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Maurice Drummond (Druimmonadh) b. 1060 d. 1093

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Lineage Drummond
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Maurice Drummond
Other last names Druimmonadh

George Arpad (Of Hungary) [Arpad] b. 1035

Agatha Podiebradia (of Bohemia) [Podiebradia] b. 1035



1060 birth: Hungary

1085 child birth: Malcolm Drummond [Drummond] b. 1085 d. 1130

1093 death: Battle Of Alnwich


This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

The name Drummond is Gaelic for Far Mountain (Other side of the mountains).

[edit] Sources

  1. Burke's Peerage -
  2. A. Gaspar Zarándy. Árpád vére -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Бела I Войцех Угорський
birth: between 1015 and 1020, Князівство Угорське, Царство
marriage: w Ryksa Piast (of Poland)
marriage: w Тута фон Формбах , Венгерское королевство, Святое Римское царство
title: from 1061 - 10 September 1063, Князівство Угорське, Царство, Князь
death: 10 September 1063, Город Мосон, Князівство Угорське, Царство
burial: Обитель Сексардська, Князівство Угорське, Царство
Anastasia Yaroslavna
birth: about 1023, Велике Князівство Руське і Київське
marriage: Andrew I of Hungary
death: between 1074 and 1096
burial: after 1074, Провінція Штирія, Священна Імперія Римська, Stift Admont
Andrew I of Hungary
birth: 1015, Esztergom, Hungary
marriage: Anastasia Yaroslavna
death: before 6 December 1060, Zirc, Hungary
burial: after 6 December 1060, Tihany, Benedictine Tihany Abbey
Gundolph Podiebradius
birth: 1010, Bohemia
title: Duke of Bohemia
Шаламон Венгерский Арпад
birth: 1053
engagement: Judith of Swabia , im Rahmen eines Friedensschluss Heiliges Römisches Reich und Ungarn
marriage: Judith of Swabia
title: from 1063 - 1074, король Венгрии, 6-й
death: March 1087
Adelaide Arpad
birth: about 1045
marriage: Vratislav II ? (Wratysław II)
title: 1057, Princesse de Bohême
title: 28 January 1061, Duchesse de Bohême
death: 27 January 1062
George Arpad (Of Hungary)
birth: 1035, Hungary
== 3 ==
Maurice Drummond (Druimmonadh)
birth: 1060, Hungary
death: 1093, Battle Of Alnwich
== 3 ==
Malcolm Drummond
birth: 1085
death: 1130
Maurice Drummond
birth: 1100
death: 1155

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