 1893, Earl of Ulster
death: 31 July 1900, Coburg (Germany), Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, German Empire, Rosenau Castle
Alexander III Romanov
birth: 26 February 1845, Saint Petersburg, Russia
marriage bann: Marie Sophie Frederikke Dagmar ? (Romanov) , Copenhague
marriage: Marie Sophie Frederikke Dagmar ? (Romanov) , Saint Petersburg
title: from 13 March 1881 - 1 November 1894, Emperor of Russia
other: 27 May 1883, Couronnement
death: 20 October 1894, Livadiya (Crimea), Livadia Palace
burial: 7 November 1894, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Cathédrale Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul
Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov
birth: 29 April 1857
title: Grand Duke of Russia
marriage: Elisabeth Alexandra Luise Alice
other: 1891, Moskau, Russland, Generalgouverneur
death: 4 February 1905
Vladimir Alexandrovich Romanov
birth: 22 April 1847, Saint Petersburg, Russia
title: Grand Duke
military service: General of Infantry
military service: Adjutant General
marriage: Мария Александрина Элизабета Элеонора (Мария Павловна) фон Мекленбург-Шверинская , Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
death: 17 February 1909, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Николай Александрович Романов
birth: 20 September 1843, Царское Село, Санкт-Петербургская губерния, Российская империя
title: Великий князь
title: from 20 September 1843 - 24 April 1865, Цесаревич
death: 24 April 1865, Ницца, Вторая французская империя, умер от туберкулезного менингита
Олексій Олександрович Романов
birth: 2 January 1850, Санкт-Петербург, Російська імперія
title: Російська імперія, великий князь
annulment: Олександра Василівна Жуковська (Верман)
marriage: Олександра Василівна Жуковська (Верман) , Италия, морганатический
military service: 1883, Російська імперія, адмірал флоту
death: 27 November 1908, Париж, Франція
Pawel Alexandrowitsch von Russland
birth: 21 September 1860, Sankt Petersburg, Russland
title: Großherzog von Russland
military service: Generaladjutant der Armee
military service: General der Kavallerie
marriage: Олександра Княжна Грецька і Данська , Sankt Petersburg, Russland
marriage: Olga Valerianovna Karnovitch , Livorno, Toskana, Italien, organisatorisch
death: 30 January 1919, Sankt Petersburg, Russland, Von den Bolschewiki erschossen
Olga Alexandrowna Jurjewskaja
birth: 7 November 1873, Sankt Petersburg, Russisches Zarenreich
title: Sérénissime la Princesse St. George
marriage: Georg Nikolaus von Merenberg , Nice
title: from 12 May 1895 -, Gräfin Merenberg
death: 10 August 1925, Wiesbaden, Hessen, Weimarer Republik
Борис Александрович Юрьевский
birth: 23 February 1876
title: Светлейший князь Юрьевский
death: 11 April 1876
Катерина Олександрівна Романова (Юрієвська, Барятинська)
birth: 9 September 1878, Санкт-Петербург, Російська імперія
title: Російська імперія, Светлейшая княжна Юрьевская
marriage: Олександр Володимирович Барятинський , Біарріц
marriage: Сергій Платонович Оболенський , Yalta
divorce: Сергій Платонович Оболенський
death: 22 December 1959, Північний Хейлінг, Англія, Сполучене Королівство
Maria Alexandrovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov
birth: 17 October 1853, Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Empire
title: from 17 October 1853 - 23 January 1874, Grand Duchess of Russia
marriage: Alfred Ernest Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha , Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire, Winter Palace
title: from 23 January 1874 - 24 October 1920, Duchess of Edinburgh
title: from 22 August 1893 - 24 October 1920, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
death: 24 October 1920, Zürich (Switzerland)
