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Miriamne de Bretaigne b. estimated 835

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Lineage Brittany
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Miriamne of Brittany

Erispoe of Brittany [Brittany] b. estimated 805 d. 12 November 857

Marmohec [?]

Marmohec [?] b. estimated 815 d. before 857



estimated 835 birth:

estimated child birth: Gerberga [?] b. estimated

estimated 850 child birth: Judith Gurvand (de Rennes) [Rennes] b. estimated 850 d. about 870

856 engagement: [2], Louis II of West Francia [Carolingian] b. 1 November 846 d. 10 April 879

after 857 marriage: Gurvand (Vurfandus) de Rennes [Rennes] b. estimated 830 d. 877

860 child birth: Eurgaine de Poher [Framling] b. 860


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[edit] Sources

  1. -
  2. Histoire généalogique de la maison royale de France et des grands officiers de la couronne By Anselme and H. Caille — Edition: 3 — Tome: 1 — on this page (page: 34)

From grandparents to grandchildren

birth: 780
title: from 819 - 851, Count of Broerec
title: about 826, Count of Poher
title: from 832 - 851, Count of Vannes
title: from 833 - 845, Lord of Brittany, gubernans in Brittannia, magister in Britannia, regnans in Britannia
title: from 837 - 845, missus imperatoris
title: from 845 - 7 March 851, King of Brittany
death: 7 March 851, near Vendôme
burial: Redon, Abbey of the Holy Saviour
Argental de Catalon
birth: estimated 790, Argenteuil
Erispoe of Brittany
birth: estimated 805
marriage: Marmohec
title: from 7 March 851 - 857, Count of Vannes
title: from 7 March 851 - 857, King of Brittany
title: from August 851 - 852, Count of Rennes
title: from August 851 - 852, Count of Nantes
burial: 857, Redon, Abbey of the Holy Saviour
death: 12 November 857, Talensac, France
birth: estimated 815
marriage: Erispoe of Brittany
death: before 857
== 3 ==
Louis II of West Francia
birth: 1 November 846, Compiègne
engagement: Miriamne of Brittany , {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=34}}
title: 856, Duc du Maine,
marriage: w Ансгарда Бургундская , Ils se seraient mariés clandestinement {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=34}}
title: 867, Roi d'Aquitaine,
marriage: Аделаида Парижская Жерардович
other: w Ансгарда Бургундская , Répudiation
title: 6 October 877, King of Aquitaine
other: 8 December 877, Compiègne, Sacrée par Hincmar, archevêque de Reins
other: 7 September 878, Troyes (Aube), Couronné empereur par le Pape Jean VIII
death: 10 April 879, Compiègne
burial: 11 April 879, Compiègne, Saint-Corneille Abbey
Miriamne of Brittany
birth: estimated 835
engagement: Louis II of West Francia , {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=34}}
marriage: Gurvand (Vurfandus) de Rennes
== 3 ==
birth: estimated
Paskwitan II de Vannes
title: Count de Vannes
death: 903
Judith Gurvand (de Rennes)
birth: estimated 850
marriage: Berengar de Bayeux
death: about 870
Judicael Berengar
birth: 900, Brittany, France
marriage: Gerberga ? (Rennes)
death: 970
title: to 970, Kont Roazhon

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