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Гликерия Яковлевна Голишевич (Гошкевич)

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Lineage Голишевичи
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Гликерия Яковлевна Голишевич
Other last names Гошкевич

Иаков Голишевич [Голишевичи]


caste: дочь священника

marriage: Антон Иванович Гошкевич [Гошкевичи(Гашкевичи)] b. about 1785 d. 12 August 1836

1814 child birth: Strelichev, Rechitsa district, Minsk Governorate, Iosif Antonovich Goshkevich [Goshkevich] b. 1814 d. 3 May 1875

1819 child birth: Андрій Антонович Гошкевич [Гошкевичи(Гашкевичи)] b. 1819 d. 25 May 1855

about 1821 child birth: Анна Антоновна Гошкевич [Гошкевичи(Гашкевичи)] b. about 1821

4 June 1824 child birth: Ivan Antonovich Goshkevich [Goshkevich] b. 4 June 1824 d. 5 November 1871

From grandparents to grandchildren

Иаков Голишевич
caste: из духовного сословия
other: священник /Білоруські губернії/
== 2 ==
Антон Иванович Гошкевич
birth: about 1785, священический сын
education: Могилевское духовное училище, по увольнении в 1804 году, определен Могилевской духовной консисторией в число канцелярских служителей
fact 1: в 1806 перешел в Минскую епархию, в 1809 присвоен сан священника
fact 2: священник в селе Стреличев Михайловской церкви,Речицкого уезда, Минской губернии (Минской епархии) с 1809 года
fact 3: в 1818 году,всемилостивейше пожалован крестом за 1812 год
marriage: Гликерия Яковлевна Голишевич (Гошкевич)
death: 12 August 1836
== 2 ==
Ганна Іванівна Веледницька (Гошкевич)
birth: 3 February 1836, Київ
caste: донька протоієрея
marriage: Ivan Antonovich Goshkevich , Kiev
Ivan Antonovich Goshkevich
birth: 4 June 1824
graduation: Master of Theology, Professor of Theology
christening: 11 June 1824, Brahin (Belarus), Rechitsa district, Minsk province
education: from 1832 - 1838, Slutsk, in Slutsk district theological school in semi-state funds
education: from 1838 - 1845, Minsk, at the Minsk Theological Seminary
education: from 16 August 1847 - 1851, Kiev, at the Kiev Theological Academy
fact 1: from 29 September 1851 - 13 June 1853, Poltava, Assistant Rector of Poltava Theological Seminary
marriage: Ганна Іванівна Веледницька (Гошкевич) , Kiev
fact 2: from 1 January 1852 - 12 March 1852, Poltava, Professor of Theology in the 2nd grade of the higher department of Poltava Theological Seminary
fact 3: 2 September 1852, Poltava, raised to a master's degree in theology
fact 4: from 14 June 1853 - 24 September 1855, Kiev, Professor of Kiev Theological Seminary
fact 5: from 24 September 1855 - 1 July 1857, Kiev, Assistant Inspector of the Kiev Theological Seminary
fact 6: from 24 July 1856 - 25 June 1857, Kiev, priest of the seminary Peter and Paul Church
other: from 25 June 1857 - 6 February 1858, Kiev, priest of the Kiev-Podilsky Assumption Cathedral
other: from 6 February 1858 - 1 May 1869, Kiev, priest of the Kiev-Podilsky Assumption Cathedral
other: from 2 November 1862 - 5 November 1871, Kiev, observer of church and parish schools of Kiev
other: from 1 May 1869 - 5 November 1871, Kiev, Archpriest of the Kiev-Podilsky Tsar-Constantine Church
death: 5 November 1871, Kiev, buried in Kiev-Podilsky Shchekovytsky cemetery
Iosif Antonovich Goshkevich
birth: 1814, Strelichev, Rechitsa district, Minsk Governorate
occupation: 1st Consul in Japan 1858-1865
other: State Councillor
death: 3 May 1875, Mali (Belarus), Mali village, Vilna province
Андрій Антонович Гошкевич
birth: 1819
marriage: Антоніна Адамівна
education: 1841, закінчив Мінську духовну семінарію
other: from 1846 - 25 May 1855, священик Миколаївської церкви села Якимової Слободи, Речицького повіту Мінської губернії
death: 25 May 1855, від сухот
Анна Антоновна Гошкевич
