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Archambaud V de Périgord d. between 3 February 1396 and 26 February 1397

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Lineage La Marche
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Archambaud V de Périgord

Roger-Bernard de Périgord [La Marche] b. between 1302 and 1303 d. 8 February 1369

Eléonore de Vendôme [Montoire] d. after 1345

Wiki-page wikipedia:nl:Archimbald V van Périgord


child birth: Brunisende de Périgord [Périgord]

marriage: Louise de Matha [Matha]

between 1369 and 1395 title: comte de Périgord, destitué en 1395

between 3 February 1396 and 26 February 1397 death:


See all pages where this person is cited.


  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Эли IX Перигорский
birth: between 1258 and 1262
title: vicomte de Lomagne
marriage: Brunissende von Foix
title: from 1300 - 1315, граф Перигора
death: 1315
Konstanze von Foix
birth: about 1270
marriage: Johann I de Lévis
death: 8 September 1332, Leran
Gaston de Foix-Béarn (Gaston Ier)
birth: 1287
marriage: Jeanne d'Artois , Senlis (60)
title: 3 March 1302, Comte de Foix, Vicomte de Castelbon, de Béarn et Coprince d'Andorre
title: 1310, Vicomte de Marsan
death: 13 December 1315
John IV Montfort
birth: 1294, Hennebont, Brittany
marriage: Joanna Flanders , Chartres
title: 1330, Duc de Bretagne
title: 30 April 1341, Caen, Duc de Bretagne et Comte de Richmond
death: 26 September 1345, Hennebont, Brittany
John III of Brittany
birth: 8 March 1286
marriage: Isabelle de Valois
marriage: w Isabella von Kastilien , Burgos
title: from 1312 - 30 April 1341, Viscount of Limoges
title: 27 April 1312, Duke of Brittany
marriage: Giovanna de Savoie
title: 1334, Earl of Richmond
death: 30 April 1341, Caen
Peter Dreux
birth: 1312
Guy Dreux
birth: 1287
marriage: Joanna Goello
death: 27 March 1331
Mary Monfort
birth: 1302
death: 24 May 1371, Poissy (78)
Beatrice Montfort
birth: 1295
title: 2 March 1315, Dame héritière de Laval
marriage: Guy X de Laval
title: 22 January 1333, Landavran, Dame de Laval et d'Acquigny, Baronne de Vitré, Comtesse de Caserte et Vicomtesse de Rennes
death: 1384
Joanna Dreux (de Montfort)
birth: 18 July 1300
Jeanne de Bretagne
birth: 1296
title: 1323, Dame de Marle et de Cassel
marriage: w Robert de Cassel
death: 24 May 1364
Pierre d'Avesnes
birth: 1289
death: 1312
Agnès de Périgord
marriage: w Джованни Анжуйский
title: 14 November 1321, Duchesse de Durazzo et Princesse d'Achaïe
death: 1345
Roger-Bernard de Périgord
birth: between 1302 and 1303
title: 1336, comte de Périgord
marriage contract: Eléonore de Vendôme
death: 8 February 1369
Jean VI de Vendôme (Montoire)
title: Comte de Vendôme et de Castres
marriage: w Jeanne de Ponthieu
death: 1364
Bouchard de Vendôme (Montoire)
title: Seigneur de Segret et de Feuillet
death: about 1383
== 3 ==
Jeanne de Périgord
marriage: w Jean II d' Argmanac
title: 4 November 1359, Comtesse héritière d'Armagnac
title: 1364, Comtesse de Charolais
Archambaud V de Périgord
marriage: Louise de Matha
title: between 1369 and 1395, comte de Périgord, destitué en 1395
death: between 3 February 1396 and 26 February 1397
== 3 ==

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