burial: after 24 October 1920, Coburg, Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, German Empire
== 3 ==
Marie Alexandra Victoria
birth: 29 October 1875, Eastwell (Kent), England, United Kingdom, Eastwell Park
title: from 29 October 1875 - 23 August 1893, Princess of the United Kingdom
title: from 1893 - 1893, Принцесса Саксен-Кобург-Готская
marriage: Ferdinand Viktor Albert Meinrad Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
title: from 10 January 1893 - 10 October 1914, Crown Princess of Romania
title: from 10 October 1914 - 20 July 1927, Queen of Romania
title: from 20 July 1927 - 18 July 1938, вдовствующая королева Румынии
death: 18 July 1938, Sinaia, Romania
Victoria Melita Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 25 November 1876, Malta, San Antonio Palace
title: 9 April 1894, Cobourg, Grande-Duchesse de Hesse
marriage: Ernest Hesse-Darmtadt (Hesse-Darmstadt, William) , Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
divorce: Ernest Hesse-Darmtadt (Hesse-Darmstadt, William) , Darmstadt
marriage: Cyril Vladimirovich Romanov
title: 15 July 1907, Grand Duchess of Hesse
other: 15 July 1907, Saint Petersburg, Conversion à l'Orthodoxie
death: 2 March 1936
Alfred Alexander William Ernest Albert
birth: 15 October 1874, London, England, United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace
title: from 15 October 1874 - 23 August 1893, Принц Эдинбургский
title: from 23 August 1893 - 6 February 1899, Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
death: 6 February 1899, Meran, Austria–Hungary, Sanitorium Martinnsbrunn
burial: Coburg, Germany, Glockenburg Cemetary
Beatrice Leopoldine Victoria Saxe-Coburg
birth: 20 April 1884, Eastwell (Kent), England, Eastwell Park
marriage: Alphonse d'Orléans , Coburg
death: 13 July 1966, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Andalusia, Spain
Ernest William Frederick von Hohenlohe-Langburg
birth: 13 September 1863, Langenburg, Germany
title: 7th Furst zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg
marriage: Alexandra Louise Olga Victoria Saxe-Coburg , Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
death: 11 December 1950, Langenburg, Germany
Alexandra Louise Olga Victoria Saxe-Coburg
birth: 1 September 1878, Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
marriage: Ernest William Frederick von Hohenlohe-Langburg , Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
death: 16 April 1942, Schwabisch Hall, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
== 3 ==
Alexandra Beatrice von Hohenlohe-Langenburg (Hohenlohe-Langenburg)
birth: 2 April 1901, Langenburg, Germany
death: 26 October 1963, Langenburg, Germany
Irma Helen von Hohenlohe-Langenburg (Hohenlohe-Langenburg)
birth: 4 July 1902, Langenburg, Germany
death: 8 March 1986, Heilbronn, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
William Frederick Christian Gunther
birth: 23 August 1891, Thumby, Province of Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia, Grünholz Manor
marriage: Marie Melita Leopoldine Viktoria Feodora Alexandra Sophie , Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
title: from 21 January 1934 - 10 February 1965, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein
death: 10 February 1965, Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
Marie Melita Leopoldine Viktoria Feodora Alexandra Sophie
birth: 18 January 1899, Langenburg, Germany
marriage: William Frederick Christian Gunther , Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
death: 8 November 1967, Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Margaret Oldenburg
birth: 18 April 1905, Athens (Greece)
marriage: Godfrey Hermann Alfred von Hohenlohe-Langenburg , Langenburg, Germany
death: 24 April 1981, Bad Wiessee, Germany
