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Barbara Copening b. 11 May 1815

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Lineage Copening
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Barbara Copening

Jacob Corpening [Corpening] b. 27 March 1782 d. 30 April 1853

Elizabeth Whitener [Whitener] b. 28 February 1783 d. 3 June 1864

Reference numbers GEDCOM::danhyde.ged::INDI @I06704@::Hailey C. Shannon


11 May 1815 birth: N.C.

From grandparents to grandchildren

John Corpening
birth: after 1747, France or Germany/Germany
death: 1804, Sumerste Co. Penn. was Bedford co 1st.
Albert Corpening
birth: 16 March 1746, Germany or United Netherlands/Germany, /47
military service: Records show that Albert Corpening was a supplier of "sundries" to troops during the revolutionary war, and therefore considered a "hero" of the war.
marriage: Barbara Probst (Propts) , Maryland Or Pensylvania
death: 18 October 1827, Burke County N.C.
Barbara Probst (Propts)
birth: 1 February 1754, Germany
marriage: Albert Corpening , Maryland Or Pensylvania
death: about 1827
John Corpening
birth: 8 April 1775, Pennsylvania
death: 8 November 1834, N.C.
burial: N.C.
Polly Corpening
birth: about 1777, N.C.
Abraham Corpening
birth: about 1779, N.C.
Catherine Corpening
birth: about 1781, N.C.
Elizabeth Corpening
birth: about 1783, N.C.
Jacob Corpening
birth: 27 March 1782, Burke North Carolina
marriage: Elizabeth Whitener
marriage: Elizabeth Whitener
death: 30 April 1853, Burke County N.C.
Elizabeth Whitener
birth: 28 February 1783, N.C.
marriage: Jacob Corpening
death: 3 June 1864, N.C.
== 3 ==
Daniel Copening
birth: 27 November 1811, N.C.
Lawson Copening
birth: 20 May 1813, N.C.
Mary Copening
birth: 17 December 1816, N.C.
William Copening
birth: 25 January 1820, N.C.
Harriet Copening
birth: 29 March 1822, N.C.
Sophonia Copening
birth: 19 October 1823, N.C.
Albert Copening
birth: 11 September 1825, N.C.
Ψ Unknown Copening
birth: 5 October 1827, N.C.
Catherine Copening
birth: 1 October 1829, N.C.
burial: Van alstyne, Grayson, texas
Jacob Monroe Copening
birth: N.C.
birth: 7 April 1818, Lenoir Burke Co. N.C.
title: Judge
marriage: Nancy Puett
death: 18 April 1886, Farmersville, Tulare, Co. Calif.
burial: Copening Chapel Cem.
Barbara Copening
birth: 11 May 1815, N.C.
== 3 ==

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