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Felipe Antonio of Bourbon b. 13 June 1747 d. 19 September 1777

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Lineage Bourbon-Anjou
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Felipe Antonio of Bourbon

Charles III Bourbon [Bourbon-Anjou] b. 20 January 1716 d. 14 December 1788

Maria Amalia Christina of Saxony [Wettin] b. 24 November 1724 d. 27 September 1760


13 June 1747 birth:

19 September 1777 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Louis de Bourbon
birth: 6 August 1682
title: 6 August 1682, Герцог Бургундский
baptism: 18 January 1687, Versailles (France)
marriage: Marie-Adélaïde de Savoie , Versailles (France)
title: 14 April 1711, Duke of Burgundy
death: 18 February 1712
Charles de Berry
birth: 31 July 1686, Versailles (78)
title: 31 August 1686, Versailles (78), Duc de Berry
marriage: Marie Louise Élisabeth d'Orléans , Versailles (France)
death: 5 May 1714, Marly-le-Roi (78)
Maria Luisa de Savoie
birth: 17 September 1688, Turin
marriage: Philip V de Bourbon , Figueres, Spain
title: 3 November 1701, Figueras, Reine d'Espagne, des Deux-Siciles et des Pays-Bas
death: 14 February 1714, Madrid
Philip V de Bourbon
birth: 19 September 1683, Versailles (France)
baptism: 1687, Duke of Anjou
title: from 15 November 1700 - 14 January 1724, King of Spain
marriage: Maria Luisa de Savoie , Figueres, Spain
marriage: Elizabeth Farnese , Parma (Italy)
title: from 31 August 1724 - 9 July 1746, König von Spanien
death: 9 July 1746, Madrid, Spain
Elizabeth Farnese
birth: 25 October 1692
marriage: Philip V de Bourbon , Parma (Italy)
title: 25 August 1714, Reina consorte de España
death: 11 July 1766
Maria Amalia of Austria
birth: 22 October 1701, Vienna (Austria)
marriage: Charles VII Albert Wittelsbach
title: 5 October 1722, Wien, Princesse de Bavière
title: 26 February 1726, München, Princesse-Electrice de Bavière
title: 24 January 1742, Frankfurt am Main, Impératrice des Romains
death: 11 December 1756, Munich
Leopold Joseph von Österreich
birth: 29 October 1700, Wien
death: 4 August 1701, Wien
Maria Josepha of Austria
birth: 8 December 1699, Vienna (Austria)
marriage: Augustus III of Poland , Dresden
title: 20 August 1719, Erzherzogin von Österreich
title: 1 February 1733, Königin von Polen
death: 17 November 1757, Dresden
Анна Каролина Ожельская
birth: between 23 November 1707 and 26 November 1707, Warschau, в других источниках - 1702 г.
title: графиня
marriage: Карл Людвиг Фридрих Шлезвиг-Голштейн-Зондербург-Бекский , Dresden
divorce: Карл Людвиг Фридрих Шлезвиг-Голштейн-Зондербург-Бекский
death: 27 September 1769, Avignon
Maurice de Saxe
birth: 28 October 1696, Goslar
title: comte de la Raute
title: comte de Saxe
death: 30 November 1750, Chambord (41), Château de Chambord
Jean Georges de Saxe
birth: 21 August 1704, Dresde, électorat de Saxe du Saint-Empire romain germanique
title: chevalier de Saxe
death: 25 February 1774, Dresde, électorat de Saxe du Saint-Empire romain germanique
Augustus III of Poland
birth: 17 October 1696
marriage: Maria Josepha of Austria , Dresden
title: from 1733 - 5 October 1763, Elector of Saxony
title: from 1733 - 5 October 1763, King of Poland
title: from 1734 - 5 October 1763, Großherzog von Litauen
death: 5 October 1763
Мария Антония Испанская (de Borbón)
birth: 17 November 1729
marriage: Victor Amadeus III of Savoy , Oulx
title: 31 May 1750, Oulx, Prinzessin von Savoyen und Sardinien
title: 20 February 1773, Turin, Herzogin von Savoyen, Sardinien Königin und die Prinzessin von Piemont
death: 19 September 1785
Ferdinand VI de Bourbon
birth: 23 September 1713, Madrid, Spain
marriage: Maria Barbara de Portugal
title: from 1746 - 1759, König von Spanien
title: 9 July 1746, Prince des Asturies
death: 10 August 1759, Villaviciosa de Odón, Spain
Philipp de Bourbon
birth: 2 September 1709
death: 8 September 1709
Luis Felipe de Borbón (Louis I of Spain)
birth: 25 August 1707, Madrid, Spain, Buen Retiro Palace
title: 25 August 1707, Infante of Spain
marriage: Louise Élisabeth d’Orléans , Madrid
title: 15 January 1724, Prince Asturias
title: from 15 January 1724 - 31 August 1724, König von Spanien
death: 31 August 1724, Madrid, Spain, Buen Retiro Palace
Felipe Pedro Gabriel de Bourbon
birth: 7 June 1712
death: 29 December 1719
Philip of Bourbon
birth: 15 March 1720
marriage: Marie Louise Élisabeth de Bourbon
title: December 1745, Parma, König von Lombardei
title: 18 November 1748, Aachen, Herzog von Parma, Piacenza und Guastalla
death: 18 July 1765
Mariana Victoria of Bourbon
birth: 31 March 1718
marriage: Joseph I of Portugal
title: 19 January 1729, Lisbonne, Infante du Portugal
title: 31 July 1750, Lisbonne, Reine du Portugal et des Algarves
death: 15 January 1781
Maria Theresia von Spanien
