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Louis I le Barbu b. about 1021 d. 13 June 1080

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Lineage Ludowinger
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Louis I le Barbu
Other given names Людвиг III

Konrad III de Thuringe [Thuringe] b. before 962 d. 29 November 994

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Louis le Barbu


about 1021 birth:

child birth: Утта фон Шауэнбург и Тюрингия [Людовинги] d. about 1122

title: comtе Schauenburg de Thuringe

physical description: l'ancêtre de la dynastie Ludowinger/ou maison Thuringe/

about 1042 child birth: Ludwig der Springer [Ludovingian] b. about 1042 d. about 1123

1056 child birth: Беренжер [Ludovingien] b. 1056 d. about 1110

13 June 1080 death:


From grandparents to grandchildren

Heribert von der Wetterau
birth: estimated 930
death: 992
Konrad 1er de Rheinfelden
birth: before 922
death: 20 August 997
Jutta von Öhningen
birth: before 920
Konrad III de Thuringe
birth: before 962
death: 29 November 994
== 3 ==
Cecilia von Sangerhausen
birth: about 1027
title: Countess of Sangerhausen
title: Countess of Thuringia
death: 1091
Louis I le Barbu
birth: about 1021
title: comtе Schauenburg de Thuringe
physical description: l'ancêtre de la dynastie Ludowinger/ou maison Thuringe/
death: 13 June 1080
== 3 ==
Ludwig der Springer
birth: about 1042
death: about 1123, Reinhardsbrunn
birth: 1056
title: граф Sangerhausen
death: about 1110
Утта фон Шауэнбург и Тюрингия
title: графиня Шауэнбург и Тюрингийская
title: графиня фон Линдербах/в замужестве/
marriage: Dietrich von Linderbach
death: about 1122
Lodewijk I von Thüringen
birth: estimated 1090
marriage: Hedwig von Gudensberg
title: from 1131 - 1140, Landgraf von Thüringen
death: 12 January 1140
Beringer von Lohra
title: Graf von Lohra

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