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Мария Савойская b. 10 March 1436 d. 1 December 1437

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Lineage Савойские
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Мария Савойская

Louis of Savoy [Savoy] b. 21 February 1413 d. 29 January 1465

w Anne of Cyprus (de Lusignan) [Lusignan] b. 24 September 1418 d. 11 November 1462


10 March 1436 birth:

title: Принц Савойский

1 December 1437 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Bonne d'Armagnac
birth: 19 February 1392, Lavardens (32)
title: 15 August 1410, Riom (63), Duchesse d'Orléans et Comtesse de Valois, d'Asti et de Blois
marriage: Карл (Шарль) I Орлеанский де Валуа , Riom (63)
death: 1435, Castelnau-de-Montmiral (81)
Jean IV d'Armagnac
birth: 15 October 1396, à Rodez
marriage: Blanche de Bretagne , Nantes
title: 12 June 1418, Paris, Comte d'Armagnac, de Rodez et de Fézensac
marriage: Isabelle de Navarre , Paris
death: 5 November 1450, L'Isle-Jourdain (32)
Anne d'Armagnac
birth: 1402
marriage: Charles d'Albret (Charles II)
title: 28 October 1417, Dame d'Albret et Comtesse de Dreux
death: 1473
Bernard VIII d’Armagnac
birth: about 1400
title: 12 June 1418, Paris, comte de Pardiac
title: 12 June 1418, vicomte de Carlat
marriage: Éleonore de Bourbon-La Marche
title: 1429, comte de la Marche
death: 1462
Marie d'Armagnac
birth: 1397
death: 1397
Jeanne d'Armagnac
birth: 1403
death: 1403
Béatrix d'Armagnac
birth: 1406
death: 1406
Amadeus VIII of Savoy
birth: 4 September 1383
title: from 1391 - 1416, Count of Savoy
marriage: w Marie de Bourgogne
title: from 1416 - 1440, Duke of Savoy
title: from 5 November 1439 - 7 April 1449, Antipope, Felix V
title: from 1449 - 7 January 1451, декан Коллегии кардиналов, 41-й
death: 7 January 1451
John of Burgundy
birth: 28 May 1371
title: 1384, Count of Nevers
marriage: Margaret of Bavaria , Cambrai
title: 27 April 1404, Duke of Burgundy
title: 26 August 1405, Count of Artois
death: 10 September 1419
Philip II of Nevers
birth: October 1389, Villaines-en-Duesmois
title: from 1405 - 1415, Count of Nevers
title: from 1407 - 1415, Count of Rethel
marriage: Isabelle de Coucy , Soissons
marriage: Bona d'Artois , Hénin-Beaumont
death: 25 October 1415, Agincourt
Antoine de Bourgogne
birth: August 1384
title: 1393, Comte de Rethel
marriage: Jeanne de Luxembourg-Ligny , Arras (62)
title: 1 November 1406, Stadt Brüssel, Duc de Brabant et de Limbourg
marriage: w Élisabeth de Goerlitz , Stadt Brüssel
death: 25 October 1415, Azincourt
Marguerite de Bourgogne
birth: 16 October 1374, Montbard
title: 12 April 1385, Cambrai, Princesse de Bavière
marriage: Wilhelm II von Bayern-Straubing , Cambrai (59)
title: 13 December 1404, München, Duchesse de Bavière-Straubing
death: 8 March 1441, Le Quesnoy
Catherine de Bourgogne
birth: April 1378, Montbard
title: 15 August 1392, Vienne (Autriche), Duchesse d'Autriche, de Styrie et de Carinthie
marriage: Leopold d'Autriche (Leopold IV) , Vienne (Autriche)
death: 26 January 1425, Vienne (Autriche)
Бонна Бургундская
birth: 1379
death: 1399
Marie de Bourgogne
birth: 1380
marriage: Amadeus VIII of Savoy
death: 8 October 1422
Marie de Chypre
birth: 1381, Gênes
title: 12 February 1403, Naples, Reine de Naples
marriage: Ladislas de Naples (Ladislas Ier) , Neapel
death: 4 September 1404, Naples
Janus of Cyprus
birth: 1375, Genoa
title: 1398, King of Cyprus
title: from 1398 - 29 June 1432, король Иерусалима, титулярный
marriage: w Charlotte Bourbon
death: 29 June 1432
Louis I de Bourbon-Vendôme
