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Ludwig der Springer b. about 1042 d. about 1123

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Lineage Ludovingian
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Ludwig der Springer

Louis I le Barbu [Ludowinger] b. about 1021 d. 13 June 1080

Cecilia von Sangerhausen [Sangerhausen] b. about 1027 d. 1091

Wiki-page wikipedia:Louis the Springer


about 1042 birth:

estimated 1090 child birth: Lodewijk I von Thüringen [Ludovingen] b. estimated 1090 d. 12 January 1140

about 1123 death: Reinhardsbrunn


This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Konrad III de Thuringe
birth: before 962
death: 29 November 994
Herman IV von Schwaben
birth: about 1015
title: from 1030 - 28 July 1038, Herzog von Schwaben
marriage: Adelaide of Susa
death: 28 July 1038, bij Napels
burial: Trente
Liudolf van Brunswijk-Billung
birth: estimated 1005
title: Count of Derlingau
title: Count of Godingau
title: Margrave of Frisia
title: Count of Brunswick
marriage: Gertrud
death: 23 April 1038, Italy
Генрих III Сальско-Франковский
birth: 28 October 1017, Святое Римское царство
title: from 1027 - 1042, Баварское герцогство, Святое Римское царство, баварский герцог
marriage: Gunnhild de Danemark
title: 1039, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство, немецкий, римско-немецкий король
marriage: Агнеса из Пуатье Рамнульфович , Ингельхайм-ам-Райн
title: 25 December 1046, Святое Римское царство, римский царь
death: 5 October 1056, Бодфельд, Саксонское королевство, Святое Римское царство
Ernst II von Schwaben
birth: about 1010
title: from 1015 - 17 August 1030, Herzog von Schwaben
death: 17 August 1030, bei Burg Falkenstein auf der Baar im Schwarzwald
Gisela von Braunschweig
birth: about 1005
Berthold von Sangerhausen
birth: about 997
title: Graf Sangerhausen
death: about 1055
Louis I le Barbu
birth: about 1021
title: comtе Schauenburg de Thuringe
physical description: l'ancêtre de la dynastie Ludowinger/ou maison Thuringe/
death: 13 June 1080
Cecilia von Sangerhausen
birth: about 1027
title: Countess of Sangerhausen
title: Countess of Thuringia
death: 1091
== 3 ==
birth: 1056
title: граф Sangerhausen
death: about 1110
Утта фон Шауэнбург и Тюрингия
title: графиня Шауэнбург и Тюрингийская
title: графиня фон Линдербах/в замужестве/
marriage: Dietrich von Linderbach
death: about 1122
Ludwig der Springer
birth: about 1042
death: about 1123, Reinhardsbrunn
== 3 ==
Lodewijk I von Thüringen
birth: estimated 1090
marriage: Hedwig von Gudensberg
title: from 1131 - 1140, Landgraf von Thüringen
death: 12 January 1140
Judith von Schwaben
birth: about 1135
marriage: Lodewijk II von Thüringen
death: 7 July 1191
Lodewijk II von Thüringen
birth: 1128
title: from 1140 - 1172, Landgraf von Thüringen
marriage: Judith von Schwaben
death: 14 October 1172
Vladislav II de Bohême
birth: about 1110
marriage: Гертруда фон Бабенберг
title: 17 February 1140, Prince de Bohême
other: 1172, Roi de Bohême
marriage: Judith of Thuringia
death: 18 January 1174
Judith of Thuringia
birth: about 1135, Eisenach, Wartburg castle
title: 1155, Reine de Bohême
death: 1174
marriage: Vladislav II de Bohême

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