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Maria Cristina Ferdinanda of the Two Sicilies b. 27 April 1806 d. 22 August 1878
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Bourbon-Two Sicilies |
Sex | Female |
Full name (at birth) | Maria Cristina Ferdinanda of the Two Sicilies |
♂ Francis Gennaro Giuseppe ? (Francis I of the Two Sicilies) [Bourbon-Two Sicilies] b. 14 August 1777 d. 8 November 1830 ♀ María Isabel de Borbón y Borbón-Parma [Bourbon-Anjou] b. 4 July 1789 d. 13 September 1848 | |
Wiki-page | wikipedia:Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies |
27 April 1806 birth: Palermo, Sicily
from 11 December 1829 - 1833 title: Queen Consort of Spain
11 December 1829 marriage: Madrid, Spain, ♂ Ferdinand VII Bourbon [Bourbon-Anjou] b. 14 October 1784 d. 29 September 1833
10 October 1830 child birth: Madrid, Spain, ♀ María Isabel Luisa de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias (Isabella II) [Bourbon-Anjou] b. 10 October 1830 d. 10 April 1904
30 January 1832 child birth: ♀ María Luísa Fernanda of Spain [Bourbon-Anjou] b. 30 January 1832 d. 2 February 1897
1833 marriage: secret, morganatique, ♂ Агустин Фернандо Муньос-и-Санчес [Муньос] b. 1808 d. 1873
from 1833 - 1840 title: Regentin von Spanien
November 1834 child birth: Мадрид, ♀ Мария Ампаро Муньйоз [Муньос] b. November 1834 d. August 1864
8 November 1835 child birth: El Pardo, ♀ María de los Milagros Muñoz y de Borbon (1. Marquise von Castillejo) [Muñoz] b. 8 November 1835 d. 9 July 1903
22 August 1878 death:
From grandparents to grandchildren

marriage: ♂ Людовик XVI Бурбон
title: 16 May 1770, Versailles (78), Dauphine de France
title: 10 May 1774, France
other: 11 June 1775, Saint-Denis (93), Sacre
title: 4 September 1791, Paris (75), Reine des Français
death: 16 October 1793, Paris (75)

marriage: ♀ Maria Louisa of Bourbon , Madrid, Spain
title: 18 August 1765, Vienna (Austria), Grand-duc de Toscane
title: 20 February 1790, Vienna (Austria), Empereur Romain, Roi de Bohême, de Hongrie et Archiduc d'Autriche
death: 1 March 1792, Vienna (Austria)

marriage: ♀ Isabella Maria of Parma
title: 27 March 1764, Archduke of Austria
marriage: ♀ Marie Josephe Antonie Walburga Felicitas Regula of Bavaria
title: from 18 August 1765 - 20 February 1790, Holy Roman Emperor
title: 20 November 1780, King of Croatia and Slavonia
death: 20 February 1790

title: 1766, Archiduchesse d'Autriche
death: 19 November 1789

marriage: ♂ Albert Kasimir von Sachsen-Teschen
title: 8 April 1766, Vienne (Autriche), Duchesse de Saxe-Teschen
death: 24 June 1798, Vienne (Autriche)

death: 7 June 1740, Vienne (Autriche)

death: 25 January 1741, Vienne (Autriche)

title: 1781, Abbesse du chapitre des Dames nobles d'Innsbruck
death: 22 September 1808, Linz

death: 18 January 1761, Vienne (Autriche)

title: 19 July 1769, Colorno, Duchesse de Parme, de Plaisance et de Guastalla
marriage: ♂ Fernando I de Parma Borbón de Parma , Colorno
death: 18 June 1804, Prague
death: 17 September 1748, Vienne (Autriche)

death: 23 December 1762, Vienne (Autriche)

death: 15 October 1767, Vienne (Autriche)

marriage: ♀ Maria Beatrice d'Este , Mailand
death: 24 December 1806, Vienne (Autriche)

title: 1780, Hochmeister des Deutschen Ordens
title: 1784, Köln, Erzbischof von Köln
title: 1784, Münster, Bischof von Münster
death: 26 July 1801, Schloss Hetzendorf, Wien, Österreich

