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Garrett Caleb Christopher Addison b. 1879

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Lineage Addison
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Garrett Caleb Christopher Addison

Thompson Benjamin Addison [Addison] b. 20 March 1843

Basheba Caroline Taylor [Taylor] b. September 1842 d. 1882


1879 birth: Montgomery County, Arkansas, United States

16 July 1899 marriage: Dora Lou Wood (Addison) [Wood] b. 21 August 1880 d. 31 October 1957

From grandparents to grandchildren

Josiah Addison
birth: about 1809, Franklin County (Georgia)
census: 1840, Franklin County (Georgia), P. 320, 211th dist.
death: after 1880, Franklin County (Georgia), Red Hill
Hester M. Addison
birth: about 1804, Franklin County (Georgia)
census: 1840, Franklin County (Georgia), 320, 211th dist.
death: before 1880
Brasell Addison
birth: 1795, United States, Fairfield Co. SC or GA
death: before 1860, Habersham County (Georgia), United States
Lott Addison
birth: 1803, Franklin County (Georgia)
death: Tennessee
burial: Benton (Tennessee), Grassy Creek Cemetery
Christopher C. Addison
birth: 21 February 1799, Fairfield Co. SC or GA
marriage: Susannah E. Guest (Addison) , United States, Fairfield County, Georgia
census: 1840, Franklin County (Georgia), P. 321, 211th dist.
death: 25 November 1861, Franklin County (Georgia)
Cynthia Sinthia Guest
birth: 28 June 1796, Pendleton Dist. SC
other: kathy riddick , Kinship
other: "Sam Gipson" , Kinship
death: about 1870, Franklin Co. GA
AnnAnny Lina Gess Guest
birth: 5 June 1792
other: Ketrena Moore , Kinship
William Guest
birth: 24 March 1775, Surry Co. NC
death: 16 July 1850, Lafayette Co. MS
Sanford Guest, Sr.
birth: 7 June 1799, Pendleton Dist. SC
other: "Joan Waits" , Kinship
death: 17 October 1878, Franklin Co. GA
Joseph Flint Guest
birth: September 1835
Susannah E. Guest (Addison)
marriage: Christopher C. Addison , United States, Fairfield County, Georgia
birth: 28 August 1802, Franklin County, Georgia, United States
death: 27 May 1876, Franklin County, Georgia, United States
Caleb Taylor
birth: 9 January 1811, Franklin County, Georgia, United States, Now Stephens County
death: 6 September 1887, Habersham County, Georgia, United States
Mary Ann Addison
birth: 15 October 1821
Brazill G. Addison
birth: 26 May 1851, United States
occupation: Franklin County, Georgia, United States, School Teacher.
death: 22 May 1851, United States
occupation: 1869, Franklin Counth, Georgia, United States, Farmer
Jemimah Lane Addison
birth: 12 June 1826
other: Rose Birdwell, Kinship
Synthia Addison
birth: 13 March 1829, Franklin County (Georgia)
Clark Terrell Addison
birth: 8 November 1831, Franklin County (Georgia)
death: 7 January 1892, Franklin County (Georgia)
burial: Allen's Meth. Cem
General Marion Addison
birth: 13 July 1834, Franklin County (Georgia)
death: 15 August 1904, Polk County (Arkansas)
burial: Rooky Cemetery
Frances Manerva Williams
birth: July 1844, Rome, Walker County, Georgia, United States
marriage: Austin Bush
marriage: Robert Lee Farnsworth
marriage: Thompson Benjamin Addison , Scott County, Arkansas, United States
marriage: B. F. Evens , Scott County, Arkansas, United States
death: 1914, Scott County, Arkansas, United States
Thompson Benjamin Addison
birth: 20 March 1843
marriage: Basheba Caroline Taylor
marriage: Frances Manerva Williams , Scott County, Arkansas, United States
Basheba Caroline Taylor
birth: September 1842, Georgia, United States
marriage: Thompson Benjamin Addison
death: 1882, Dayton, Sebastian Co., Arkansas, United States
== 3 ==
General Cicero Addison
birth: December 1867, Franklin County, Georgia, United States
marriage: Mary Elizabeth Farnsworth , Waldron (Arkansas), Scott County (Arkansas), Arkansas, United States, by B. C. Harris, M. G. Scott County Marriage Book B., Page 80.
other: 1910, Waldren, Arkansas, United States, 1910 SCOTT COUNTY ARKANSAS Head of house hold list
death: 13 January 1927, Fort Smith, Arkansas, United States
Lee Addison
birth: 1889
death: 1988
Georgia Addison
birth: 1867, Franklin County, Georgia, United States
Armall Addison
birth: calculated 1872, Texas, United States
Dora Lou Wood (Addison)
birth: 21 August 1880, Waldron, Arkansas
marriage: Garrett Caleb Christopher Addison
death: 31 October 1957, Poteau, Oklahoma, United States
Garrett Caleb Christopher Addison
birth: 1879, Montgomery County, Arkansas, United States
marriage: Dora Lou Wood (Addison)
== 3 ==

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