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Harthacanute Knudsen (Knutesson) b. between 1018 and 1019 d. 8 June 1042
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Jelling |
Sex | Male |
Full name (at birth) | Harthacanute Knudsen |
Other last names | Knutesson |
Other given names | Hardeknut Hardeknud Hardecanute |
♂ Knut le Grand ? (Knud II) [Jelling] b. 994 d. 12 November 1035 ♀ Emma I of Normandy [Normandy] b. 980 d. 7 March 1052 |
between 1018 and 1019 birth:
from 1035 - 1037 title: King of England
from 1040 - 1042 title: König von Dänemark
from 17 March 1040 - 1042 title: roi d'Angleterre
8 June 1042 death: Lambeth, England
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From grandparents to grandchildren
♂ Ekkehard I van Meissen
birth: about 960
marriage: ♀ Swanhilde van Saksen Billung
title: from 985 - 1002, margrave de Misnie
death: 30 April 1002
burial: Kleinjena, buried in Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche
marriage: ♀ Swanhilde van Saksen Billung
title: from 985 - 1002, margrave de Misnie
death: 30 April 1002
burial: Kleinjena, buried in Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche

birth: between 965 and 967
marriage: ♀ ?
divorce: ♀ ?
marriage: ♀ Judyta Arpad
divorce: ♀ Judyta Arpad
marriage: ♀ w Conhilda (Gunnilda) Dobromirovna
title: from 992 - 1025, князь Польши, 2-й
title: from 1003 - 1004, князь Чехии, 10-й
marriage: ♀ w Ода Эккехардович из Мейсена
title: from 18 April 1025 - 17 June 1025, король Польши, 1-й
death: 17 June 1025
burial: after 17 June 1025, Poznań, Archcathedral Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul
marriage: ♀ ?
divorce: ♀ ?
marriage: ♀ Judyta Arpad
divorce: ♀ Judyta Arpad
marriage: ♀ w Conhilda (Gunnilda) Dobromirovna
title: from 992 - 1025, князь Польши, 2-й
title: from 1003 - 1004, князь Чехии, 10-й
marriage: ♀ w Ода Эккехардович из Мейсена
title: from 18 April 1025 - 17 June 1025, король Польши, 1-й
death: 17 June 1025
burial: after 17 June 1025, Poznań, Archcathedral Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul
♂ Ламберт Мешкович Пястов
birth: between 980 and 986, Польское королевство
death: after 992, Польское королевство
death: after 992, Польское королевство
♀ Gunhilda ? (of Poland (daughter of Mieszko))
birth: Duchy of Greater Poland
death: Duchy of Greater Poland
death: Duchy of Greater Poland
♂ Eric the Victorious
birth: before 945
marriage: ♀ Sigrid Mieskaya (Sigrid Storrada)
title: from 970 - 995, King of Sweden, under the name of Eric VI
marriage: before 980
death: about 995
marriage: ♀ Sigrid Mieskaya (Sigrid Storrada)
title: from 970 - 995, King of Sweden, under the name of Eric VI
marriage: before 980
death: about 995
♀ Emma Capet
birth: about 943
children count: pas de descendance
marriage: ♂ Richard I of Normandy ("The Fearless")
death: 18 March 968
children count: pas de descendance
marriage: ♂ Richard I of Normandy ("The Fearless")
death: 18 March 968
♂ Olof Skötkonung (Eriksson)
birth: estimated 980, Uppsala, Sweden
title: from 995 - 1022, roi de Suède
death: 1022, Husaby
title: from 995 - 1022, roi de Suède
death: 1022, Husaby
♀ Estrid Sweynsdotter (Knytling)
birth: after 995
marriage: ♂ w Илья Ярославич Русский и Киевский
marriage: ♂ Ulf Throkilsson
engagement: ♂ Robert I FitzRichard (Evereaux)
death: 9 May, date is may 9th
burial: Roskilde
marriage: ♂ w Илья Ярославич Русский и Киевский
marriage: ♂ Ulf Throkilsson
engagement: ♂ Robert I FitzRichard (Evereaux)
death: 9 May, date is may 9th
burial: Roskilde
♀ Эльфгифу Нортхемптонская
title: 1014, Датское княжество, датская княжна
marriage: ♂ Knut le Grand ? (Knud II)
title: 1016, Английское княжество, английское княжество
marriage: ♂ Knut le Grand ? (Knud II)
title: 1016, Английское княжество, английское княжество