title: from 24 November 1745 - 10 August 1759, Innsbruck, Duchesse d'Autriche
title: from 10 August 1759 - 16 February 1764
title: from 16 February 1764 - 18 August 1765, Erzherzogin von Österreich, Prinzessin von Ungarn und Böhmen
marriage: ♂ Peter II Leopold Joseph Habsburg-Lorraine , Madrid, Spain
title: from 18 August 1765 - 20 February 1790, Die Großherzogin von Toskana
title: from 20 February 1790 - 1 March 1792, Vienna (Austria), Impératrice du Saint-Empire, Reine de Bohême, de Hongrie et Archiduchesse d'Autriche
title: from 1 March 1792 - 15 May 1792, Die Kaiserinwitwe des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, die verwitwete Erzherzogin von Österreich, Witwe Königin von Ungarn und Böhmen
death: 15 May 1792, Vienna (Austria)

title: 6 October 1760, smallpox
marriage: ♂ Joseph II Benedikt August Johannes Anton Michel Adam of Habsburg-Lorraine
death: 27 November 1763, Vienne (Autriche)

title: 18 July 1765, Duque de Parma, Piacenza y Guastalla
marriage: ♀ Maria Amalia d'Autriche , Colorno
death: 9 October 1802, Fontevivo, Parma, Emilia-Romaña, Italia

marriage: ♂ Карл Феликс Савойский
title: 6 April 1807, Turin, Comtesse de Carmagnole et Marquise de Suse
title: 1815, Duchesse de Genève
title: 12 March 1821, Turin, Duchesse de Savoie, Reine de Sardaigne et Princesse du Piémont
death: 11 March 1849
marriage: ♂ Louis Philippe d'Orléans (Louis Philippe I) , Palermo, Sicily, Kingdom of Naples
title: 25 November 1809, Duchess of Orléans
title: from 9 August 1830 - 24 February 1848, Queen of the French
death: 24 March 1866, Surrey (England), United Kingdom, Claremont House

title: 4 October 1802, Princess of Asturias
marriage: ♂ Ferdinand VII Bourbon
death: 21 May 1806

title: 15 August 1790, Vienna (Austria), Archduchess of Austria
marriage: ♂ Franz Joseph Karl von Habsburg-Lothringen
title: 1 March 1792, Vienna (Austria), Empress of the Holy Roman Empire and Queen of Hungary and Bohemia
title: 11 August 1804, Vienna (Austria), Empress of Austria
death: 13 April 1807, Vienna (Austria)

title: 15 August 1790, Naples, Grand Duchess of Tuscany
marriage: ♂ Ferdinando Giuseppe Giovanni Baptista Habsburg-Tuscany , Florence (Italy)
death: 19 September 1802, Florence (Italy)
death: 1 January 1789, Palast von Caserta, Kampanien, Italien

death: 19 February 1783, Caserta, Italy, Palace of Caserta

title: 2 July 1790, Prinz von Salerno
marriage: ♀ Clémentine d'Autriche , Schloss Schönbrunn, Wien, Österreich
death: 10 March 1851, Neapel, Kampanien, Italien

marriage: ♂ Francis Gennaro Giuseppe ? (Francis I of the Two Sicilies)
title: 26 June 1797, Foggia, Princesse héritière des Deux-Siciles
death: 15 November 1801

title: 20 January 1819, Duke of Cádiz
marriage: ♀ Luisa Carlota Maria Isabella , Madrid, Spain
death: 13 August 1865, Madrid, Spain

title: 14 October 1784, Prince des Asturies
marriage: ♀ Maria Antonia of the Two Sicilies
title: from 1808 - 1808, König von Spanien
title: from 11 December 1813 - 1833, King of Spain
marriage: ♀ Maria Isabel of Braganza
marriage: ♀ Maria Josepha de Saxe , Madrid
marriage: ♀ Maria Cristina Ferdinanda of the Two Sicilies , Madrid, Spain
death: 29 September 1833

