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Raden Nganten Soewari Soeyitno Joyowinoto [Hb.]
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Hamengku Buwono IV |
Sex | Female |
Full name (at birth) | Raden Nganten Soewari Soeyitno Joyowinoto [Hb.] |
♀ Raden Ayu Sujinah Tablek Sastropertomo [Hb.] [Hamengku Buwono IV] |
child birth: ♂ Raden Soemardi [Hb.] [Hamengku Buwono IV]
child birth: ♀ Raden Nganten Sumartiyah Warsito [Hb.] [Hamengku Buwono IV]
child birth: ♂ Raden Soemarto [Hb.] [Hamengku Buwono IV]
child birth: ♀ Raden Roro Soemardi [Hb.] [Hamengku Buwono IV]
child birth: ♀ Raden Roro Soemarni [Hb.] [Hamengku Buwono IV]
child birth: ♀ Raden Roro Soewardiyah [Hb.] [Hamengku Buwono IV]
child birth: ♂ Raden Mulyono [Hb.] [Hamengku Buwono IV]
child birth: ♀ Raden Roro Soemartinah [Hb.] [Hamengku Buwono IV]
child birth: ♂ Raden Soeyono [Hb.] [Hamengku Buwono IV]
child birth: ♂ Raden Suharyono [Hb.] [Hamengku Buwono IV]
From grandparents to grandchildren