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Sarah Jane Copening (sallie) b. 24 February 1859 d. 1 July 1932

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Lineage Copening
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Sarah Jane Copening
Other last names sallie
Other given names //

Jacob Monroe Copening [Copening] d. 18 April 1886

Nancy Puett [Puett] d. 15 October 1888

Reference numbers GEDCOM::danhyde.ged::INDI @I04746@::Hailey C. Shannon


24 February 1859 birth: Niangua Webster Co. Mo.

1 July 1932 death: Niangua Webster Co. Mo.

3 July 1932 burial: Prospect Cemetery Niangua, Webster Co. Mo.


1920 census Webster Co Mo Sallie Hyde 60 widowed Mo NC NC Aurther 23 Mo Mo Mo farm manager Homer 21 Mo Mo Mo farm manager Earl 17 Mo Mo Mo farm laborer Sallie J Hyde (71) was shown on 1930 census Webster Co. living with Arthur B. Hyde.

From grandparents to grandchildren

John Corpening
birth: 8 April 1775, Pennsylvania
death: 8 November 1834, N.C.
burial: N.C.
Polly Corpening
birth: about 1777, N.C.
Abraham Corpening
birth: about 1779, N.C.
Catherine Corpening
birth: about 1781, N.C.
Elizabeth Corpening
birth: about 1783, N.C.
Jacob Corpening
birth: 27 March 1782, Burke North Carolina
marriage: Elizabeth Whitener
marriage: Elizabeth Whitener
death: 30 April 1853, Burke County N.C.
Elizabeth Whitener
birth: 28 February 1783, N.C.
marriage: Jacob Corpening
death: 3 June 1864, N.C.
Mary Vestal
birth: 1786, Surrey Co. NC.
marriage: John III Puett
death: 1864, Caldwell Co. NC.
Joseph Puett
birth: 16 April 1794
title: Rev.
death: 8 January 1862
John III Puett
birth: 2 September 1798, Burk Co. NC.
marriage: Mary Vestal
marriage: Mary Polk
death: 1872, Caldwell Co. NC.
Daniel Copening
birth: 27 November 1811, N.C.
Lawson Copening
birth: 20 May 1813, N.C.
Barbara Copening
birth: 11 May 1815, N.C.
Mary Copening
birth: 17 December 1816, N.C.
William Copening
birth: 25 January 1820, N.C.
Harriet Copening
birth: 29 March 1822, N.C.
Sophonia Copening
birth: 19 October 1823, N.C.
Albert Copening
birth: 11 September 1825, N.C.
Ψ Unknown Copening
birth: 5 October 1827, N.C.
Catherine Copening
birth: 1 October 1829, N.C.
burial: Van alstyne, Grayson, texas
Jacob Monroe Copening
birth: N.C.
birth: 7 April 1818, Lenoir Burke Co. N.C.
title: Judge
marriage: Nancy Puett
death: 18 April 1886, Farmersville, Tulare, Co. Calif.
burial: Copening Chapel Cem.
Mary Puett
birth: 10 November 1824
death: 24 April 1884
burial: Hyde Cemetery Union twp East of Niangua
Lucinda Puett
birth: 1819, Burke Co.
death: 1910, Caldwell Co. NC.
Wm. Johnson Puett
birth: 1820, Burke Co.
death: 1884, Caldwell Co. NC.
Daniel Murchison Puett
birth: 28 May 1829, Burke Co.
death: 16 February 1914, Caldwell Co. NC.
Caroline Puett
birth: 1838, Burke Co.
Joseph Nelson Puett
birth: 1832, Caldwell N.C.
death: 4 July 1858
Nancy Puett
birth: N.C.
birth: 22 October 1822, Lenoir Bburke Co. N.C.
marriage: Jacob Monroe Copening
death: 15 October 1888, Niangua, Mo.
burial: Copening Chapel Cem.
== 3 ==
John Wesley Copening
birth: about 1841, N.C.
military service: John served in the 24th Reg., Mo. Vol. during the Civil War
death: 1864, Vicksburg, Miss.
burial: 3 June 1864, Vicksburg, Miss. Natl. Cem
William Monroe Copening
birth: 25 December 1854, Niangua Webster Co. Mo.
death: 4 October 1910, Haywark Oklahoma
burial: Copening Cem. Webster Co. Mo.
Mary Elizabeth Copening
birth: 18 August 1846, Burke Co. N. C.
death: 20 September 1924
burial: 25 September 1924, Copening Cem. Webster Co. Mo.
Harriet Frances Copening (Hattie)
birth: 15 September 1856, Niangua Webster Co. Mo.
death: 20 March 1932, Livingston Montana
burial: 23 March 2932
Lucinda Copening (cindy)
birth: 11 August 1851, Niangua Webster Co. Mo.
death: 4 May 1890
burial: 5 May 1890, Marshfield , Webster Co. Mo.
Martha Paralee Copening
birth: 17 December 1860
Nancy Ellen Copening
birth: 17 May 1864, Webster Co. Mo.
death: 17 September 1948
burial: Copening Cem. Webster Co. Mo.
Jacob Pinkney Copening
birth: about 1842, Burke Co. N. C.
military service: Jacob was in the 74th Enrolled Mo. Militia during the Civil War
death: 24 May 1864, La. on the mouth of the Red River
Joseph Ashberry Copening
birth: 18 June 1844, Burke Co. N. C.
military service: Joseph served in the 6th Provisional Mo. Militia during the Civil War
death: 28 December 1886, Near Vislia, Tulare Co. Calif.
burial: Visalia California
Ann Caroline Copening
birth: 7 September 1848, Burke Co. N.C.
marriage: Monroe Blackwell , At Jacob Copening's by Jackson Williams
death: 14 September 1945, Webster Co. Mo., Stroke died at home farn near Niangua Mo.
burial: Amity Cemetery Niangua Mo.
Sarah Jane Copening (sallie)
birth: 24 February 1859, Niangua Webster Co. Mo.
death: 1 July 1932, Niangua Webster Co. Mo.
burial: 3 July 1932, Prospect Cemetery Niangua, Webster Co. Mo.
== 3 ==

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