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Wilhelm d'Autriche b. 1370 d. 15 June 1406

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Lineage Habsbourg
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Wilhelm d'Autriche

Leopold III of Austria [Habsburg] b. 1 November 1351 d. 9 July 1386

Viridis Visconti [Visconti] b. 1352 d. 1 March 1414

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Wilhelm (Österreich)


1370 birth: Vienne (Autriche)

8 July 1386 title: Duc d'Autriche, de Styrie et de Carinthie

1401 marriage: Джованна II [Капетинги-Анжу-Сицилия-Дураццо] b. 25 July 1373 d. 2 February 1435

15 June 1406 death: Vienne (Autriche)

From grandparents to grandchildren

Elizabeth Habsburg
birth: 1285
marriage: Ferris III of Lorraine (Frederick IV)
title: 1304, Princesse de Lorraine
title: 13 May 1312, Duchesse de Lorraine
death: 19 May 1353
Rudolf I of Bohemia
birth: 1282
title: 1298, Duke of Austria
marriage: w Blanche de France
title: 16 October 1306, King of Bohemia
marriage: Elzbieta de Grande-Pologne , Poznań
marriage: Elzbieta de Grande-Pologne , Poznań
death: 3 July 1307, Horažďovice
Katharina von Österreich
title: 3 February 1295, Burghausen, Herzogin von Niederbayern
birth: October 1295, Wien
title: 4 August 1305, Budapest, Königin von Ungarn
marriage: Karl von Kalabrien
title: 1316, Herzogin von Kalabrien
title: 1318, Vize Königin von Neapel
death: 18 January 1323, Neapel
Anna d'Autriche
birth: 1280
marriage: Herman III Długi , Graz
title: September 1295, Margravine héritière de Brandebourg
title: July 1299, Margravine de Brandebourg
marriage: Heinrich VI von Schlesien-Breslau
title: 1311, Duchesse de Wroclaw
death: 1327
Leopold d'Autriche (Leopold Ier)
birth: 4 August 1290, Vienne (Autriche)
title: 1308, Duc d'Autriche et de Styrie
marriage: Catarina de Savoie
death: 28 February 1326, Strasbourg (67)
Агнесса Габсбург
birth: about 1281, Німецьке королівство, Святе Римське царство
marriage: Andrew III of Hungary , Відень, Австрійське воєводство, Німецьке королівство, Святе Римське царство
death: 11 June 1364, Вендіш, Німецьке королівство, Святе Римське царство, couvent de Königsfelden
Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich III des Romains)
birth: 1289, Vienne (Autriche)
title: from 7 January 1314 - 1330, Ulm, Roi des Romains
marriage: w Elisabeth von Aragón , Judenburg
death: 13 January 1330, Gutenstein (Basse-Autriche)
Отто Австрійський Габсбург
birth: 23 July 1301, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: Elisabeth de Bavière
title: 1330, Duc d'Autriche et de Styrie
marriage: Anna de Luxembourg , Znojmo
death: 17 February 1339, Vienne (Autriche)
Juditha von Habsburg
birth: 1302
death: 5 March 1329
Albert II of Austria
birth: 12 December 1298, Habsburg Castle, Swabia
marriage: Jeanne de Ferrette , Vienna (Austria)
title: 13 January 1330, Duke of Austria
title: 1335, Duke of Carinthia
death: 16 August 1358, Vienna, Austria, Duchy of Austria of the Holy Roman Empire
Jeanne de Ferrette
birth: about 1300, Bâle
title: 26 March 1324, Vienne (Autriche), Comtesse de Habsbourg
marriage: Albert II of Austria , Vienna (Austria)
title: 13 January 1330, Gutenstein (Basse-Autriche), Duchesse d'Autriche et de Styrie
title: 1335, Duchesse de Carinthie
death: 13 November 1352, Vienne (Autriche)
Galéas II Visconti
birth: 1320, Milan
title: co-seigneur de Milan
marriage: w Blanche von Savoyen
death: 4 August 1378, Pavie
Matteo II Visconti
marriage: Gigliola Gonzaga
death: 29 September 1355, ermordet
Barnabas Visconti
birth: 1323
title: seigneur de Milan
marriage: Beatrice Della Scala
death: 19 December 1385, Festung Trezzo
Cangrande II Della Scala
birth: 8 June 1332, Vérone
title: seigneur de Vérone
marriage: Elisabeth of Bayern
death: 14 December 1359, Vérone
Beatrice Della Scala
birth: about 1331
marriage: Barnabas Visconti
death: 18 June 1384
Albert III von Habsburg
birth: 9 September 1349
title: 27 July 1365, Duke of Styria
