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Изабелла Борджиа b. 1505 d. 1555

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Lineage Борджиа
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Изабелла Борджиа

w Gioffre Borgia [Borgia] b. 1481 d. between December 1516 and January 1517

w Sancha of Aragon [Trastámara-Naples] b. 1478 d. 1506


1505 birth:


marriage: Джованни Борджиа [Борджиа] b. estimated 1500 d. 1589

1555 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Rodrigo Lanzol Borja (Borgia) (Pope Alexander VI)
birth: 1 January 1431, Xàtiva, Kingdom of Aragon
title: 20 February 1456, кардинал-протодьякон
title: 1458, Bischof von Valencia
title: 1467, Bischof von Urgell
title: 1467, Kofürst von Andorra
title: 1468, Bischof von Albano
title: 1476, Bischof von Porto
title: 1482, Bischof von Cartagena
title: 11 August 1492, Rome, Pope, Alexander VI
death: 18 August 1503, Rome, Italy
Vannozza Cattanei
birth: 1442, Mantua (Italy)
death: 24 November 1518, Rome, Italy
Beatrice Napoli
birth: 16 November 1457
marriage: Matthias Hunyadi (Corvinus)
title: 16 September 1476
marriage: Matthias Hunyadi (Corvinus) , Budapest
title: 1486, Duchesse d'Autriche
marriage: Władysław II (Ladislaus) Jagiellończyk , Esztergom
title: 4 October 1490, Esztergom, Reine de Bohême et de Hongrie
annulment: Władysław II (Ladislaus) Jagiellończyk , Rome
death: 23 September 1508, Naples
Фердинандо д’Арагона
birth: 1461
title: Герцог Монтальта
marriage: Кастеллана ди Кардона
death: 1542
Leonora (Eleanor) ? (of Naples)
birth: 22 June 1450
marriage: Ercole I d'Este , Naples
title: 3 July 1473, Naples, Duchesse de Ferrare, de Modène et de Reggio
death: 11 October 1493
Federico d'Aragona
birth: 9 April 1452, Naples
marriage: w Anna de Savoie , Milan
marriage: w Isabella del Balzo
title: 7 October 1496, King of Naples
death: 9 November 1504, Tours
Джованна Неаполитанская
birth: 1478
marriage: w Ferdinand II of Naples
title: 1496, Reine de Naples
death: 27 August 1518, Неаполь
Giovanni de Naples
birth: 25 June 1456, Neapel
title: 10 December 1477, Rom, Kardinal, [[Person:821600]]
death: 21 November 1485, Rom
Francesco de Saint-Ange
birth: 1461
death: 1486
Carlo de Naples
birth: 1480
death: 1486
Lucrezia de Aragón
fact 1: в 1493 году вышла замуж за Онорато III Гаэтани делл'Акуилы, герцога Траетто и принца Альтамуры
marriage: Onorato III Gaetani
Ипполита Мария Сфорца
birth: 18 April 1446, Кремона
marriage: Alfonso II of Naples , Naples
title: 10 October 1465, Naples, Duchesse de Calabre
death: 20 August 1484, Неаполь
Alfonso II of Naples
birth: 4 November 1448, Naples
title: 27 June 1458, King of Naples
marriage: Ипполита Мария Сфорца , Naples
title: 25 January 1494, Messina
other: February 1495, Naples, Abdication
death: 19 November 1495, Messina
Giovanni de Candia Borgia
birth: 1476, Rome, Italy
title: duc de Gandie
title: prince de Tricarico
occupation: gonfalonier de l'Église
occupation: préfet de Rome
marriage: María Enríquez de Luna , Rome, Italy
death: 14 June 1497, Rome, Italy, Murdered
Lucrecia Borgia
birth: 18 April 1480
marriage: w Giovanni Sforza
annulment: w Giovanni Sforza
title: 21 July 1498
marriage: w Alfonso of Aragon , Naples
title: 21 July 1498, Naples, Princesse de Salerne
marriage: Alphonse Ier d’Este (Alfonso Ier)
title: 2 February 1502, Rome, Princesse de Ferrare
title: 15 June 1505, Ferrare, Duchesse de Ferrare, de Modène et de Reggio d'Émilie
death: 24 June 1519, Ferrare
Cesare Borgia
birth: 13 September 1475
title: duc de Gandie
marriage: w Charlotte d'Albret , Biographie de Charlotte d'Albret : [[wk:fr:Charlotte d'Albret|Wikipédia]]
death: 12 March 1507, Viana (Spain)
Gioffre Borgia
birth: 1481, Rome
marriage: w Sancha of Aragon , Naples
death: between December 1516 and January 1517, Squillace
Изабелла Неаполитанская
birth: 2 October 1470
marriage: Gian Galeazzo Sforza , Milan
title: 2 February 1489, Milan, Duchesse de Milan
death: 11 February 1524
Ferdinand II of Naples
birth: 26 July 1469, Naples
title: 25 January 1494, King of Naples
title: February 1495, Naples, Roi de Naples
marriage: Джованна Неаполитанская
death: 7 October 1496, Naples
Alfonso of Aragon
birth: 1481
title: 1481, Duke of Bisceglie
title: 1481, Prince de Salerne
marriage: Lucrecia Borgia , Naples
death: 18 August 1500
Piero de Rossano
birth: 1472
death: 1491
Sancha of Aragon
birth: 1478, Gaeta
marriage: Gioffre Borgia , Naples
death: 1506, Naples
== 3 ==
== 3 ==

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