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Адам Людвиг Чарторыйский b. 5 November 1872 d. 26 June 1937

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Lineage Чарторыйские
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Адам Людвиг Чарторыйский

Władysław Czartoryski [Czartorysci] b. 3 July 1828 d. 23 June 1894

Marguerite d'Orléans [Orléans] b. 16 February 1846 d. 25 October 1893

Wiki-page wikipedia:ru:Чарторыйский, Адам Людвик


5 November 1872 birth: Париж

title: князь

31 August 1901 marriage: Warschau, Polen, Марія Людвика Красінська [Красінські] b. 24 March 1883 d. 23 January 1958

17 August 1902 child birth: Warsaw, Małgorzata Izabella Czartoryska [Czartoryski] b. 17 August 1902 d. 8 March 1929

1 September 1905 child birth: w Elżbieta Czartoryska [Czartoryski] b. 1 September 1905 d. 18 September 1989

20 October 1907 child birth: Warszawa, Józef August Antoni Maria Pius Czartoryski [Czartoryscy] b. 20 October 1907 d. 1 June 1946

1914 child birth: Anna Yolanta Czartoryska [Czartoryski] b. 1914 d. 1987

1918 child birth: Władysław Czartoryski [Czartoryski] b. 1918 d. 7 October 1977

1923 child birth: Teresa Czartoryska [Czartoryski] b. 1923 d. 1967

1927 child birth: Ludwik Czartoryski [Czartoryski] b. 1927 d. 1944

26 June 1937 death: Варшава

From grandparents to grandchildren

Тереза Чарторыйская
birth: 1765, Warschau
death: 13 January 1780
Maria Anna Czartoryska
birth: 15 February 1768, Puławy, Lubelskie, Polen
title: Prinzessin
marriage: Ludwig Friedrich Alexander von Württemberg
divorce: Ludwig Friedrich Alexander von Württemberg
death: 21 September 1854, Wien, Österreich
Константин Адам Чарторыйский
birth: 28 October 1773, Варшава
title: князь
marriage: Angelika Radziwiłł , Nieberów
marriage: Maria Dzierżanowska , Wien
death: 23 April 1860, Вена
Zofia Czartoryska (Zamoyska)
birth: 15 October 1778, Warszawa, 1780 (?)
marriage: Станислав Костка Сариуш Замойский
death: 27 February 1837, Florencja
Adam Jerzy Czartoryski
birth: 14 January 1770, Варшава, Королівство Польське, Річ Посполита
title: from 1804 - 1806, Санкт-Петербург, Російська імперія, Министр иностранных дел
marriage: Anna Zofia Sapieha (Czartoryska) , Radzyń Podlaski
death: 15 July 1861
Leon Sapieha
birth: 18 September 1802, Warschau
marriage: Hedwig Zamoyska , Puławy, Lubelskie, Polen
death: 11 September 1878, Schloss Krasiczyn, Podkarpackie
Anna Zofia Sapieha (Czartoryska)
birth: 17 October 1799, Saint-Germain-en-Laye
title: księżniczka
marriage: Adam Jerzy Czartoryski , Radzyń Podlaski
death: 24 December 1864, Montpelier
Ferdinand II Augustus Francis Anthony of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Koháry
birth: 29 October 1816, Vienna (Austria)
title: from 29 October 1816 - 9 April 1836, Prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
marriage: Maria da Glória Joana Carlota Leopoldina da Cruz Francisca Xavier de Paula Isidora Micaela Gabriela Rafaela Gonzaga
title: from 9 April 1836 - 16 September 1837, Prince consort of Portugal
title: from 16 September 1836 - 15 November 1853, King of Portugal and the Algarves
title: from 16 September 1837 - 15 November 1853, Король Алгарве
title: from 15 November 1853 - 16 September 1855, Regent of Portugal
death: 15 December 1885, Lisbon (Portugal)
August Ludwig Viktor of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield (Saxe-Coburg-Kohary)
birth: 13 June 1818, Vienna (Austria)
title: Prince of Kohary, 5th
marriage: Clémentine of Orléans , Saint-Cloud (France)
death: 26 July 1881, Ebenthal (Lower Austria), Schloß Ebenthal
Victoria Franziska Antonia Juliane Luise
birth: 14 February 1822, Vienna (Austria)
