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John Stewart Noall Bernays d. 1941

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Lineage Bernays
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) John Stewart Noall Bernays

Stewart Frederic Lewis Bernays [Bernays] b. 1866

Lillian Stephenson (Bernays) [Stephenson] d. 1935


1941 death: Egypt


Lieutenant Colonel Bernays of 2nd Battalion of Leicestershire Regiment was killed in action during the Western Desert Campaign in Egypt at the age of 48 on 1941/12/05.

He was a son of the Revd. Prebendary Stewart Frederic Lewis Bernays, O.B.E., M.A., and Lilian Bernays; husband of Sylvia C. Bernays, of Wrecclesham, Surrey.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Lewis Adolphus Bernays
birth: 1831, London
marriage: Mary Anne Eliza Borton (Bernays) , Dunedin (New Zealand)
death: 1908
Albert James Bernays
birth: 1823
death: 1892, London, England
Ellen Bernays (Jones)
birth: 23 April 1826
Arthur Edwin Bernays
birth: before December 1850
Amy Mary Bernays (Gillott)
birth: 1852
marriage: Algernon Sydney Gillott , Great Stanmore, Middlesex (England)
death: 1929
Stewart Frederic Lewis Bernays
birth: 1866, Great Stanmore, Middlesex (England), The Rectory
marriage: Lillian Stephenson (Bernays)
Lillian Stephenson (Bernays)
marriage: Stewart Frederic Lewis Bernays
death: 1935, London, After a long period of depressive illness and voluntary residence in nursing homes, she was found dead in the River Thames just before Christmas 1935.
== 3 ==
Robert Hamilton Bernays
birth: 6 May 1902
marriage: Nancy Britton (Bernays)
death: 23 January 1945, Italy
John Stewart Noall Bernays
death: 1941, Egypt
== 3 ==

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