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Rudolf II Guelph (van Altdorf) b. 927 d. about 992

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Lineage Guelph
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Rudolf II Guelph
Other last names van Altdorf

Рудольф I из Альтдорфа [Вельфы] b. estimated 895 d. about 950

Siburgis [?] b. estimated 910


927 birth:

marriage: Itha van Öhningen [Konradijnen] b. estimated 940 d. after 1000

estimated 965 child birth: w Welf II van Lechrain [Welfen] b. estimated 965 d. 10 March 1030

estimated 980 child birth: Kuno I Guelph (van Altdorf) [Guelph] b. estimated 980 d. after 1020

about 992 death: datum ongeveer 10 maart

burial: Weingarten


Graaf van Altdorf

From grandparents to grandchildren

Hendrik I van Altdorf
birth: estimated 870
marriage: Atha van Ellinrath
death: about 934
Zwentibold of Lothringen (Arnulfsson)
birth: between 870 and 871, unehelicher Sohn von Arnulf von Kärnten
title: from 895 - 900, König, Lothringen
marriage: Uda of Saxony
death: 13 August 900
Louis IV
birth: between September 893 and October 893, Altötting
title: from 4 February 900 - 911, König des Ostfrankenreiches
death: between 20 September 911 and 24 September 911, Frankfurt am Main, die Ortsangabe ist eine Vermutung
burial: Regensburg, Kloster St. Emeram,
Рудольф I из Альтдорфа
birth: estimated 895, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: Siburgis
death: about 950, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, datumis 10 maart
burial: Альтдорф, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
== 3 ==
Itha van Öhningen
birth: estimated 940
marriage: Rudolf II Guelph (van Altdorf)
death: after 1000, datum is 16 oktober
Rudolf II Guelph (van Altdorf)
birth: 927
marriage: Itha van Öhningen
death: about 992, datum ongeveer 10 maart
burial: Weingarten
== 3 ==
Kuno I Guelph (van Altdorf)
birth: estimated 980
death: after 1020
Ermengarde de Luxembourg
birth: estimated 990
marriage: w Welf II van Lechrain
death: after 1057, datum is 21 augustus
burial: Altomunster
Welf II van Lechrain
birth: estimated 965
marriage: Ermengarde de Luxembourg
death: 10 March 1030
burial: klooster Weingarten
Albert-Azzo II van Este
birth: 10 July 1009
marriage: w Cunigonde d'Altdorf (d'Este)
marriage: Garsende of Maine , 2
death: 20 August 1097
burial: Legnago, Abbey of Vangadizza
Cunigonde d'Altdorf (d'Este)
birth: 1020, Weingarten, margraviat d'Autriche
marriage: Albert-Azzo II van Este
death: 31 August 1057
burial: Badia Polesine
Poppo II van Rot
birth: estimated 980
marriage: Nn van Altdorf
death: after 1040
Eberhard VI van Nellenburg
birth: estimated 1015
marriage: Ita van Altdorf
death: 26 March 1078, Schaffhausen
Ita van Altdorf
birth: estimated 1025
marriage: Eberhard VI van Nellenburg
death: about 1105, datum is 2 maart

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