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Kumskaka Cornstalk (Bailey, Christian, Mastin/Muston) b. 15 March 1770 d. 7 December 1853

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Lineage Cornstalk
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Kumskaka Cornstalk
Other last names Bailey, Christian, Mastin/Muston
Other given names Thomas

Elinipsico Cornstalk [Cornstalk] b. 1745 d. 10 October 1777

Standing Deer Bailey [Bailey] b. 1755



15 March 1770 birth: Washington (Virginia), USA

marriage: Louisa Harman [Harman] b. 1772 d. 1829

1816 child birth: Montgomery County (Pennsylvania), Cynthia Harman (Hall) [Harman] b. 1816 d. after 1860

7 December 1853 death: Tazewell County (Virginia), USA, Sinking Waters


Adopted by Thomas Mustain (Thoomas Mostuun/Mastin) (Mustain, b. about 1754)

[edit] Sources

  1. Holston past finder Issues 36-4. Holston Territory Genealogical Society, 1991. pp 36-42 -

From grandparents to grandchildren

(Chief) Hokoleskwa Cornstalk (Colesqua)
birth: 1715, Pennsylvania, USA
residence: South Carolina, Saludy River
marriage: Ounaconoa Moytoy
death: 10 November 1777, Point Pleasant (West Virginia), USA
Oconostota Coney Moytoy
birth: 1704, Cherokee (Tennessee), Washington County (Tennessee), Tennessee
death: 1783, State of Georgia
Bucksinwa Cornstalk (Wynepuechsika)
birth: 1735, Kispoko Town, Ohio
death: 10 October 1774, Point Pleasant (West Virginia)
Elinipsico Cornstalk
birth: 1745, Shawnee (Perry County Ohio), USA
marriage: Standing Deer Bailey
death: 10 October 1777, Fort Randolph (West Virginia), USA
== 3 ==
Louisa Harman
birth: 1772, Tazewell (Virginia), USA
marriage: Kumskaka Cornstalk (Bailey, Christian, Mastin/Muston)
marriage: 1792, Wythe County (Virginia), USA
death: 1829, Tazewell (Virginia), USA
Kumskaka Cornstalk (Bailey, Christian, Mastin/Muston)
birth: 15 March 1770, Washington (Virginia), USA
marriage: Louisa Harman
death: 7 December 1853, Tazewell County (Virginia), USA, Sinking Waters
== 3 ==
Ransom Hall
birth: 1812, Montgomery (Pennsylvania)
death: after 1860
residence: 1860, Liberty (Missouri), from 1860 census
death: before 1870
Cynthia Harman (Hall)
birth: 1816, Montgomery County (Pennsylvania)
death: after 1860
Thomas Hall
birth: about 1855, Missouri, US
Charles Marian Hulett
birth: 1848, Columbia (Missouri), US
marriage: Mary Elizabeth Hall (Hulett)
Gordon W Hall
birth: about 1836, Virginia, US
George Hall
birth: about 1838, Virginia, US
Hiram Hall
birth: about 1840, Virginia, US
John Hall
birth: about 1847, Virginia, US
Matthew Hall
birth: about 1852, Ohio, US
John Hall
birth: 1859, Missouri, US

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