title: from 14 February 1822 - 27 June 1826, Princess of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Duchess in Saxony
title: from 27 June 1826 - 27 April 1840, Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duchess in Saxony
marriage: Louis Charles Philippe Raphael d'Orléans , Saint-Cloud (France)
title: from 27 April 1840 - 10 December 1857, Duchess of Nemours
death: 10 December 1857, England, United Kingdom, Clermont, Surrey
Фердинанд Филипп Орлеанский
birth: 3 September 1810, Палермо
title: герцог Орлеанский
marriage: Helene de Mecklembourg-Schwerin , Fontainebleau, Île-de-France, Frankreich, Château de Fontainebleau
death: 13 July 1842, Neuilly-sur-Seine (92)
Louise-Marie Thérèse Charlotte Isabelle d'Orléans
birth: 3 April 1812, Palermo, Sicily
marriage: Leopold I of Belgium , Compiègne, France
title: from 9 August 1832 - 1850, Reine des Belges
death: 11 October 1850, Ostend, Belgium
Clémentine of Orléans
birth: 6 March 1817, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, Château de Neuilly
marriage: August Ludwig Viktor of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield (Saxe-Coburg-Kohary) , Saint-Cloud (France)
death: 16 February 1907
Franz Ferdinand von Orléans
birth: 14 October 1818, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Île-de-France, Frankreich
title: Prince de Joinville
marriage: Franziska Caroline von Portugal , Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien
death: 16 June 1900, Paris
Antoine Marie Philippe Louis d'Orléans
birth: 31 July 1824, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Île-de-France, Frankreich
title: duque de Montpensier
marriage: María Luísa Fernanda of Spain
death: 4 February 1890, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spanien
Marie Christine d’Orléans
birth: 12 April 1813, Palermo, Sizilien, Italien
title: Herzogin von Württemberg
marriage: Friedrich Wilhelm Alexander Wurtemberg , Versailles (France), Palais du Trianon
death: 6 January 1839, Pisa, Italien
burial: St-Louis de Dreux (Chapelle royale)
Françoise d'Orléans
birth: 26 March 1816
death: 20 May 1818
Charles d'Orléans
birth: 1 January 1820, Paris
title: Duc de Penthièvre
death: 25 July 1828, Neuilly-sur-Seine
Henri-Eugène-Philippe-Emmanuel d'Orléans
birth: 16 January 1822, Paris
title: Duc d'Aumale
marriage: Maria Karolina Augusta von Neapel-Sizilien , Neapel, Italien
death: 7 May 1897, Giardinello, Italien
Louis Charles Philippe Raphael d'Orléans
birth: 25 October 1814, Paris, France, Palais-Royal
title: from 25 October 1814 - 26 June 1896, Duke of Nemours
marriage: Victoria Franziska Antonia Juliane Luise , Saint-Cloud (France)
death: 26 June 1896, Versailles (France)
Витольд Адам Чарторыйский
birth: 6 August 1822, Пулавы, Люблинское воеводство, Польша
title: князь
marriage: Мария Сесилия Грохольская (Чарторыйская) , Париж
death: 14 November 1865, Алжир, Франция
Izabella Elżbieta Czartoryska (Działyńska)
birth: 1830
title: księżniczka
marriage: Jan Kanty Działyński , Paris, Frankreich
death: 1899
Мария Ампаро Муньйоз
birth: November 1834, Мадрид
title: графиня Виста Алегре
marriage: Władysław Czartoryski
death: August 1864, Париж
Władysław Czartoryski
birth: 3 July 1828, Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Poland
title: książę
marriage: Мария Ампаро Муньйоз
marriage: Marguerite d'Orléans , Шантийи (город)
death: 23 June 1894, Boulogne-Billancourt, Francji
Louis Philippe Marie Ferdinand Gaston of Orléans
birth: 28 April 1842, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
title: after 28 April 1842, Duke of Orléans
baptism: 29 April 1842, Neuilly-sur-Seine