birth: about 1821
physical description: 1835, девица
Клавдия Андреевна/Александровна/ ? (Бакановская, Гошкевич)
birth: about 1863
caste: дочь сельского священника
occupation: акушерка в Киеве с 1891 года
marriage count: в 1-м браке Бакановская
marriage count: в 2-м браке Гошкевич с 1881 г.
marriage: Victor Ivanovich Goshkevich
Victor Ivanovich Goshkevich
birth: 1860, Kyiv
occupation: Ukrainian archaeologist, publicist, editor and founder of the Kherson newspaper "Yug" (1898-1907)
occupation: Secretary of the Provincial Statistical Committee and Titular Counselor (1904)
occupation: the first director of the Kherson Archaeological Museum (after the Museum of History and Local Lore) and its founder
other: local historian and public figure
marriage: Клавдия Андреевна/Александровна/ ? (Бакановская, Гошкевич)
death: 1928, Kherson
Mikhail Ivanovich Goshkevich
birth: 8 June 1853
education: graduated from the Vladimir University in Kiev in 1876
occupation: assistant of the Kherson provincial paramedic since 1881 and a gymnasium doctor
other: State Councillor since 1888
other: Active State Councillor since 1916
marriage: Олександра Миколаївна ? (Гошкевич)
Варвара Феодотовна Руденко (Гошкевич)
birth: 1869, Херсон
caste: дочь диакона
marriage: Leonid Ivanovich Goshkevih , Херсон, бракосочетание состоялось в Успенском Соборе
fact 1: 7 April 1893, Херсон, вышла замуж
death: 1947, Херсон
Leonid Ivanovich Goshkevih
birth: March 1868
other: abbot-archpriest (1947-1963), deacon of the Kherson churches (after the death of his wife he refused to accept monasticism and episcopal rank)
other: was a man of good soul, in 1920 he was arrested by the Kherson Cheka, known for his atrocities,
other: however, an unprecedented, crowded crowd of people followed the arrested priest, who forced the Chekists to release the father, so dear to many residents of Kherson.
other: he was awarded a medal in 1941-1945, in addition to this medal had many spiritual awards
other: was completely indifferent to politics, given that his son served in the army of Hetman Skoropadsky and later in the White Guard, the older brother was a monarchist and the middle brother Viktor Ivanovich Goshkevych was a patriot of Ukraine ...
other: and yet he was simply a highly spiritual man who deeply loved the people and the land on which he was born
marriage: Варвара Феодотовна Руденко (Гошкевич) , Херсон, бракосочетание состоялось в Успенском Соборе
death: 1963, Kherson
Mykola Ivanovych Goshkevich
birth: 1871
other: 1908, Kherson
occupation: before 1908, inspector of education
occupation: 1908, Head of the Lomza Educational Directorate
marriage: Елена Васильевна Ненайденко (Гошкевич) , Херсон
other: from 1916 -, A valid State Counselor
Антон Андреевич Гошкевич
birth: 1846
caste: духовного сословия
other: священник Кресто-Воздвиженской церкви села Носовичи,Речицкого уезда,Минской губернии
death: 28 March 1878, от чахотки
Андрей Андреевич Гошкевич
birth: 1852
caste: из духовного сословия
military service: рядовой 6-й роты Измаильского пехотного полка
death: 7 February 1885, Речица, Минская губерния, от чахотки
Лидия Мартыновна Струтинская (Гошкевич)
birth: about 1874
caste: дочь чиновника
marriage: Иосиф Иосифович Гошкевич
fact 1: 4 October 1896, Херсон, вышла замуж
Иосиф Иосифович Гошкевич
birth: 1872, от второго брака отца
caste: потомственный дворянин
occupation: статистик
occupation: Почётный мировой судья Виленского округа
marriage: Лидия Мартыновна Струтинская (Гошкевич)
death: 1911
Иосиф(Осип) Иосифович Гошкевич /младший/
education: закончил Александровский лицей в 1894 году
occupation: чиновник Министерства финансов
death: before 1929

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