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Adalbert Alsace (Elsass) b. about 1000 d. 11 November 1048

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Line 2: Line 2:
<person> <person>
<sex>m</sex> <sex>m</sex>
- <clan>[[Clan:Lothringen]]</clan>+ <clan>[[Clan:Elzas]]</clan>
<fname>Alsace <fname>Alsace
Elsass</fname> Elsass</fname>
<name>Adalbert</name> <name>Adalbert</name>
<parents>132786,132787</parents> <parents>132786,132787</parents>
 + <children>134413</children>
<wiki_page>[[wikipedia:en:Adalbert, Duke of Lorraine]]</wiki_page> <wiki_page>[[wikipedia:en:Adalbert, Duke of Lorraine]]</wiki_page>
<language>en</language> <language>en</language>
Line 49: Line 50:
<place>[[Place:Thuin]]</place> <place>[[Place:Thuin]]</place>
</events> </events>
 + <desc></desc>
<version>0.2</version> <version>0.2</version>
</record> </record>

Revision as of 13:45, 4 June 2015

Lineage Elzas
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Adalbert Alsace
Other last names Elsass

w Gérard IV de Bouzonville [Girardi] b. about 990 d. 1045

Gisela von Oberlothringen [?] b. about 995

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Adalbert, Duke of Lorraine


about 1000 birth:

estimated 1025 child birth: w Ermensinde [Elzas] b. estimated 1025 d. after 1058

from 1045 - 1048 title: comte de Namur

from 1045 - 1048 title: comte de Metz

from 1047 - 1048 title: Duke of Upper Lorraine

11 November 1048 death: Thuin


  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Adelheid of Metz
birth: estimated 975
marriage: Hendrik van Speyer
death: between 19 May 1039 and 1046, datum is 19 mei
burial: kloosterkerk - Öhringen
Адальберт II Старшина Метцу
birth: 974, Князівство Франківське
title: Сааргау, Князівство Франківське, Старшина
marriage: Judith van Öhningen
title: from 1024 - 1033, Область Метц, Князівство Франківське, Старшина
death: between 31 January 1033 and 30 June 1033, Князівство Франківське
burial: Обитель Bouzonville, Князівство Франківське
Герман II Швабский
birth: about 950, Швабское воеводство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: Gerberga d'Arles (of Burgandy)
title: from 20 August 997 - 4 May 1003, Швабское воеводство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, герцог Швабии, 9-й
marriage: 998
death: 4 May 1003, Швабское воеводство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
Itha van Öhningen
birth: estimated 940
marriage: Rudolf II Guelph (van Altdorf)
death: after 1000, datum is 16 oktober
Nn van Öhningen
birth: estimated 965
marriage: Frederik
Liutold van de Sundgau
birth: estimated 980
death: before 1044
Judith van Öhningen
marriage: Адальберт II Старшина Метцу
birth: estimated 985
death: between 1033 and 1038, datum is 27 juli
Ида Верхне-Лотарингская
birth: about 23 July 995
marriage: Ratbod (Radbod) (Rathbod) von Habsburg
death: after 1035, Бур, Мури
Hildegarde van Metz
birth: 984
death: 1040
Gérard IV de Bouzonville
birth: about 990
marriage: Gisela von Oberlothringen
title: from 1033 - 1045, comte de Metz
death: 1045
burial: Bouzonville
Gisela von Oberlothringen
birth: about 995
marriage: Gérard IV de Bouzonville
burial: Bouzonville, Kloster
== 3 ==
Gerhard Alsace
birth: about 1030
marriage: Hedwig van Namen
title: 1045, comte de Metz
title: 11 November 1048, comte de Châtenois
death: 14 April 1070, Remiremont
Adalbert Alsace (Elsass)
birth: about 1000
title: from 1045 - 1048, comte de Namur
title: from 1045 - 1048, comte de Metz
title: from 1047 - 1048, Duke of Upper Lorraine
death: 11 November 1048, Thuin
== 3 ==
Willem VII (Pierre-Guillaume) of Aquitaine
birth: 1023
marriage: w Ermensinde
death: 1058, Saumur
burial: St Nicolaaspriorij in Poitiers
birth: estimated 1025
marriage: Willem VII (Pierre-Guillaume) of Aquitaine
death: after 1058, Rome
Agnès de Poitiers
title: 1069, Reine de Leon
marriage: (дубль) Альфонсо VI Храбрый
title: 1072, Reine de Castille
death: 1078
Gerhard III von Wassenberg
birth: about 1060
marriage: w Clemence van Aquitanië
death: before 8 March 1129
Konrad I von Luxemburg
birth: about 1040
children count: au moins 6 (4+2)
marriage count: 2
marriage: w Clemence van Aquitanië
title: from 14 August 1059 - 8 August 1086, Comte de Luxembourg
death: 8 August 1086, Italien
burial: 1090, Luxemburg, Altmünster abdij te Luxemburg
Peter I von Savoyen
birth: 1048
marriage: Agnès d'Aquitaine
title: 1060, Graf von Savoyen
death: 1078

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