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Hugh IV de Lusignan (de Cypriot) b. 1294 d. 10 October 1359

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Lineage Lusignan
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Hugh IV de Lusignan
Other last names de Cypriot

w Guy de Chypre (de Lusignan) [Lusignan] b. about 1275 d. 1303

Wiki-page wikipedia:Hugh_IV_of_Cyprus


1294 birth:

18 June 1318 marriage: w Alix d'Ibelin [Ibelin] b. about 1304

1324 title: König von Zypern

9 October 1328 child birth: Peter I von Zypern [Lusignan] b. 9 October 1328 d. 16 January 1369

1334 child birth: Jacques (James) de Lusignan (of Cyprus) [Lusignan] b. 1334 d. 9 September 1398

10 October 1359 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Маргарита Антиохийская
birth: about 1244
marriage: Jean de Montfort
death: 1308
burial: Никосия, Кипр
Hugues III de Lusignan
birth: 1235
title: from 1267 - 24 March 1284, King of Cyprus
fact 1: 24 December 1267, Nicosia, crowned in Santa Sofia
title: 1268, King of Jérusalem
death: 24 March 1284, Tyr (Lebanon)
Hugh III Lusignan (de Poitiers)
birth: 1235
title: 1267, roi de Chypre
title: 1268, roi de Jérusalem
death: 24 March 1284
Jean I de Lusignan
birth: 1267
title: from 1284 - 20 May 1285, король Кипра
fact 1: 11 May 1284, Никосия, Кипр, коронован в соборе Санта-София
death: 20 May 1285, Никосия, Кипр
Amaury II (Amalric) de Lusignan
birth: 1272
title: Prince of Tyre
occupation: between 1306 and 1310, gouverneur et régent de Chypre
death: 5 January 1310, Nicosia
Guy de Chypre (de Lusignan)
birth: about 1275
title: between 1291 and 1303, connétable de Chypre
death: 1303, assassiné
== 3 ==
Alix d'Ibelin
birth: about 1304
marriage: w Hugh IV de Lusignan (de Cypriot)
birth: 6 August 1386
Hugh IV de Lusignan (de Cypriot)
birth: 1294
marriage: Alix d'Ibelin
title: 1324, König von Zypern
death: 10 October 1359
== 3 ==
Helvis (Heloise) ? (of Brunswick-Grubenhagen)
birth: 1353
death: 15 January 1421
Jacques (James) de Lusignan (of Cyprus)
birth: 1334
title: 1382, roi de Chypre
title: 1393, roi titulaire d'Arménie
death: 9 September 1398
Eleonore von Aragon
birth: 1333
marriage: Peter I von Zypern
death: 26 December 1416, Barcelona
Peter I von Zypern
birth: 9 October 1328
marriage: Eleonore von Aragon
death: 16 January 1369
Charlotte Bourbon
birth: 1388
marriage: w Janus of Cyprus
death: 15 January 1422
Janus of Cyprus
birth: 1375, Genoa
title: 1398, King of Cyprus
title: from 1398 - 29 June 1432, король Иерусалима, титулярный
marriage: Charlotte Bourbon
death: 29 June 1432
Ladislas de Naples (Ladislas Ier)
birth: 15 February 1377, Naples
title: 24 February 1386, Roi de Naples
marriage: Constance de Clermont , Neapel
divorce: Constance de Clermont , Neapel
marriage: w Marie de Chypre , Neapel
title: 23 April 1407, Naples, Comte consort de Lecce
marriage: Mary of Enghien , Neapel
death: 6 August 1414, Naples
Marie de Chypre
birth: 1381, Gênes
title: 12 February 1403, Naples, Reine de Naples
marriage: Ladislas de Naples (Ladislas Ier) , Neapel
death: 4 September 1404, Naples

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