marriage: Isabel Cristina Leopoldina Augusta Micaela Gabriela Rafaela Gonzaga de Bragança , Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Capela Imperial
death: 28 August 1922, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ferdinand d'Orléans
birth: 12 July 1844, Neuilly-sur-Seine
marriage: Sophie Charlotte en Bavière , Deutschland
death: 29 June 1910, Wimbledon (London)
Blanche d'Orléans
birth: 28 October 1857
death: 4 February 1932
Marguerite d'Orléans
birth: 16 February 1846, Paris (75), pavillon de Marsan, élément du palais des Tuileries
marriage: Władysław Czartoryski , Шантийи (город)
death: 25 October 1893, Paris (75)
== 3 ==
Franciszek August Czartoryski
birth: August 1858, Paris, Frankreich
title: hrabia de Vista Alegre
occupation: монах-салезианец, католический священник
death: April 1893, Alassio
Witold Kazimierz Czartoryski
birth: 10 March 1876
death: 29 October 1911
Марія Людвика Красінська
birth: 24 March 1883, Варшава, Царство Польське, Російська імперія
marriage: Адам Людвиг Чарторыйский , Warschau, Polen
death: 23 January 1958, Канни
Адам Людвиг Чарторыйский
birth: 5 November 1872, Париж
title: князь
marriage: Марія Людвика Красінська , Warschau, Polen
death: 26 June 1937, Варшава
== 3 ==
Maria de los Dolores Bourbon Two Sicilies
birth: 15 November 1909, Madrid, Spain
title: 12 August 1937, Lausanne, Princesse Czartoryski
marriage: Józef August Antoni Maria Pius Czartoryski , Lausanne, Switzerland
marriage: Carlos Chias Osorio , Sivigliano
death: 11 May 1996, Madrid, Spain
Józef August Antoni Maria Pius Czartoryski
birth: 20 October 1907, Warszawa
title: książę
marriage: Maria de los Dolores Bourbon Two Sicilies , Lausanne, Switzerland
death: 1 June 1946, Sewilla, Hiszpania
Małgorzata Izabella Czartoryska
birth: 17 August 1902, Warsaw
marriage: Gabriel Maria de Bourbon-Sicile , Paris
title: 25 August 1927, Paris (75), Princesse des Deux-Siciles
death: 8 March 1929, Cannes
Стефан Адам Замойский
birth: 17 February 1904
marriage: w Elżbieta Czartoryska
death: 27 October 1976
Elżbieta Czartoryska
birth: 1 September 1905
marriage: Стефан Адам Замойский
death: 18 September 1989, Genève, Suisse
Elizabeth York
birth: 11 November 1925
marriage: Władysław Czartoryski
death: 22 August 1983
Władysław Czartoryski
birth: 1918
marriage: Elizabeth York
death: 7 October 1977
Ludwik Czartoryski
birth: 1927
death: 1944
Адам Кароль Чарторыйский
birth: 2 January 1940, Севилья, Испания
title: Князь
marriage: Nora de Piccotto , London, England
annulment: Nora de Piccotto
marriage: Josette Calil
Casimir de Bourbon-Siciles
birth: 8 November 1938, Varsovie
marriage: w Maria Cristina de Savoie-Aoste , Rio de Janeiro, Jacarezinho
Maria Margherita di Borbone Delle Due Sicilie
birth: 16 November 1934, Warschau
marriage: Luis Gonzaga Maldonado y Gordon
death: 15 January 2014, Madrid
Giovanni de Bourbon-Siciles
birth: 30 June 1933, Varsovie
death: 25 December 2000, Madrid
Elisabeth Maria Margarethe von Württemberg
birth: 2 February 1933
marriage: Antoine Bourbon-Two Sicilies , Bad Mergentheim, Althausen
title: 18 July 1958, Bad Mergentheim, Princesse des Deux-Siciles, Althausen
Antoine Bourbon-Two Sicilies
birth: 20 January 1929, Cannes
marriage: Elisabeth Maria Margarethe von Württemberg , Bad Mergentheim, Althausen
Zdzisław Zamoyski
birth: 1943, Washington (District de Columbia), États-Unis
Adam Zamoyski
birth: 11 January 1949, New York, États-Unis
Elżbieta Maria Radziwiłł (Potocka)
birth: 1939
title: księżniczka, hrabianka
marriage: Antoni Jerzy Jakub Potocki , Rio de Janeiro
Ludwik Czartoryski
birth: 13 March 1945
death: 3 May 1946

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