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Bohemund IV de Poitiers b. 1172 d. March 1233

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Lineage Ramnulfids
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Bohemund IV de Poitiers

Bohemund III de Antioch [Ramnulfids] b. 1144 d. 1201

Orguilleuse de Harenc [Harenc] d. March 1175

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Bohemond_IV_of_Antioch


1172 birth:

child birth: Оргуэллиса Пуатье [Рамнульфиды]

child birth: Philip de Poitiers (of Armenia) [Ramnulfids] d. 1225

from 1187 - March 1233 title: Ct Tripolis

1197 marriage: Plaisance Embriaco of Giblet [Embriaco] d. 1217

between 1198 and 1217 child birth: Henri de Poitiers (of Antioch) [Ramnulfids] b. between 1198 and 1217 d. between 18 June 1276 and 27 June 1276

about 1200 child birth: Мария Матильда Антиохийская [Рамнульфиды] b. about 1200 d. after 1225

from 1201 - 1205 title: Pr.Antioch

about 1205 child birth: Bohemond V de Poitiers (of Antioch) [Ramnulfids] b. about 1205 d. 1252

from 1208 - 1216 title: князь Антиохийский

1 January 1218 marriage: Melisende de Lusignan [Lusignan] b. after 1201 d. after 1249

from 1219 - March 1233 title: князь Антиохии

March 1233 death:


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Agnès de Poitiers
birth: July 1103, Poitiers (86)
marriage: Aimery V de Thouars
title: 13 November 1135, Jaca, Reine d'Aragon
marriage: Ramiro II van Aragon , Jaca
death: 1159, Fontevraud-l'Abbaye (49)
Willem van Poitiers Valentinois
birth: 1105
death: 4 March 1187
William X de Aquitanie-Poitou
birth: 1099, Toulouse
marriage: w Eleonore Châtellerault
death: 9 April 1137, Santiago de Compostela
burial: Santiago de Compostela
Раймунд де Пуатье
birth: 1099
marriage: w Constance of Antioch
title: from 1136 - 29 June 1149, князь Антиохии
death: 27 June 1149, Антиохия, Убит в битве при Инабе
Raynald of Châtillon
birth: about 1120
title: from 1153 - 1160, prince d'Antioche
marriage: w Constance of Antioch
title: from 1177 - 4 July 1187, seigneur d'Outre-Jourdain
marriage: Stephanie von Milly
death: 4 July 1187
Agnes of Antioch
birth: 1154
marriage: Bela III of Hungary
title: from 4 March 1172 - 1184, королева-консорт Венгрии
death: 1184
burial: Székesfehérvár, dann in der Mathias-Kirche in Budapest, in der Nähe von denen ihres Mannes.
Marie Antioch
birth: 1145
title: Святое Римское царство, антиохийская княжна
title: from 1161 - 1180, Римское царство, римская царица
marriage: Manuel I Komnenos (Ho Megas) , Римское царство
death: 27 August 1182
Bohemund III de Antioch
birth: 1144
title: Prince d’Antioche
marriage: Orguilleuse de Harenc
death: 1201
== 3 ==
Raymond IV de Poitiers (of Antioch)
title: between 1187 and 1189, comte de Tripoli
title: between 1193 and 1194, prince régent d'Antioche
marriage: Alix (Alice) ? (of Armenia, Rupenids)
death: May 1199
Melisende de Lusignan
birth: after 1201
marriage: Bohemund IV de Poitiers
death: after 1249, или в 1233
Bohemund IV de Poitiers
birth: 1172
title: from 1187 - March 1233, Ct Tripolis
marriage: Plaisance Embriaco of Giblet
title: from 1201 - 1205, Pr.Antioch
title: from 1208 - 1216, князь Антиохийский
marriage: Melisende de Lusignan
title: from 1219 - March 1233, князь Антиохии
death: March 1233
== 3 ==
Isabelle (Zabel) of Armenia
birth: before 1219
title: from 1219 - 1252, Queen of Armenia
marriage: Philip de Poitiers (of Armenia)
marriage: w Hethum I
death: 22 January 1252
Philip de Poitiers (of Armenia)
title: from 1221 - 1225, King of Cilician Armenia
marriage: Isabelle (Zabel) of Armenia
death: 1225, poisoned in prison
Bohemond V de Poitiers (of Antioch)
birth: about 1205
title: from March 1233 - 1252, Prince of Antioch, ct de Tripolis
death: 1252
Isabella de Lusignan
birth: before 1216
other: Regent from Cyprus
marriage: Henri de Poitiers (of Antioch)
death: 1264
Henri de Poitiers (of Antioch)
birth: between 1198 and 1217
title: Prince of Antioch
marriage: Isabella de Lusignan
death: between 18 June 1276 and 27 June 1276, Тир, drawn in the sea
burial: Никосия, Кипр
Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen
birth: 26 December 1194, Iesi, Ancona
title: from 28 September 1197 - 1212, King of Sicily
marriage: w Konstanze von Aragón
title: from 1212 - 13 December 1220, King of the Romans
title: from 1212 - 1216, Duke of Swabia
title: from 1217 - 13 December 1250, King of Sicily
title: from 22 November 1220 - 13 December 1250, Holy Roman Emperor
title: from 1225 - 1228, King of Jerusalem
marriage: Isabella (Yolanda) de Brienne
title: from 1230 - 1239, King of Thessalonica, titular
other: Бианка Ланчия д’Альяно , liaison
marriage: w Isabella of England , Worms (Germany)
marriage: Бианка Ланчия д’Альяно , marriage is concluded on the deathbed of the bride and was not recognized by the church
death: 13 December 1250, Torremaggiore, Apulia, Italy, Castel Fiorentino
burial: Palermo
Сибилла Армянская
marriage: Bohemund VI de Poitiers (of Antioch) , the marriage took place under the mediation of Louis IX
Bohemund VI de Poitiers (of Antioch)
birth: about 1237
title: from 1252 - 1268, Prince of Antioch
title: from 1252 - 1275, Ct of Tripolis
marriage: Сибилла Армянская , the marriage took place under the mediation of Louis IX
title: from 1258 - 1261, регент-сеньор Иерусалимского королевства
title: from 1268 - 1275, титулярный князь Антиохийский
birth: 1275
Henry I de Lusignan
birth: 3 May 1217
marriage: Stéphanie de Barbaron
title: from 1218 - 18 January 1253, король Кипра
marriage: w Alix de Montferrat
marriage: Плесанка Пуатье Антиохийская
death: 18 January 1253, Nicosia, Cyprus
Hugues III de Lusignan
birth: 1235
title: from 1267 - 24 March 1284, King of Cyprus
fact 1: 24 December 1267, Nicosia, crowned in Santa Sofia
title: 1268, King of Jérusalem
death: 24 March 1284, Tyr (Lebanon)
Hugh III Lusignan (de Poitiers)
birth: 1235
title: 1267, roi de Chypre
title: 1268, roi de Jérusalem
death: 24 March 1284
Jean de Montfort
birth: about 1240
title: from 1257 - 1266, lord of Toron
marriage: Маргарита Антиохийская
title: after 1270, Lord of Tyre
death: 27 November 1283
Маргарита Антиохийская
birth: about 1244
marriage: Jean de Montfort
death: 1308
burial: Никосия, Кипр
Heinrich VII
birth: 1211, Sizilien
title: from 1212 - 1217, король Сицилии, 8-й под именем Генрих II
title: from 1216 - 4 July 1235, герцог Швабии
title: from 23 April 1220 - 4 July 1235, король Германии
marriage: Margrethe d'Autriche , Nuremberg
death: 12 February 1242, Martirano, Kalabrien
Manfred de Savoie
birth: about 1232, Venosa
marriage: w Helena Angelina Dukaina
marriage: Beatrice of Savoy
title: from 10 August 1258 - 26 February 1266, Roi de Sicile
death: 26 February 1266, Bénévent
Margaret Hohenstaufen of Swabia
birth: 21 December 1241, Foggia
marriage: w Adalbert II Wettin of Thuringia
death: 8 August 1270, Frankfurt
Konrad IV der Staufer
birth: 25 April 1228, Andria, Apulien
title: from 25 April 1228 - 21 May 1254, König von Jerusalem
title: from 1235 - 21 May 1254, Herzog von Schwaben
title: from February 1237 - 21 May 1254, Römisch-deutscher König
marriage: Elisabeth de Bavière
title: from 13 December 1250 - 21 May 1254, König von Sizilien
death: 21 May 1254, Lavello
birth: 1236
death: 1236
birth: 1237
death: 1237
Heinrich von Hohenstaufen
birth: 18 February 1238, Ravenna
death: January 1254
title: граф Театский
death: 1249
Энцо Сардинский
birth: about 1215
title: король Сардинии
title: король Корсики
marriage: Аделасия
divorce: Аделасия
marriage: Аделаида
death: 1272
birth: 1223
death: 1244
birth: 1230
death: 1298
Фридрих Антиохийский
birth: about 1221
death: 1256

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