- ? (Tuminah) (?, ?)
- ? (Princess of Deheubarth, Verch Rhydderch) (?, ?)
- ? (El Ati 2) (?, ?)
- ? (Gratidia) (?, ?)
- ? (Jorgrimmes Daughter) (?, ?)
- ? (King of Dasharna, Dasharna) (?, ?)
- ? (Daughter of Gudea, Lagash II Dynasty) (?, ?)
- ? (Princess of Artaxia) (?, ?)
- ? (Grandson of Huemac, Toltec-Culhuacan) (?, ?)
- ? (Son of Huemac, Toltec-Culhuacan) (?, ?)
- (Artontes) Artontius Mardonius (?, ?)
- (General) Archelaus I ? (the Geographer) (?, ?)
- (General) Jisnu ? (Gupta) (?, ?)
- (Prince) Devaka ? (of Mathura, Kukura) (?, ?)
- (Sir) Walter ? (St.John, of Lydiard Tregoze) (?, b. May 1622 d. 3 July 1708)
- Abd Al-Aziz ibn Ibrahim (?, ?)
- Abdul Qavi (?, ?)
- Abdurrahman ? (As Saqaf) (?, ?)
- Abner ? (Matrites) (?, ?)
- Acastus ? (Peliades) (?, ?)
- Actaeon ? (Lybias) (?, ?)
- Actia Martiana ? (Actia) (?, ?)
- Adhiratha ? (Athagates) (?, ?)
- Aedh ? (MacOengusa, Montremoir, Uí Felmeda) (?, ?)
- Aefred ? (of Bamburg) (?, ?)
- Aelia Verina ? (Ennodia) (?, ?)
- Aethircho ? (Lawhir) (?, ?)
- Agenor ? (son of Pleuron) (?, ?)
- Agnar Roksson ? (Vestfold) (?, ?)
? cont.
- Ajoe ? (Adiwongso) (?, ?)
- Albreda ? (deRie) (?, ?)
- Albus Latinus (?, ?)
- Alcia Agrippina Vibullia ? (Gens Vibullia) (?, ?)
- Alcibiades ? (The Elder, Alcmaeonidae) (?, ?)
- Althaea (?, ?)
- Amaterasu ? (Omikami) (?, ?)
- Amphinomus ? (Son of Diomedes the Trojan Veteran) (?, ?)
- Amthelo ? (Formoraig, Athagates) (?, ?)
- Anaxibia ? (Exhilos) (?, ?)
- Ancus ? (Marcius, Censorinus) (?, ?)
- Anistus ? (Longinus) (?, ?)
- Ankh-I-Noe (Achiroe) ? (Xanthippe) (?, ?)
- Anscarius ? (Austwich) (?, ?)
- Antilochus ? (of Messenia, Neleides) (?, ?)
- Arbacines (Arbaces) ? (Arjuna) (?, ?)
- Archelaus III (?, ?)
- Archelaus II (?, ?)
- Arddun (Dunaut) ? (ap Pabo, Penasgell) (?, ?)
- Arfiyah Haji Ibrahim (?, ?)
- Arhat Sacayinat (?, ?)
- Arrhea Moerae (?, ?)
- Art ? (mac Thomas, McCahalReagh) (?, ?)
- Artaxias I (Artashah) ? (Artaxia) (?, ?)
- Artur Inflig macEllim ? (Jonarie) (?, ?)
- Asclepeia ? (Daughter of Nebros, Asclepeios) (?, ?)
- Atargatis ? (Derceto) (?, ?)
- Atlisdotter (?, ?)
- Auden ? (Angelous) (?, ?)
- Aurelianus ? (Actia) (?, ?)
- Aurelius ? (Conanus (Caninus), Cynin ap Millo, Corneu) (?, ?)
- Ausonia ? (Lipari, of Liparus, Ausonius) (?, ?)
- Ayuh (Ayus) (?, ?)
- Baeton (Baedon) Caech MacEchach ? (Badrui) (?, ?)
- Bambang Irianto (?, ?)
- Barinah ? (Poerwodimedjo) (?, ?)
- Bartholomew ? (Grenvile) (?, ?)
- Bendoro Raden Mas Satriyo ? (Gusti Bendoro Pangeran Haryo Benowo, Hamengkubuwono) (?, ?)
- Betrest (Batirytes) (?, ?)
- Bonafemena ? (Quirini) (?, ?)
- Bossura (?, ?)
- Bothmall ? (MacTrénmór, Fianna) (?, ?)
- Brahman ? (ILAithecht, Magog) (?, ?)
- Brangaidh ? (MacEchdach, Uí Felmeda) (?, ?)
- Brian ? (mac Mhatha, macMáelsechlainn) (?, ?)
- Caius ? (Actius) (?, ?)
- Capys Sabinus (?, ?)
- Carabbus (?, ?)
- Caradog ? (?, b. estimated 640)
- Carl Niklas ? (Hellenius) (?, ?)
- Cas (Cos) Clothach MacAIRER ? (Heber) (?, ?)
- Cas Cet Cumnech MacFAELDERGDOIT ? (Heber) (?, ?)
- Cassia ? (Samusid) (?, ?)
