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Maria Philipina d'Hauterive b. about 1736 d. 1792

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Lineage Hauterive
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Maria Philipina d'Hauterive

d'Hauterive [Hauterive]


about 1736 birth:

marriage: Peter Tepper de Ferguson [Ferguson] b. 1732 d. 1794

18 December 1768 child birth: Warsaw, Poland, Ludwig Wilhelm Tepper de Ferguson [Ferguson] b. 18 December 1768 d. 12 September 1838

1792 death:


Ludwig-Wilhelm Tepper de Ferguson was born in Warsaw as the sixth child and third son of the extremely wealthy Polish banker Peter Ferguson Tepper and his wife Maria-Philipina, née Valentin d'Hauterive.

In 1763, Peter Ferguson Tepper married Maria-Philippina Valentin d'Hauterive (c.1736-1792), daughter of a French emigrant who left France after the revocation of the Nantes edict in 1685. The 1770s-1780s were the time of their prosperity.

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 2 ==
Piotr August Walentyn d'Hauterive
birth: 1779, Warzawa
marriage: Elżbieta Jerzmanowska (d’Hauterive)
death: 28 January 1845, Słupno
Franciszek Walentyn d'Hauterive
birth: 6 January 1775
death: 20 June 1831
== 2 ==
Ludwig Wilhelm Tepper de Ferguson
birth: 18 December 1768, Warsaw, Poland
death: 12 September 1838, Paris, France

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