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Charles Montagu (1st Lord Halifax) b. 16 April 1661 d. 19 May 1715

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Lineage Montagu
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Charles Montagu
Other last names 1st Lord Halifax

George Montagu (of Horton) [Montagu]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax


16 April 1661 birth:

about 12 May 1688 marriage: Anne Yelverton [Yelverton] b. 1628 d. 21 July 1698

about 1700 child birth: Montagu Barton (Sr) [Montagu] b. about 1700

19 May 1715 death:


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-> no child recorded anywere !

From grandparents to grandchildren

Charles Montagu (Montague) (Mountague) (of Blackwater)
birth: about 1561
marriage: Mary Whitmore
military service: 9 September 1595, Ireland, Blackwater Fort
death: Possibly Blackwater Virginia
Henry Montagu
birth: 1563, Boughton (Northamptonshire), England
marriage: Margaret Crouch (of Cornbury)
title: from 1626 - 7 November 1642, Earl of Manchester, 1st
death: 7 November 1642
Edward Montagu
birth: 1602
marriage: Anne Rich (of Warwick)
title: from 7 November 1642 - 5 May 1671, Earl of Manchester, 2nd
death: 5 May 1671
== 3 ==
Catherine Barton
birth: 1679
death: 1739
Charles Montagu (1st Lord Halifax)
birth: 16 April 1661
marriage: Anne Yelverton
death: 19 May 1715
== 3 ==
Montagu Barton (Sr)
birth: about 1700
Montagu Barton (Jr)
birth: 16 September 1717
death: 1790

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