- Catguallaun ? (map Guitcun, Penasgell) (?, ?)
- Catherine ? (St.John) (?, ?)
- Chlodwig (Clodwyr) ? (Heidricsson, Glaesvellir) (?, ?)
- Cilix Aseraph ? (Cilici) (?, ?)
- Cinbelim map Dumngual hen (?, ?)
- Clymenus ? (Caladus) (?, ?)
- Comaetho (?, ?)
- Conaire II ? (Lawhir) (?, ?)
- Constantine (?, ?)
- Corbred III ? (Lawhir) (?, ?)
- Cornelius Fidus (?, ?)
- Dat ? (Donat, Bigorra) (?, ?)
- Dayang Biru ? (Kotawaringin) (?, ?)
- Dejazmach ? (Meru) (?, ?)
? cont.
- Demonissa (?, ?)
- Dina ? (Robertsdotter, Osgarthorpe) (?, ?)
- Diomedes ? (Son of Diomedes the Trojan Veteran) (?, ?)
- Dunavt ? (ap Cherwyd) (?, ?)
- Dydwerth ? (Verch Idnerth) (?, ?)
- Dywel ? (ap Erbin, Corneu) (?, ?)
- Echion of Sparta ? (Spartid) (?, ?)
- Echu ? (mac Muiredaig, Ilchelgach, Uí Felmeda) (?, ?)
- Edda ? (Vaysha, Walesha) (?, ?)
- Emmanuel ? (Mamikonian (Nakharar), Hrimner Mimersson, Nakharar) (?, ?)
- Enanepada ? (High Priestess of Nanna at Ur, Lagash II Dynasty) (?, ?)
- Eochaid ? (Mac Oengus, Uí Felmeda) (?, ?)
- Eochaidh ? (Lawhir) (?, ?)
- Epira ? (Spartid) (?, ?)
- Er ? (Kohathites) (?, ?)
- Erbin ? (of Dumnonia) (?, ?)
- Ermind ? (ap Erbin, Corneu) (?, ?)
- Eulalia ? (Waspadini) (?, ?)
- Failbhe IIchorach MacCAS ? (Heber) (?, ?)
- Fathochta ? (Aithecht, Magog) (?, ?)
- Feideilmid ? (MacOengus, Uí Felmeda) (?, ?)
- Fergal ? (mac Seaain, McCahalReagh) (?, ?)
- Flavius Romulus ? (Romulus) (?, ?)
- Freydis (?, ?)
- Gade (Gades) ? (Israel - House of Gadi) (?, ?)
- Galas ? (Chersonese) (?, ?)
- Gashebe (Hebe) Deianeira ? (of Calydon) (?, ?)
- Gemma de Napoli (?, ?)
- Geoffrey ? (Trusbut) (?, ?)
- Geoffrey ? (de Rie) (?, d. about 980)
- Geraint (?, ?)
- Glaphyra ? (of Cappadocia, Sisines) (?, b. about -35 d. about 7)
- Gorgo Melanippe ? (of Calydon) (?, ?)
- Gregory III de Napoli (?, ?)
- Gyritha ? (Sceafing) (?, ?)
- Hadieum (?, ?)
- Haji ? (Taufiqqurrahman) (?, ?)
- Harald Wilhelm ? (Freiherr von Hellens) (?, ?)
- Hardolph ? (Osgarthorpeson, Osgarthorpe) (?, ?)
- Harlan ? (Wahjan) (?, ?)
- Harmonia ? (Iasian) (?, ?)
- Hartati Soekotjo ? (Binti Hagnyosandjojo) (?, ?)
- Hasanah ? (Abu Naim) (?, ?)
- Haza ibn Bildas (?, ?)
- Henry ? (St.John, Bollingbrook) (?, b. 17 October 1652 d. 8 April 1742)
- Family: Gaius Octavius Thurinus + Ancharia
- Hernando ? (de Alvarado, Tezozomoc, Tezozomotzin) (?, ?)
- Hervor ? (Heidricksdotter, Waelkyri, Glaesvellir) (?, ?)
- Hind (?, ?)
- Hippolochus ? (Aiolus, Aiolos) (?, ?)
- Hj ? (Halimah) (?, ?)
- Humlus ? (Dansson, Sceafing) (?, ?)
- Ibrahim al Qutay ibn Isa ? (Gote ibn Isa) (?, ?)
- Indra ? (Gadhi, Kausika) (?, ?)
- Ingrid ? (Austwich) (?, ?)
- Isesi-ankh (?, ?)
- Jakob Jensen ? (Skartum) (?, ?)
- Jamadagni ? (Kausika) (?, ?)
- Joanna ? (St.John, of Bletsoe) (?, ?)
- Johan Teodor ? (Freiherr von Hellens) (?, ?)
- John ? (FitzRobert, Vipont) (?, ?)
- John ? (St.John) (?, ?)
- Julia Augusta (?, ?)
- Junia Silana (?, ?)
- Kalliope Philoxena ? (Pilos) (?, ?)
- Kamal ? (Kara-Musel) (?, ?)
- Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung Joyosudargo ? (Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung Prawiroproyo) (?, ?)