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Imagina van Blieskastel b. 1225 d. 3 November 1298

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Lineage Metz-Blieskastel
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Imagina van Blieskastel

Heinrich von Blieskastel [Metz-Blieskastel] b. 1180 d. 1237

Agnes von Sayn [Sayn] b. 1190 d. 5 September 1259

Reference numbers GEDCOM::PauwelvanNassau.ged::INDI @I6593@::Kjansen


1225 birth:

child birth: Agnes von Isenburg [Isenburg] d. 1319

1255 marriage: Gerlach I von Isenburg in Limburg [Isenburg] b. 1220 d. 1297

1260 child birth: Imagina von Isenburg-Limburg-Gerlach (Nassau) [Isenburg] b. 1260 d. 29 September 1318

estimated 1260 child birth: Johann I von Isenburg (in Limburg) [Isenburg] b. estimated 1260 d. 1 October 1312

3 November 1298 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Sophia von Saarbrucken
birth: about 1149
title: about 1165, Duchesse de Limbourg et Comtesse d'Arlon
marriage: w Heinrich de Limbourg (Heinrich III)
death: after 1215
Simon II. von Saarbrücken
birth: about 1150
death: after 1207
Frederik van Saarbruggen
birth: about 1150
death: before 1187
Agnes von Sayn
birth: 1190
marriage: Heinrich von Blieskastel
death: 5 September 1259
== 3 ==
Elisabeth van Metz Blieskastel
birth: 1220
death: 13 April 1273
== 3 ==
Adolf von Nassau
birth: about 1250
marriage: Imagina von Isenburg-Limburg-Gerlach (Nassau)
title: 24 January 1276, Römisch-deutscher König
title: 5 May 1292, Spier, Netherlands, killed in battle
other: 23 June 1298, Mainz, Déposition
death: 2 July 1298, Göllheim
Imagina von Isenburg-Limburg-Gerlach (Nassau)
birth: 1260
title: 1271, 8
marriage: Adolf von Nassau
title: 24 January 1276, Comtesse de Nassau-Wiesbaden, de Nassau-Weilburg et de Nassau-Idstein
title: 5 May 1292, Reine des Romains
death: 29 September 1318
Oda van Ravensberg
birth: estimated 1265
death: 25 July 1313
burial: Limburg, Franciscanerklooster
Johann I von Isenburg (in Limburg)
birth: estimated 1260
title: Hr von Limburg in Limburg, Ober- und Niedermockstadt u.Hechtsheim
marriage: Elisabeth von Geroldseck
death: 1 October 1312, Limburg
burial: Limburg, Franciscanerklooster
Rudolf de Bavière (Rudolf Ier)
birth: 4 October 1274, Bâle
marriage: Mechthild von Nassau
title: 12 February 1294, Heidelberg, Duc de Haute-Bavière et Comte palatin du Rhin
other: 1317, Abdication
death: 12 August 1319, Heidelberg
Mechthild von Nassau
birth: about 1280
marriage: Rudolf de Bavière (Rudolf Ier)
title: 1294, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière et Comtesse palatine du Rhin
death: 1323
Agnes von Hessen
marriage: Gerlach I von Nassau
title: 1307, Comtesse de Nassau-Wiesbaden et de Nassau-Weilburg
death: 13 January 1332
Irmengard von Hohenlohe-Weikersheim
birth: 1315
marriage: Gerlach I von Nassau
title: 4 January 1337, Comtesse de Nassau-Wiesbaden et de Nassau-Weilburg
title: 1355, Comtesse de Nassau-Idstein
death: 1372
Gerlach I von Nassau
birth: between 1275 and 1283
title: 2 July 1298, von Nassau in Wiesbaden, Idstein und Weilburg und Weilnau
marriage: Agnes von Hessen
marriage: Irmengard von Hohenlohe-Weikersheim
title: 1355, Comte de Nassau-Idstein
death: 7 January 1361
Adelheid von Nassau
death: 7 June 1338, Klarenthal, Kloster Klarenthal
Ruprecht V von Nassau
birth: about 1280
title: 2 July 1298, Göllheim, Comte de Nassau
death: 2 December 1304
Hendrik von Nassau
birth: about
Adolf von Nassau
birth: 1292
death: 1294
Walram III von Nassau
birth: about 1294
title: 2 July 1298, Göllheim, Comte de Nassau-Wiesbaden
death: 15 May 1324
Friedrich VI von Leiningen-Dagsburg
birth: estimated 1285
marriage: Jutta von Isenburg
death: before 1342
Jutta von Isenburg
birth: estimated 1290
marriage: Friedrich VI von Leiningen-Dagsburg
death: between 1330 and 1335

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