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Swatana de Bohême

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Lineage Přemyslide
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Swatana de Bohême

Vladislav I de Bohême [Premyslid] b. 1065 d. 12 April 1125

w Рікеза фон Берг [Берги] d. 27 September 1125

From grandparents to grandchildren

Conrad de Znojmo (Conrad Ier)
birth: about 1036
marriage: Wirpirka de Tengling
death: 6 September 1092, Prague
Spithiniev II
birth: 1031
marriage: Hidda von Wettin
title: 1055, Prince de Moravie
death: 28 January 1061
Adelaide Arpad
birth: about 1045
marriage: Vratislav II ? (Wratysław II)
title: 1057, Princesse de Bohême
title: 28 January 1061, Duchesse de Bohême
death: 27 January 1062
Vratislav II ? (Wratysław II)
birth: about 1035
marriage: Adelaide Arpad
title: 1061, prince de Bohême
marriage: Świętosława of Poland
title: 15 June 1086, roi de Bohême
death: 14 January 1092
Boleslav II ? (Щедрий)
birth: about 1042
title: from 1058 - 1076, książę Polski
marriage: Visheslava Ruricovich
title: from 1076 - 1079, król Polski
death: 2 April 1081
Vladyslav I Herman
birth: about 1043
marriage: w Кристина Правдзивецкая
title: from 1079 - 4 June 1102, Князь Польши
marriage: Judyta Maria Salicka
marriage: Judith of Swabia
death: 4 June 1102
birth: 16 April 1045
death: 28 January 1065
Świętosława of Poland
birth: about 1046
marriage: Vratislav II ? (Wratysław II)
title: 1062, Duchesse de Bohême
title: 15 June 1086, Reine de Bohême
death: 1 September 1126
Генріх фон Берг
birth: Святе Римське царство
Judyta Maria Salicka
birth: 1058
marriage: Vladyslav I Herman
title: 1082, Duchesse de Pologne
death: 25 December 1086
Bretislav II
birth: about 1060
title: 14 January 1092, Duke of Bohemia
marriage: Luitgarde de Windberg et Bogen , Königreich Böhmen, Heiliges Römisches Reich
death: 22 December 1100, murdered
Borzevoi II
birth: about 1064
marriage: Gerberge d'Autriche
title: 1100, Duc de Bohême
death: 2 February 1124, Prague
Sobieslav I
birth: about 1075
title: 1115, Duc de Znojmo et de Brno
marriage: Adleyta von Ungarn
title: 1125, Duc de Bohême
death: 14 February 1140
Vladislav I de Bohême
birth: 1065
marriage: w Рікеза фон Берг
title: 1109, duc de Bohême
death: 12 April 1125
Рікеза фон Берг
title: about 1100, Святе Римське царство
marriage: Vladislav I de Bohême
title: 1109, Богемське князівство, Святе Римське царство, княгиня (герцогиня)
death: 27 September 1125, Богемське князівство, Святе Римське царство
== 3 ==
Vladislav II de Bohême
birth: about 1110
marriage: Гертруда фон Бабенберг
title: 17 February 1140, Prince de Bohême
other: 1172, Roi de Bohême
marriage: Judith of Thuringia
death: 18 January 1174
Depold de Jemnice
marriage: Gertrud
death: 15 August 1167
== 3 ==

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