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Niall mac Echach (Noí-giallach) d. 405

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Lineage Uí Néill
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Niall mac Echach
Other last names Noí-giallach

(Eugene I) Eochaid Mugmeddon (Ethedius) [Longbeard] d. 365

Cairenn Chasdub (Carina) ? (Cruithentuaith) [?]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Niall of the Nine Hostages


child birth: Loeguiri mac Néill [Uí Néill] d. 458

child birth: Cairpre mac Néill [Uí Néill]

child birth: Conall Cremthann [Uí Néill]

child birth: Conall Gulbán [Uí Néill]

child birth: Eogan (Eugenius I) mac Néill [Uí Néill]

marriage: Rígnach Ingen Meadaib ? (Meadaib) [?]

marriage: Inne ingen Lugaid [?]

379 title: High King of Ireland

405 death: English channel, Killed by Eochaid, son of Enna Cennselach

burial: Ochann, now known as Faughan Hill in County Meath


This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

Keating, quoting a Latin Life of Saint Patrick, says that Niall led Irish raids on Roman Britain, and in one of those raids Patrick and his sisters were abducted. Keating associates these raids with those mentioned by Gildas and Bede, and deduces that, since some Irish sources say Patrick was abducted from Brittany, that Niall's raids must have extended to continental Europe as well

[edit] Sources

  1. Lebor Gabála Érenn -
  2. Annals of the Four Masters -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Fiacha Sraibhtine
death: about 322, Ferrach, County Meath
Muiredach Tirech
death: about 356
(Eugene I) Eochaid Mugmeddon (Ethedius)
title: 357, High King of Ireland
death: 365, Tara
== 3 ==
Fergus I (Fíachra) Mugmedon
death: died at Ferrach in Meath
Brión MacEchach (Muigmedóin)
death: slain at a second Battle of Damchluain
Niall mac Echach (Noí-giallach)
marriage: Rígnach Ingen Meadaib ? (Meadaib)
marriage: Inne ingen Lugaid
title: 379, High King of Ireland
death: 405, English channel, Killed by Eochaid, son of Enna Cennselach
burial: Ochann, now known as Faughan Hill in County Meath
== 3 ==
Loeguiri mac Néill
title: 428, High King of Ireland
death: 458, Grellach da Phil
Lugaid mac Loeguiri
title: 478, High King of Ireland
death: 503

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