marriage: Elisabeth de Luxembourg , Vienna (Austria)
marriage: Beatrix von Zollern
title: 9 September 1379, Duke of Carinthia
death: 29 August 1395
Rudolf d'Autriche (Rudolf IV)
birth: 1 November 1339, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: Catherine de Luxembourg
title: 16 August 1358, Vienne (Autriche), Duc d'Autriche, de Styrie et de Carinthie
death: 27 July 1365, Mailand
Margarethe von Österreich
birth: 1346
title: 1359, Princesse de Bavière
marriage: w Meinhard III von Tirol
title: 18 September 1361, Zorneding, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
marriage: Йоганн Генріх фон Люксембург
death: 1366
Katharina von Österreich
birth: 1342
death: 1381
Friedrich III von Österreich
birth: 31 March 1347, Wien
death: 10 December 1362, Wien
Leopold III of Austria
birth: 1 November 1351, Vienna (Austria)
title: duc d'Autriche
title: duc de Styrie
title: duc de Carinthie
marriage: Viridis Visconti
title: 27 July 1365, Duke of Austria
death: 9 July 1386
Маддалена Висконти
birth: about 1366, Milan
marriage: w Фридрих Виттельсбах Баварский
title: 2 September 1381, Duchesse de Bavière
title: 1392, Duchesse de Bavière-Landshut
death: 24 August 1404, Burghausen
Elisabeth Visconti
birth: 1374
marriage: w Ernst de Bavière , Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm
title: 24 February 1396, Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Prinzessin von Bayern
title: 1397, Herzogin von Bayern-München
death: 2 February 1432
Taddea Visconti
birth: 1351, Milan
marriage: w Stephan III von Bayern
title: 1365, Princesse de Bavière
title: 13 May 1375, Landshut, Duchesse de Bavière
death: 28 September 1381, Munich
Antonia Visconti
birth: after 1350, vermutlich in Mailand
marriage: Eberhard Iii. von Württemberg , Bad Urach, Schloss Urach
death: 26 March 1405, Alten Schloss Stuttgart
Marco Visconti
birth: November 1353, Mailand
marriage: Elisabeth de Bavière
death: 3 January 1382, Mailand
Catherine Visconti (Visconti)
birth: about 1360, Milan, seignerie de Milan
marriage: Gian Galeazzo ou Jean Galéas Visconti
death: 17 October 1404, Monza, duché de Milan
Agnès Visconti (de Gonzague)
birth: 1363, Milan, seignerie de Milan du Saint-Empire romain germanique
title: dame de Mantoue par mariage
marriage: François Ier de Mantoue (de Gonzague)
death: 7 February 1391, Mantoue, décapitée
Charles Visconti de Parme
property: seigneur de Parme et de Creme
Lancelot Visconti
title: estimated 1370, seignerie de Milan du Saint-Empire romain germanique
death: 1441
Viridis Visconti
birth: 1352
title: 23 February 1365
marriage: Leopold III of Austria
title: 27 July 1365, Vienne (Autriche), Duchesse d'Autriche, de Styrie et de Carinthie
death: 1 March 1414, Vienne (Autriche)
== 3 ==
Ernest of Austria
birth: 1377
marriage: Margaretha de Poméranie , Bruck an der Mur
title: 15 June 1406, Герцог Штирии
marriage: Cimburga (Zimburga) of Masovia
title: 1414, Duke of Inner Austria
death: 10 June 1424
Friedrich IV of Tyrol
birth: 1382
title: 1402, Innsbruck
title: 1406, Comte du Tyrol
marriage: Elisabeth de Palatinat
marriage: Anna von Braunschweig
death: 24 June 1439, Innsbruck
Leopold d'Autriche (Leopold IV)
birth: 1371, Vienne (Autriche)
title: 8 July 1386, Sempach, Duc d'Autriche, de Styrie et de Carinthie
marriage: Katharina von Burgund , Vienne (Autriche)
death: 3 June 1411, Vienne (Autriche)
Elizabeth d'Autriche
birth: 1378
death: 1392
Katharina d'Autriche
birth: 1385
death: 1385
Джованна II
birth: 25 July 1373, Задар, Далмация
title: 1401, королева Неаполя
marriage: w Wilhelm d'Autriche
title: 6 August 1414, Naples, Reine de Naples
marriage: Jacques II de Bourbon , Neapel
title: 1415, Comtesse de La Marche et de Castres
death: 2 February 1435, Неаполь, Неаполитанское королевство
Wilhelm d'Autriche
birth: 1370, Vienne (Autriche)
title: 8 July 1386, Duc d'Autriche, de Styrie et de Carinthie
marriage: Джованна II
death: 15 June 1406, Vienne (Autriche)
== 3 ==

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