Godfrey Hermann Alfred von Hohenlohe-Langenburg
birth: 24 March 1897, Langenburg, Germany
title: from 24 March 1897 - 11 May 1960, Langenburg, Germany, Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg
marriage: Margaret Oldenburg , Langenburg, Germany
death: 11 May 1960, Langenburg, Germany
Alfred de Hohenlohe-Langenbourg
birth: 16 April 1911
death: 18 April 1911
Wilhelm Alfred Ferdinand
birth: 24 September 1919, Güby, Schleswig, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Louisenlund
death: 17 June 1926, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Alix de Schaumbourg-Lippe
birth: 2 April 1923, Allemagne
marriage: Friedrich Ernst Peter
death: 1 November 2021, Thumby, Gut Bienebek
Friedrich Ernst Peter
birth: 30 April 1922, Güby, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Louisenlund
marriage: Alix de Schaumbourg-Lippe
death: 30 September 1980, Thumby, Germany, Bienebek
birth: 3 December 1933, Германия, Швебиш-Халль
title: from 3 December 1933 - 3 December 1933, Германия, Швебиш-Халль, принцесса Хохенлох-Лангенбурга
death: 3 December 1933, Германия, Швебиш-Халль
Charlotte Alexandra Marie Clotilde von Croy (Hohenlohe-Langenburg, von Twickel)
birth: 31 December 1938, London
title: from 31 December 1938 - 5 June 1965, Princess von Croy
title: from 5 June 1965 - 26 May 1990, Princess Hohenlohe-Langenburg
marriage: Kraft Alexander Ernst Ludwig Georg Emich von Hohenlohe-Langenburg , Zwingenberg (Hesse), Schlösschen Zwingenberg
divorce: Kraft Alexander Ernst Ludwig Georg Emich von Hohenlohe-Langenburg , Germany
title: after 23 June 1993, Baroness von Tvikel
Kraft Alexander Ernst Ludwig Georg Emich von Hohenlohe-Langenburg
birth: 25 June 1935, Schwäbisch Hall
title: from 11 May 1960 - 16 March 2004, Schwäbisch Hall, Prinz von Hohenlohe-Langenburg
marriage: Charlotte Alexandra Marie Clotilde von Croy (Hohenlohe-Langenburg, von Twickel) , Zwingenberg (Hesse), Schlösschen Zwingenberg
divorce: Charlotte Alexandra Marie Clotilde von Croy (Hohenlohe-Langenburg, von Twickel) , Germany
marriage: Irma Pospesch (Hohenlohe-Langenburg) , Graz, Austria
death: 16 March 2004, Schwäbisch Hall
Beatrix Alice Marie Melite Margareth von Hohenlohe-Langenburg
birth: 10 July 1936, Швебиш-Халль, Германия
title: принцесса Хохенлох-Лангенбурга
death: 15 November 1997, Швебиш-Халль, Германия
Luise Pauline Amelie Vibeke Emma von Schönburg-Waldenburg
birth: 12 October 1943, Frankfurt (Oder), Brandenburg
title: Prinzessin von Schönburg-Waldenburg
marriage: Georg Andreas Heinrich von Hohenlohe-Langenburg , Burghausen, Bavaria
Georg Andreas Heinrich von Hohenlohe-Langenburg
birth: 24 November 1938, Schwäbisch Hall, Germany
title: Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg
marriage: Luise Pauline Amelie Vibeke Emma von Schönburg-Waldenburg , Burghausen, Bavaria
Рупрехт Сигизмунд Филипп Эрнст Hohenlohe-Langenburg
birth: 7 April 1944, Лангенбург, Швебиш-Халль, Хайльбронн-Франкен, Штутгарт, Баден-Вюртемберг, Германия
title: принц Хохенлох-Лангенбурга
death: 8 April 1978, Munich
Albrecht Wolfgang Christof von Hohenlohe-Langenburg
birth: 7 April 1944, Лангенбург, Швебиш-Халль, Хайльбронн-Франкен, Штутгарт, Баден-Вюртемберг, Германия
title: принц Хохенлох-Лангенбурга
marriage: Marie-Hildegarde Fischer , Berlin
death: 23 April 1992, Берлин, Германия
Hans Albrecht Viktor Alexander Friedrich Ernst Gottfried August Heinrich Waldemar
birth: 12 May 1917, Güby, Germany, Louisenlund
death: 10 August 1944, Zedlinsk, Poland
Marie Alexandra Caroline-Mathilde Viktoria Irene
birth: 9 July 1927, Güby, Germany, Louisenlund
marriage: Douglas Barton-Miller
death: 14 December 2000, Friedrichshafen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

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