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Ida van Louvain b. estimated 1065 d. 1139

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Lineage Hainaut
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Ida van Louvain

Henry II, Count of Louvain - [Hainaut] b. about 1020 d. after 1078

Adela van Betuwe [Cuyck] b. estimated 1050 d. after 1086


estimated 1065 birth:

1084 marriage: Balduin II von Hennegau [Flandern-Hennegau] b. about 1056 d. after 8 June 1098

estimated 1085 child birth: Arnulf van Henegouwen [Vlaanderen-Henegouwen] b. estimated 1085 d. after 1117

about 1087 child birth: Baldwin III de Avesnes [Flanders-Hainaut] b. about 1087 d. 1120

1095 child birth: Aelidis de Hainaut [Flandre-Hainaut] b. 1095 d. 1153

1139 death:


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begeeft zich als weduwe naar Klein-Azië om daar persoonlijk (doch vergeefs) een onderzoek in te stellen naar het lot van haar gemaal

From grandparents to grandchildren

Stephan IX
birth: about 1020, Lothringen
title: 1049, Kardinal, [[Person:426637]]
title: August 1057, Papst
death: 29 March 1058, Florenz
Gottfried III der Bärtige
birth: estimated 1010
marriage: Doda
death: between 21 December 1069 and 30 December 1069, Verdun
burial: Kathedraal Notre-Dame Verdun
Oda van Neder-Lotharingen
birth: estimated 1000
death: after 1047, datum van overlijden is 23 oktober
Frederik van Verdun
birth: estimated 1000
death: between 1021 and 1022, datum is 6 januari
Oda von Verdun
birth: 990
marriage: Lambert II van Louvain
death: after 1054
burial: Nivelles
Hendrik I van Leuven
birth: 994
death: 1038
Lambert II van Louvain
birth: 992, alternatief 995
children count: au moins 3
marriage: Oda von Verdun
title: from 1040 - 1054, Graaf van Leuven
title: from 1040 - 1054, Comte de Bruxelles
death: 19 June 1054, Nivelles, alternatief 1054 Doornik
burial: Nivelles, abbey
Unroch in de Betuwe
birth: estimated 1010
marriage: Nn van Isala en Lake
death: after 1073
Everhard van Teisterbant
birth: estimated 1015
Henry II, Count of Louvain -
birth: about 1020, Nivelles
title: between 1054 and 1078, Earl of Brussels
death: after 1078
burial: Nivelles
Adela van Betuwe
birth: estimated 1050
death: after 1086
burial: Nivelles
== 3 ==
Godefroid Ier de Louvain
birth: about 1063
title: comte de Louvain
title: between 1095 and 1139, Louvain, duc de Lorraine
title: between 1095 and 1139, Bruxelles, comte de Bruxelles
title: between 1095 and 1139, comte de landgrave de Brabant
marriage: Ida van Chiny
title: between 1106 and 1139, marquis d'Anvers
title: between 1106 and 1125, duc de Basse-Lotharingie
title: between 1106 and 1139, marquis d'Anvers
marriage: w Clémence de Bourgogne , 1125
death: 25 January 1139
burial: Affligem, abbaye d'Affligem
Hendrik III van Leuven
birth: 1063
death: 1095
Balduin II von Hennegau
birth: about 1056
title: 1071, Graf von Hennegau, als Nachfolger seines Bruders Arnulf III.
marriage: Ida van Louvain
death: after 8 June 1098, bei Nicäa, Kleinasien (heute türk.: İznik, Prov. Bursa, Türkei), Teilnahme am ersten Kreuzzug, erreicht Jerusalem nicht
Ida van Louvain
birth: estimated 1065
marriage: Balduin II von Hennegau
death: 1139
== 3 ==
Baldwin III de Avesnes
birth: about 1087
marriage: Yolanda van Gelre (de Guelders)
title: from 1098 - 1120, Graf von Hennegau, unter Regentschaft seiner Mutter (~ 1103)
death: 1120
burial: Bergen
Beatrix van Ath
birth: estimated 1095
Arnulf van Henegouwen
birth: estimated 1085
death: after 1117
Nicolas II de Rumigny
birth: 1095
death: 1163
Aelidis de Hainaut
birth: 1095
death: 1153
Adelheid Ermesinde de Namur
birth: 1115
marriage: Baudouin IV de Hainaut
death: 1 July 1169
burial: Mons (Belgium)
Baudouin IV de Hainaut
birth: estimated 1108
title: 1120, Comte de Hainaut, sous la régence de sa mère jusqu'en 1127
other: 1128, Lutte pour le Comté de Flandre après la mort de Charles le Bon, soumise au Comte Dietrich d'Alsace
marriage: Adelheid Ermesinde de Namur
fact 2: 1147, nouvel accès à la Flandre après le départ de Dietrich pour la deuxième croisade
death: 3 November 1171, Mons (Hainaut)
burial: after 8 November 1171, Mons (Hainaut), Saint-Waltrudis
Eustatius van Roeulx
birth: estimated 1120
death: about 1191, Palestina
Richilda Hainault
birth: estimated 1120

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