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Helvis (Heloise) ? (of Brunswick-Grubenhagen) b. 1353 d. 15 January 1421
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | ? |
Sex | Female |
Full name (at birth) | Helvis (Heloise) ? |
Other last names | of Brunswick-Grubenhagen |
Parents | |
Wiki-page | wikipedia:Helvis_of_Brunswick-Grubenhagen |
1353 birth:
1375 child birth: Genoa, ♂ w Janus of Cyprus [Lusignan] b. 1375 d. 29 June 1432
1381 child birth: Gênes, ♀ w Marie de Chypre [Lusignan] b. 1381 d. 4 September 1404
15 January 1421 death:
From grandparents to grandchildren

birth: between 1194 and 1195
title: from 1205 - 10 January 1218, King of Cyprus
marriage settlement: ♀ Alice of Jerusalem
marriage: ♀ Alice of Jerusalem , Nicosia, Cyprus
death: 10 January 1218, Tripoli (Lebanon)
title: from 1205 - 10 January 1218, King of Cyprus
marriage settlement: ♀ Alice of Jerusalem
marriage: ♀ Alice of Jerusalem , Nicosia, Cyprus
death: 10 January 1218, Tripoli (Lebanon)
♀ Бургонь де Лузиньян
birth: between 1176 and 1180
marriage: ♂ Раймунд VI Старшина Тулузький
divorce filed: ♂ Раймунд VI Старшина Тулузький
divorce: ♂ Раймунд VI Старшина Тулузький
marriage: ♂ Готье де Монбельяр (де Монфокон)
death: 1210
marriage: ♂ Раймунд VI Старшина Тулузький
divorce filed: ♂ Раймунд VI Старшина Тулузький
divorce: ♂ Раймунд VI Старшина Тулузький
marriage: ♂ Готье де Монбельяр (де Монфокон)
death: 1210
♂ Raymond-Roupen
birth: 1199
marriage: ♀ w Элоиза де Лузиньян
title: after 1199, "Rex Iunior" of Armenia
title: from 1205 - 1208, князь Антиохии
title: after 1216, князь Антиохии
death: between 1219 and 1122
marriage: ♀ w Элоиза де Лузиньян
title: after 1199, "Rex Iunior" of Armenia
title: from 1205 - 1208, князь Антиохии
title: after 1216, князь Антиохии
death: between 1219 and 1122
== 3 ==

birth: 1334
title: 1382, roi de Chypre
title: 1393, roi titulaire d'Arménie
death: 9 September 1398
title: 1382, roi de Chypre
title: 1393, roi titulaire d'Arménie
death: 9 September 1398
== 3 ==

birth: 15 February 1377, Naples
title: 24 February 1386, Roi de Naples
marriage: ♀ Constance de Clermont , Neapel
divorce: ♀ Constance de Clermont , Neapel
marriage: ♀ w Marie de Chypre , Neapel
title: 23 April 1407, Naples, Comte consort de Lecce
marriage: ♀ Mary of Enghien , Neapel
death: 6 August 1414, Naples
title: 24 February 1386, Roi de Naples
marriage: ♀ Constance de Clermont , Neapel
divorce: ♀ Constance de Clermont , Neapel
marriage: ♀ w Marie de Chypre , Neapel
title: 23 April 1407, Naples, Comte consort de Lecce
marriage: ♀ Mary of Enghien , Neapel
death: 6 August 1414, Naples

birth: 21 February 1413, Geneva
marriage: ♀ w Anne of Cyprus (de Lusignan) , Chambéry
title: from 1440 - 1465, Duke of Savoy
death: 29 January 1465, Lyon (France)
marriage: ♀ w Anne of Cyprus (de Lusignan) , Chambéry
title: from 1440 - 1465, Duke of Savoy
death: 29 January 1465, Lyon (France)