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Mathilde van Cleef b. 1215

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Lineage Kleef
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Mathilde van Cleef

Dietrich IV (Theodoric) ? (of Cleves) [Cleves] b. 1183 d. 1200

Mathilde van Dinslaken [Dinslaken] b. 1190


1215 birth: Kleef, Duitsland

marriage: Philips van Rijningen [Rijningen] b. 1215

1235 child birth: Elias van Rijningen [Woudenberg] b. 1235

From grandparents to grandchildren

Heinrich VI.
birth: November 1165, Nimwegen
title: 15 August 1169, Römisch-deutscher König
marriage: Constance de Hauteville (of Sicily) , Milan, Italy
title: 14 April 1191, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
title: from 20 November 1194 - 28 September 1197, König von Sizilien
death: 28 September 1197, Messina
burial: Palermo
Othon I von Hohenstaufen (de Bourgogne)
birth: about June 1170
title: from 1189 - 13 January 1200, Comte de Bourgogne
marriage: Marguerite de Blois
title: from 1196 - 1197, граф Люксембурга, 10-й
death: 13 January 1200, Besançon
Philip Von Hohenstauffen
birth: August 1177
title: from 1190 - 1191, Bischof von Würzburg
title: 1195, Bari, Markgraf der Toskana
marriage: Irene Angelina , Bari
title: from 15 August 1196 - 21 June 1208, Duque da Suábia
title: 1198, Imperador do Sacro Império Romano-Germânico
death: 21 June 1208, Bamberg
burial: 22 June 1208, Bamberg
Friedrich VI
birth: February 1167, Modigliana
title: from 1169 - 20 January 1191, герцог Швабии
death: 20 January 1191, Akkon
Béatrice de Hohenstaufen
birth: between 1160 and 1162
death: 1174
Frédéric V de Souabe (Staufer)
birth: 6 July 1164
title: from 1167 - 1169, duc de Souabe
death: between September 1168 and November 1169
Konrad II von Schwaben
birth: 1172
title: from 1188 - 15 August 1196, герцог Ротенбургский
marriage: Berenguela I de Castilla
title: from 1191 - 15 August 1196, герцог Швабии
annulment: Berenguela I de Castilla , Celestino III declarará inválido el matrimonio
death: 15 August 1196, Дурлах
Райнальд (Рено)
birth: about 1173
death: 1178
birth: about 1176
death: after 1178
marriage bann: w Emmerich
death: 8 October 1184
== 3 ==
== 3 ==

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