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Sigeheard ? (van Essex)

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Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Sigeheard ?
Other last names van Essex

Egicus Egiltania (de Goth) [Egiltaina] b. about 610 d. 702


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King of Essex

From grandparents to grandchildren

title: between 21 September 672 and 680, Hispania, Rey de los visigodos
death: 687, Pamplica, Cluniensis, Tarraconense, Hispania
birth: estimated 640
marriage: Bera II
Ариберга Визигот
birth: Испанское княжество
marriage: Мать Эгики
Cixillo d'Ardabast
birth: Визиготское княжество
marriage: Egicus Egiltania (de Goth)
Egicus Egiltania (de Goth)
birth: about 610
marriage: Cixillo d'Ardabast
title: between 687 and 702, Vizigothic King of Spain
death: 702
== 3 ==
Egilona ? (Egitania)
marriage: Abd Al-Aziz ibn Musa
marriage: w Roderick Baetica (de Goth)
death: 718, Spain - Marriage to Abd Al-Aziz ibn Musa
Witiza d'Ardobast
birth: 687
marriage: Eloalli Bitular Pires de Galiza
title: from 702 - 710, Rey de los visigodos
death: 710
Oppa ? (Egiltaina)
title: Seville, Bishop of Seville
death: 712
Sisebert (Sisebut)
title: Count of Coimbra
== 3 ==

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