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Niketas Patricianus d. 1057

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Lineage Pegonites
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Niketas Patricianus


child birth: Eirene Pegonites [Pegonites] d. 8 September 1065

title: stratège

title: duc de Drach

1057 death:


This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

[edit] Sources

  1. - wikidata Nicétas Pégonitès
  2. - wikipedia bg Никита Пигонит
  3. - wikipedia es Nicetas Pegonita

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Niketas Patricianus
title: stratège
title: duc de Drach
death: 1057
== 1 ==
Johannes Doukas (Sebastocrator)
birth: after 1006, Empire byzantin
title: césar
marriage: Eirene Pegonites
death: about 1088, Empire byzantin
Eirene Pegonites
birth: Empire byzantin, Paphlagonie
marriage: Johannes Doukas (Sebastocrator)
death: 8 September 1065, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
Maria Kubratos
title: protovestiaria
marriage: Andronikos Doukas
death: after 1081
Andronikos Doukas
birth: 1036, Костянтинополь, Грецьке царство
title: Грецьке царство, protovestiarios
title: Грецьке царство, protoproedros
marriage: Maria Kubratos
death: 14 October 1077, Грецьке царство, œdème

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