title: 8 May 1785, Queen Consort of Portugal
marriage: ♂ John VI of Portugal
title: 11 September 1788, Queluz (Portugal)
title: 20 March 1816, Lisbonne, Reine du Royaume-Uni du Portugal, du Brésil et des Algarves
death: 7 January 1830, Queluz (Portugal)
title: 20 January 1819, Rom, Duc de Molina
death: 10 March 1855, Trieste
marriage: ♂ Lodewijk I van Etrurië , Madrid
title: 25 August 1795, Madrid, Princesse de Parme
title: 9 February 1801, Lunéville (54), Reine d'Etrurie
death: 13 March 1824
death: 7 March 1774, Madrid, Spain, El Escorial Palace
death: 2 July 1782, Madrid, Spanien

marriage: ♂ Francisco de Paula Antonio Maria de Borbón y Borbón-Parma , Madrid, Spain
title: 12 June 1819, Madrid, Duchesse de Cadix
death: 29 January 1844, Madrid, Spain

marriage: ♂ Шарль-Фердинанд д’Артуа
title: 17 June 1816, Paris, Duchesse du Berry
title: 14 December 1831, Rom, Duchesse de La Grazia
marriage: ♂ w Hector Lucchesi-Palli , Rome
death: 16 April 1870
burial: Mureck, Steiermark

title: from 8 November 1830 - 22 May 1859, King of the Two Sicilies
marriage: ♀ Maria Cristina de Savoie , Naples
marriage: ♀ Maria Theresa Isabella of Austria , Naples (Italy)
death: 22 May 1859, Caserta, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

title: 13 August 1827, Count of Trapani
marriage: ♀ Maria Isabella of Tuscany
death: 24 September 1892
title: 19 July 1824, Principe da Sicilia, Coonde de Áquila
marriage: ♀ Januária de Portugal , Rio de Janeiro
death: 5 March 1897, Paris

marriage: ♂ Leopoldo Giovanni Giuseppe Francesco Ferdinando Carlo of Tuscany , Naples, Italia
title: 7 June 1833, Naples, Grande-Duchesse de Toscane
death: 7 November 1898

marriage: ♂ Pedro de Alcântara João Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocádio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga de Bragança e Habsburgo
title: 4 September 1843, Princesa das Duas Sicílias
death: 28 December 1889, Porto, Portugal

marriage: ♂ Sebastião de Borbón , Madrid
death: 6 November 1857, Madrid

title: 22 May 1813, Граф Сиракузский
marriage: ♀ María Vittoria Filiberta von Savoyen-Carignano , Neapel
death: 4 December 1860, Pisa

title: герцог Риансарес
military service: сержант Испанской королевской гвардии
marriage: ♀ Maria Cristina Ferdinanda of the Two Sicilies , secret, morganatique
death: 1873

title: 10 October 1846, King Consort of Spain
marriage: ♀ María Isabel Luisa de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias (Isabella II)
death: 17 April 1902, Épinay-sur-Seine, France

title: duque de Montpensier
marriage: ♀ María Luísa Fernanda of Spain
death: 4 February 1890, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spanien

title: książę
marriage: ♀ Мария Ампаро Муньйоз
marriage: ♀ Marguerite d'Orléans , Шантийи (город)
death: 23 June 1894, Boulogne-Billancourt, Francji
marriage: ♀ María de los Milagros Muñoz y de Borbon (1. Marquise von Castillejo) , Malmaison
death: 21 April 1913, Rom

marriage: ♂ Alfonso Francisco de Asís Fernando Pío Juan María de la Concepción Gregorio Pelay de Borbón y Borbón (Alfonso XII) , Madrid, Spain, Royal Palace
title: 29 November 1879, Archduchess of Austria
death: 6 February 1929, Madrid, Spain

title: Count of Paris
marriage: ♀ Marie-Isabelle of Orléans , London, England
death: 8 September 1894, Stowe (Buckinghamshire), Great Britain, Stowe House

title: 12 January 1846, Count of Girgenti
marriage: ♀ María Isabel Francisca de Asís Cristina Francisca de Paula Dominga de Borbón y Borbón , Madrid, Spain
death: 26 November 1871, Lucerne, Switzerland

title: князь
marriage: ♀ Марія Людвика Красінська , Warschau, Polen
death: 26 June 1937, Варшава

title: 22 October 1859, Madrid, Prince de Bavière
marriage: ♀ Maria de la Paz von Spanien , Madrid
death: 23 November 1949, Paris (75)
marriage: ♂ Giovanni Battista del Drago , Rom
death: 1 April 1933, Florenz