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Harsiotef ? (of Meroe)

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Lineage ?
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Harsiotef ?
Other last names of Meroe

(Queen) Atasamale ? (Atossa) [?]

Amanineteyerike ? (Irike-Amannote) [?]


child birth: Amanibakhi [?]

between -404 and -369 title:

between -335 and -310 child birth: King of Kush, Nastasen ? (Nastasen Ankhkhare) [?] b. between -335 and -310


Horus name: Kanakht Khaemnepet ("Mighty Bull appears in Napata") Nebty Name: Nednetjeru ("Who seeks the council of Gods") Golden Horus Name: Uftikhesutnebut ("Subduer given all the Desert Lands") Prenomen: Sameryamun ("Beloved son of Amun") Nomen: Harsiotef ("Horus Son of his Father")

From grandparents to grandchildren

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