birth: 11 June 1726, Madrid, Spanien
marriage: Louis-Ferdinand de France , Schloss Versailles, Frankreich
title: 23 February 1745, Sanssouci
death: 22 July 1746, Schloss Versailles, Frankreich
Francisco von Spanien
birth: 21 March 1717, Madrid
death: 21 April 1717, Madrid
Luis de Borbón
birth: 25 July 1727, Madrid
marriage: w Maria Teresa de Vallabriga y de Rozas
title: 19 December 1735, Rom, Kardinal, [[Person:933732]]
death: 7 August 1785, Arenas de San Pedro
Charles III Bourbon
birth: 20 January 1716, Madrid, Spain
title: 26 February 1731, Duke of Parma
title: 15 May 1734, Italy, King of Naples and Sicily
title: 3 July 1735, Vienne (Autriche), Roi de Sicile
marriage: Maria Amalia Christina of Saxony
title: from 10 August 1759 - 14 December 1788, King of Spain
death: 14 December 1788, Madrid, Spain
Maria Josepha Carolina Eleonore Franziska Xaveria of Saxony
birth: 4 November 1731, Dresden (Germany), Saxony, Dresden Castle
marriage: Louis-Ferdinand de France , Versailles (France)
title: 9 February 1747, Duchess of Saxony
death: 13 March 1767, Versailles (France), tuberculosis
Karl Christian Joseph of Saxony
title: 1733, durch Geburt Prinz von Sachsen und Polen
birth: 13 July 1733
title: from 1758 - 1763, Duke of Courland
marriage: Franziska von Corvin-Krasinski , Warsaw, Poland, morganatic
death: 16 June 1796
Frederick Christian Wettin of Saxony
birth: 5 September 1722, Dresden (Germany), Electorate of Saxony
marriage: Maria Antonia Wittelsbach of Bavaria , Munich, Electorate of Bavaria, by proxy
marriage: Maria Antonia Wittelsbach of Bavaria , Dresden (Germany), Electorate of Saxony, in person
title: from 5 October 1763 - 17 December 1763, Dresden (Germany), Electorate of Saxony, Elector of Saxony
death: 17 December 1763, Dresden (Germany), Electorate of Saxony, died of smallpox
burial: after 17 December 1763, Dresden (Germany), Electorate of Saxony, Hofkirche, The Catholic Church of the Royal Court of Saxony
Albert Kasimir von Sachsen-Teschen
birth: 11 July 1738, Moritzburg (Sachsen)
marriage: Maria Chrstina d'Autriche
death: 10 February 1822, Wien
burial: Kapuzinergruft
Maria Anna de Saxe
birth: 29 August 1728, Dresde
title: 9 July 1747, Munich, Princesse-Electrice de Bavière
marriage: Maximilian de Bavière (Maximilian III) , Munich
death: 17 February 1797, Munich
Franz Xaver von Sachsen
birth: 25 August 1730, Dresden
marriage: Chiara Spinucci , Dresden
death: 17 June 1806, Zabeltitz
Maria Amalia Christina of Saxony
birth: 24 November 1724, Dresden
marriage: Charles III Bourbon
title: 3 July 1738, Reine de Sicile, de Naples et Duchesse de Parme et de Plaisance
title: 10 August 1759, Queen Consort of Naples and Sicily
death: 27 September 1760, tuberculosis
== 3 ==
Carlos Antonio Pascual Francisco Javier Juan Nepomuceno Jose Januario Serafin Diego de Borbón (Carlos IV)
birth: 11 November 1748, Portici, Kingdom of Naples
title: 11 November 1748, Prince of Asturias
marriage: w Maria Luisa of Parma
title: from 14 December 1788 - 19 March 1808, King of Spain
death: 20 January 1819, Rome, Italy
Maria Louisa of Bourbon
birth: 24 November 1745
title: from 24 November 1745 - 10 August 1759, Innsbruck, Duchesse d'Autriche
title: from 10 August 1759 - 16 February 1764
title: from 16 February 1764 - 18 August 1765, Erzherzogin von Österreich, Prinzessin von Ungarn und Böhmen
marriage: Peter II Leopold Joseph Habsburg-Lorraine , Madrid, Spain
title: from 18 August 1765 - 20 February 1790, Die Großherzogin von Toskana
title: from 20 February 1790 - 1 March 1792, Vienna (Austria), Impératrice du Saint-Empire, Reine de Bohême, de Hongrie et Archiduchesse d'Autriche
title: from 1 March 1792 - 15 May 1792, Die Kaiserinwitwe des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, die verwitwete Erzherzogin von Österreich, Witwe Königin von Ungarn und Böhmen
death: 15 May 1792, Vienna (Austria)
Antonio d'Espagne
birth: 31 December 1755, Portici
marriage: w Maria Amelia d'Espagne
death: 20 April 1817, Portici
María Isabel von Spanien
birth: 6 September 1740, Portici
death: 2 November 1742, Nápoles
María Josefa von Spanien
birth: 20 January 1742, Portici
death: 1 April 1742, Nápoles
Maria Isabel von Spanien
birth: 30 April 1743, Neapel
death: 5 March 1749, Neapel
Maria Josefa d'Espagne
birth: 6 July 1744, Madrid
death: 8 December 1801, Madrid
Maria Teresa d'Espagne
birth: 2 December 1749, Madrid
death: 2 May 1750, Madrid
Gabriel d'Espagne
birth: 11 May 1752, Portici
marriage: Marie-Anne de Portugal
death: 23 November 1788, Madrid
Marianna d'Espagne
birth: 3 July 1754, Portici
death: 11 May 1755, Portici
Francisco d'Espagne
birth: 15 February 1757, Portici
death: 10 April 1771, Portici
Felipe Antonio of Bourbon
birth: 13 June 1747
death: 19 September 1777
== 3 ==

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