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William Douglas b. before 1401

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Lineage Douglas
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) William Douglas

Маргарита Стюарт [Стюарти] d. 1456

w Archibald Douglas (4. Earl of Douglas) [Douglas] b. about 1369 d. 17 August 1424


before 1401 birth:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Walter Stewart
death: 1363
Robert Stewart
birth: between 1339 and 1340
marriage: w Margaret Mentieth
title: from 28 February 1361 - 3 September 1420, Earl of Fife
title: from 30 March 1371 - 3 September 1420, Duke of Albany, 1st
marriage: Harriette(Muriella) Keith
other: from 1383 - 1407, великий камергер Шотландии
other: from December 1388 - February 1393, хранитель (регент) Шотландии
title: from 24 July 1394 - 20 September 1406
title: from 1398 - 3 September 1420, герцог Олбани
other: from December 1401 - 3 September 1420, королевский наместник (регент) Шотландии
title: from 1403 - 1406, граф Атолла
death: 3 September 1420, Стерлинг, Стерлингшир, Королевство Шотландия
Alexander Stewart
birth: 1343
title: 1-й граф Бьюкен(he was the first Earl of Buchan )
death: 20 June 1405
Isabella Stewart
death: 1410, Princess of Scots
David de Strathearn
birth: 1356
death: 1389
Walter de Caithness
birth: 1367
death: 1437, Édimbourg
John Robert Stewart (Robert III of Scots)
birth: from 1337 - 1340, Dundonald (South Ayrshire), Scotland
marriage: Anabella Drummond (Stewart)
title: 1368, King of Scots
title: 19 April 1390, Dundonald (South Ayrshire), Roi d'Écosse
death: 4 April 1406, Rothesay (Bute), Scotland, Rothsay Castle
John Drummond (Sir)
birth: 1365, Drymen, Stirlingshire, Scotland
title: Sir John Drummond of Stoball
fact 1: Foi Bailio de Abthaine of Dull.
title: Lord Stoball
marriage: Elizabeth Sinclair
residence: 1425, Madeira
death: 1428
Anabella Drummond (Stewart)
birth: 1350, Stobhall, Perthshire, Scotland
title: 1367, Scone (Perth and Kinross), Scotland, Scone Palace, Queen Consort of Scotland
marriage: John Robert Stewart (Robert III of Scots)
title: 19 April 1390, Dunfermline
death: 1402
Archibald "the Grim" Douglas (3. Earl of Douglas)
birth: about 1325
title: 3rd Earl of Douglas
marriage: Joan Moray
death: 24 December 1400, Threave Castle, Threave, Galloway, Schottland
Joan Moray
birth: about 1339, Strathearn, Perthshire, Schottland
marriage: Archibald "the Grim" Douglas (3. Earl of Douglas)
death: estimated August 1409, Hermiston, Roxburghshire, Schottland
James I Stewart
birth: 25 July 1394, Dunfermline, Scotland
title: 1402, Catholic
title: 4 April 1406, King of Scotland
marriage: Joan Beaufort , Londres
death: 21 February 1437, Perth, Scotland
Catherine Stewart (Stuart)
birth: 1362, Dundonald (South Ayrshire)
death: 1446
Mary Stewart
birth: 1381
death: 1458
David de Rothesay
birth: 24 October 1378
title: 1390, comte de Carrick
title: April 1398, duc de Rothesay
title: September 1398, comte d'Atholl
marriage: Marjorie Douglas
death: 26 March 1402, Falkland (Écosse)
Маргарита Стюарт
other: Князівство Скотія, старша дочка майбутнього князя Скотії Роберта III
marriage: w Archibald Douglas (4. Earl of Douglas)
death: 1456, Князівство Скотія
William Douglas (Lord Nithsdale)
title: Lord of Nithsdale
marriage: Egydia Stewart
death: 1392
Archibald Douglas (4. Earl of Douglas)
birth: about 1369
title: 4th Earl of Douglas (4-й граф Дуглас)
marriage: Маргарита Стюарт
death: 17 August 1424
== 3 ==
Elizabeth Douglas
birth: 1385
marriage: William Sinclair (3rd Earl Orkney)
title: 1401, Princesse d'Albany
marriage: John Stewart de Buchan
title: 1420, Comtesse de Buchan
death: 1451
William Douglas
birth: before 1401
== 3 ==

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