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Johannes Doukas (Sebastocrator) b. after 1006 d. about 1088

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Lineage Dukas
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Johannes Doukas
Other last names Sebastocrator

Andronikos Doukas [Dukas] b. about 980 d. about 1029


after 1006 birth: Empire byzantin

title: césar

marriage: Eirene Pegonites [Pegonites] d. 8 September 1065

1036 child birth: Костянтинополь, Грецьке царство, Andronikos Doukas [Dukas] b. 1036 d. 14 October 1077

about 1088 death: Empire byzantin


probably his mother Evdokia from the Macedonian dynasty? Evdokia went to the monastery, however, some Greek sources claim that she managed to give birth to Andronicus Dukas - the son of John, for example, in Greek Wikipedia in the genealogical table of Irina Dukini

From grandparents to grandchildren

Andronikos Doukas
birth: about 980
title: about 1010, stratège
death: about 1029
== 2 ==
Constantin X
birth: 1006
title: césar
marriage: Eudocie Makrembolitissa (Doukas, Diogenai)
title: from 24 November 1059 - 22 May 1067, empereur byzantin
death: 22 May 1067, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
burial: Constantinople, monastère Saint-Nicolas
Eirene Pegonites
birth: Empire byzantin, Paphlagonie
marriage: Johannes Doukas (Sebastocrator)
death: 8 September 1065, Constantinople, Empire byzantin
Johannes Doukas (Sebastocrator)
birth: after 1006, Empire byzantin
title: césar
marriage: Eirene Pegonites
death: about 1088, Empire byzantin
== 2 ==
Maria Kubratos
title: protovestiaria
marriage: Andronikos Doukas
death: after 1081
Andronikos Doukas
birth: 1036, Костянтинополь, Грецьке царство
title: Грецьке царство, protovestiarios
title: Грецьке царство, protoproedros
marriage: Maria Kubratos
death: 14 October 1077, Грецьке царство, œdème
Alexios I Komnenos
birth: about 1058
title: about 1075, Царьград, Греческое царство, старопедарх
title: 1078, Царьград, Греческое царство, севаст
marriage: Eirene Doukaina , Царьград, Греческое царство
title: from 4 April 1081 - 15 August 1118, Emperor of Byzantium
death: 15 August 1118
burial: монастырь Христа Человеколюбца, Царьград, Византийская империя
Eirene Doukaina
birth: about 1066
marriage: Alexios I Komnenos , Царьград, Греческое царство
title: from 1081 - 1118, цариця
death: 19 February 1123

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