birth: 23 August 963, Rouen, Normandy
marriage: ♀ w Papia of Envermeu
marriage: ♀ Judithe Bretanha (Bretagne)
title: between 20 November 996 and 28 August 1026, Duque da Normandia
death: 23 August 1026, Fécamp, France
marriage: ♀ w Papia of Envermeu
marriage: ♀ Judithe Bretanha (Bretagne)
title: between 20 November 996 and 28 August 1026, Duque da Normandia
death: 23 August 1026, Fécamp, France
♂ Mauger Le Jeune
birth: about
title: about, Count of Saint Clair
marriage: ♀ Germaine de Corbeil
title: from 996 - 1032, Count of Mortain
title: from 1012 - 1032, Count of Corbeil
death: 1032
title: about, Count of Saint Clair
marriage: ♀ Germaine de Corbeil
title: from 996 - 1032, Count of Mortain
title: from 1012 - 1032, Count of Corbeil
death: 1032

birth: 977, Rouen, France
title: 996, Rennes, France, Duchess of Normandy
marriage: ♂ w Geoffrey I Beranger of Brittany ,
death: 22 February 1034
title: 996, Rennes, France, Duchess of Normandy
marriage: ♂ w Geoffrey I Beranger of Brittany ,
death: 22 February 1034
♂ William FitzRichard
birth: 978
marriage: ♀ Lesceline Harcourt
title: from 1040 - 1058, граф Э
death: 1058, 4 januari of 26 janauri
marriage: ♀ Lesceline Harcourt
title: from 1040 - 1058, граф Э
death: 1058, 4 januari of 26 janauri
♂ Robert d'Évreux
birth: estimated 965
caste: from 989 - 1037, archevêque de Rouen
title: from 996 - 1037, Comte d'Évreux
death: 1037
caste: from 989 - 1037, archevêque de Rouen
title: from 996 - 1037, Comte d'Évreux
death: 1037
♀ Beatrice of Normandy (FitzRichard)
birth: 980
ordination: as widow abbess of Montvilliers
marriage: ♂ Ebles I de Turenne (de Comborn)
death: 18 January 1035
ordination: as widow abbess of Montvilliers
marriage: ♂ Ebles I de Turenne (de Comborn)
death: 18 January 1035
♂ Geoffrey de Bec (Crispin d'Eaux)
birth: estimated 960
title: estimated 1000, граф де Брион
title: estimated 1000, граф д'Э
death: after 1023
title: estimated 1000, граф де Брион
title: estimated 1000, граф д'Э
death: after 1023
♀ Mathilde de Normandie
marriage: ♂ Eudes II de Blois
title: 1003, Dame de Blois
title: 1004, Comtesse de Blois, de Châteaudun, de Chartres, de Reims, de Tours, de Beauvais, de Provins et de Sancerre
death: about 1006
title: 1003, Dame de Blois
title: 1004, Comtesse de Blois, de Châteaudun, de Chartres, de Reims, de Tours, de Beauvais, de Provins et de Sancerre
death: about 1006

birth: between 966 and 969
marriage: ♀ Emma I of Normandy
death: 23 April 1016
burial: London, St Paul's
marriage: ♀ Emma I of Normandy
death: 23 April 1016
burial: London, St Paul's
== 3 ==
♂ Edward III of Wessex ("The Confessor")
birth: about 1004
marriage: ♀ w Едита Годвінович Княжна Вессекська
title: from 8 June 1042 - 5 January 1066, King of England
death: 5 January 1066
marriage: ♀ w Едита Годвінович Княжна Вессекська
title: from 8 June 1042 - 5 January 1066, King of England
death: 5 January 1066
♂ Harald Harefoot
birth: about 1015
title: from 12 November 1035 - 17 March 1040, King of England
death: 17 March 1040
title: from 12 November 1035 - 17 March 1040, King of England
death: 17 March 1040
♂ Свен Кнутссон
birth: 1016, Датское королевство
title: 1035, Норвежское королевство, норвежский король
death: 1036, Норвежское королевство
title: 1035, Норвежское королевство, норвежский король
death: 1036, Норвежское королевство
== 3 ==