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Solomon Woodworth b. 1775

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Lineage Woodworth
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Solomon Woodworth

Soloman* Woodworth [Woodworth] b. 4 May 1748 d. 7 September 1781

Pheobe* Thornton [Thornton] b. 27 December 1750

Reference numbers GEDCOM::halpat2.ged::INDI @I03824@::Hailey C. Shannon


1775 birth: Johnstown, Fulton, New York

From grandparents to grandchildren

Soloman* Woodworth
birth: 4 May 1748, Salisbury,Lithfield,Con.
marriage: Pheobe* Thornton , Salisbury, Lithfield, Con.
death: 7 September 1781, Fort Dayton,New York, Killed in Indian ambush
Pheobe* Thornton
birth: 27 December 1750, Gloucester, Providence, Rhode Island
marriage: Soloman* Woodworth , Salisbury, Lithfield, Con.
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Caleb Woodworth
birth: 7 April 1771, Salisbury,Lithfield,Con.
death: 13 April 1771, Salisbury,Lithfield,Con.
Elijah Woodworth
birth: 1773, Johnstown,Fulton,New York
Jane* E. Woodworth
birth: 1774, Mayfield, Montgomery, New York
marriage: Charles* Tripp , Johnstown , New York by: Rev. McIntire
death: 1846, Percy Twp., North Umberland County, Ontario, Canada
Solomon Woodworth
birth: 1775, Johnstown, Fulton, New York
== 2 ==

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