birth: 1376
title: 11 June 1393, Count of Vendôme
marriage: Blanche de Roucy
marriage: Jeanne de Laval , Rennes
death: 21 December 1446, Tours
Жан де Бурбон-Каренси
birth: March 1383, сеньор Каренси
marriage: Catherine d’Eu
marriage: Jeanne de Vendômois
death: 29 April 1458
Jacques II de Bourbon
birth: 1370
title: 11 June 1393, граф де Ла Марш
title: 1403, граф Кастра
marriage: Беатриса д'Эвре , Pampelune
title: 1415, губернатор Лангедока
marriage: Джованна II , Neapel
death: 24 September 1438, Besançon, Frankreich
Изабелла де Бурбон-Ла-Марш
occupation: монахиня в Пуасси
Anne de Bourbon
birth: about 1380
marriage: Jean de Montpensier
title: 1390, Gräfin von Montpensier
marriage: Ludwig VII von Bayern , Paris
title: 1 October 1402, Paris, Prinzessin von Bayern
death: 1408, Paris
Charlotte Bourbon
birth: 1388
marriage: Janus of Cyprus
death: 15 January 1422
Margareth of Savoy
birth: 7 August 1420, Morges
marriage: w Ludwig III von Anjou , Thonon-les-Bains
title: 31 August 1431, Thonon-les-Bains, Reine de Sicile, Duchesse d'Anjou, de Calabre et Comtesse de Provence
marriage: w Ludwig IV. der Sanftmüthige von der Pfalz , Heidelberg
marriage: Ulrich V. von Württemberg
death: 30 September 1479
Louis of Savoy
birth: 21 February 1413, Geneva
marriage: w Anne of Cyprus (de Lusignan) , Chambéry
title: from 1440 - 1465, Duke of Savoy
death: 29 January 1465, Lyon (France)
Anne of Cyprus (de Lusignan)
birth: 24 September 1418
marriage: Louis of Savoy , Chambéry
death: 11 November 1462
== 3 ==
Philip II of Savoy
birth: 5 February 1438
marriage: w Marguerite de Bourbon
marriage: Claudine de Brosse
title: from 1496 - 1497, Duke of Savoy
death: 7 November 1497
Amadeus IX von Savoyen
birth: 1 February 1435, Thonon-les-Bains
title: comte d'Aoste et de Maurienne
marriage: Yolande de France
title: from 1465 - 30 March 1472, Duca di Savoia
title: from 1465 - 1472, Principe di Piemonte
death: 30 March 1472, Vercelli, Piemont
Людовик Савойский
title: from 5 June 1435 - 4 October 1459, Граф Женевский
birth: 5 June 1436, Женева, или 1 Апрель 1437
marriage: w Аnnabella d'Écosse
divorce: w Аnnabella d'Écosse
title: between 4 October 1459 and 1460, Король Кипра
death: August 1482, Франция
Jean de Savoie
birth: 1438
title: comte de Genève
death: 1491
Pierre de Savoie
birth: 1440
title: évêque de Genève
title: évêque de Tarentaise
death: 1458
Janus de Savoie
birth: 1441
title: comte de Faucigny
title: gouverneur de Nice
death: 1491
Carlota de Savoie
birth: 11 November 1441, Chambéry (73)
title: 9 March 1451, Chambéry (73), Dauphine de France
marriage: Louis XI de France , Chambéry
title: 22 July 1461, Paris (75), Reine de France
other: 15 August 1461, Reims (51), Sacre
death: 1 December 1483, Amboise (37)
birth: 1442
death: 1443
Жак Савойский
birth: 29 November 1444, Женева
death: 1 June 1445, Женева, умер в младенчестве
Jean-Louis de Savoie
birth: 1447
title: évêque de Genève
title: évêque de Tarentaise
death: 1482
birth: 1448
death: 1475
Бонна Савойская
birth: 10 August 1449
title: рцогиня Милана
marriage: Галеаццо Мария Сфорца
death: 17 November 1503, Фоссано
Jacques de Savoie
birth: 12 November 1450
death: 30 January 1486
birth: 1452
death: 1452
François de Savoie
birth: 1454
title: archevêque d'Auch
title: évêque de Genève
death: 1490
birth: 1455
Margaret Savoy
birth: April 1439
marriage: Peter II de Luxembourg-Saint-Pol
death: 9 March 1483
Мария Савойская
birth: 10 March 1436
title: Принц Савойский
death: 1 December 1437
== 3 ==

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