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Daughter of Theodoric I ? (Wife of Rechiar) b. estimated 420

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Lineage Balthus
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Daughter of Theodoric I ?
Other last names Wife of Rechiar

Theodoric I ? (The Ostrogoth, Dietrich, Balti Dynasty) [Balthus] b. estimated 390 d. 24 June 451

Amalaberge d'Ostrogothie [?] b. about 400



estimated 420 birth:

marriage: Rechiar [-]

[edit] Sources

  1. - Biography of Rechiar Wikipedia

From grandparents to grandchildren

Theodoric I ? (The Ostrogoth, Dietrich, Balti Dynasty)
birth: estimated 390, Peuce Island, Dobruja
title: from 418 - 451, King of the Visigoths
death: 24 June 451, Battle of Chalons, France
Amalaberge d'Ostrogothie
birth: about 400
== 2 ==
Aeric (Euric) Balthus
birth: about 420
marriage: Ragnacilde
title: from 466 - 484, King of the Visigoths
death: July 484
Torismund Balthus (Torismund)
birth: estimated 420, Візіготське воєводство, Римське царство
title: from 451 - 453, Візіготське воєводство, Римське царство, воєвода (князь, король, рекс, рой)
death: 453, Візіготське воєводство, Римське царство, убитий внаслідок змови
Theodoric II
birth: estimated 420
title: from 453 - 466
death: 466
birth: estimated 420
death: 463
Rethemeris ? (Ricimer)
birth: estimated 420
Ψ Himmérit
birth: estimated 420
title: Roi de Galice
nationality: suève
marriage: Daughter of Theodoric I ? (Wife of Rechiar)
== 2 ==

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