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Isaac I Komnenos b. about 1007 d. 31 May 1061

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Lineage Komnenos
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Isaac I Komnenos

Manuel Erotikos (Komenos) [Komnenos] b. between 955 and 960 d. about 1020

Wiki-page wikipedia:Isaac_I_Komnenos


about 1007 birth:

marriage: w Catherine of Bulgaria [Cometopuli] b. about 1010 d. 1063

from 8 June 1057 - 25 December 1059 title: Roi

31 May 1061 death:

burial: Constantinople, Stoudion monastery

[edit] Sources

  1. - * Voir, dynastie Comnène
  2. - * Voir, liste des empereurs byzantins

From grandparents to grandchildren

Isaak Komnenos
birth: 925, Constantinople, Constantinople, Byzantium
marriage: Maria Erotikos
Manuel Erotikos (Komenos)
birth: between 955 and 960, Istanbul, (Constantinople)
title: stratège
death: about 1020
== 3 ==
John Komnenos
birth: about 1015
title: kouropalates
title: Domestic of the Schools
marriage: Anna Dalassenos
death: 12 July 1067, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire, Turkey
Catherine of Bulgaria
birth: about 1010, Булгарське царство
title: Булгарське царство, царівна
title: Царгород, Римське царство, цариця (августа)
marriage: w Isaac I Komnenos
title: from 1 September 1057 - 1059, Царгород, Римське царство, цариця (імператриця-консорт)
death: 1063, Візантійська імперія
burial: монастир Студіон, Константинополь
Isaac I Komnenos
birth: about 1007
marriage: Catherine of Bulgaria
title: from 8 June 1057 - 25 December 1059, Roi
death: 31 May 1061
burial: Constantinople, Stoudion monastery
== 3 ==

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