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Jeroboam (Hieroboam) ? (King of Israel) d. -910

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Lineage ?
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Jeroboam (Hieroboam) ?
Other last names King of Israel

Nebat (Nebat) (Nabaoth) ? (of Zereda, Epherat and Minas) [?]

Zeruah [Araunah]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Jeroboam


child birth: Nadab ? (King of Israel) [?]

child birth: Abijam ? (Prince of Israel) [?]

title: Overseer of Tributary provinces of United Israel and Judah

other: Exile - to Egypt

between -931 and -910 title: King of Israel

-910 death: Tyre, Hebrew = Tyraz/Tirzah


This is a mythological character, it is not a real person.
Please don't put jokes or unreal persons in the database.
Records containing unreal information may be challenged and deleted.

Contemporary of Solomon (Shawdhabum) ? (ben David) (House of David, d. -931) and Hedjkheperre Setepenre ? (Shoshenq I (Sheshonk), Egypt - 22nd Dynasty) (?, b. -1030 d. -924)

It is possible that Jeroboam was a descendant of Samshoun (Sampson) Balak (The Nazarite) (Habiru Confederation - Dan, b. -1380) one of the last judges of Israel from the region of Zoreah.

[edit] Sources

  1. Третья_книга_Царств#11:26 - И Иеровоам, сын Наватов, Ефремлянин из Цареды, — имя матери его вдовы: Церуа, — раб Соломонов, поднял руку на царя.
  2. Третья_книга_Царств#14:1 - В то время заболел Авия, сын Иеровоамов.
  3. Третья_книга_Царств#14:20 - Времени царствования Иеровоамова было двадцать два года; и почил он с отцами своими, и воцарился Нават, сын его, вместо него.

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 2 ==
Jeroboam (Hieroboam) ? (King of Israel)
title: Overseer of Tributary provinces of United Israel and Judah
other: Exile - to Egypt
title: between -931 and -910, King of Israel
death: -910, Tyre, Hebrew = Tyraz/Tirzah
== 2 ==
Nadab ? (King of Israel)
title: between -910 and -909, King of Israel

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